Tim Whitacre and I don’t always agree on everything, but we agree on the SAUSD’s fraudulent Measure G bond measure/tax increase. Here is what Tim has to say about Measure G:
Like a bad dream, “They’re baaaack”.same theme, same tactics, and similar cast of characters.
Before you vote yes on Measure G, ask yourself this: “Do I really want to be responsible for approximately THREE-QUARTERS OF A BILLION DOLLARS in unfunded debt that my Children and Grandchildren will have to pay for?”
Simply put, a Bond is a self-imposed tax. Voters willfully and unknowingly put themselves in “Bondage” for a long period of time to pay back the initial amount of the Bond plus all of the interest that accrues. Usually, the amount repaid is triple the amount you vote for on the ballot.
Taxes, like death, are color blind. They adversely affect everyone regardless of their ability to pay. A Bond is the worst kind of tax and should only be used as a last resort once every other option has been explored and applied to the problem. Clearly, this isn’t the case with SAUSD which is why we should not even consider a Bond at this time.
Measure G is nothing more than son of Measure C. Once again, those hardest hit by passage of this tax scheme (that’s truly what most Bonds are) are those who can least afford to pay: The poor and the elderly on fixed income. Because like C, G will be apportioned out according to property owners; apartment owners and commercial building owners will be hit the hardest with the biggest tax bills. They of course will pass on that increase in higher rents and higher costs of goods and services to the residents, so the TRUE COST of a Bond is much greater than what’s disclosed to the voters in the voting material. The financial implications are HUGE for decades to come.
I was the lone, vocal opponent to Measure C and advocated against at it at great personal costs. I was proven right about what would happen if it passed – and it did – we were duped; sold a bill of goods; we bought into “But it’s for the Children” mantra. Measure C was unnecessary, excessive and grossly mismanaged by an incompetent school board. I am concerned with more important things in my life at the moment so I couldn’t take an active stand against Measure G. However, I want to strongly encourage everyone receiving this reply to Glenn and Julie Stroud’s e-mail to staunchly OPPOSE Measure G. It is every bit as bad as Measure C.
A lot of the same “powers that be” who endorsed and rammed Measure C down our throats are behind Measure G. Even after admitting Measure C was a failure and a bad idea, they’re at it again. Allowing an elected body to pass a Bond is giving them a way out the back door from being accountable to the voters for their actions. Force the Board of Trustees to roll up their sleeves, put their petty differences aside and make the tough decisions necessary to put SAUSD back on a fiscally prudent and responsible track. We have to do it every month with our own finances – so should they with OUR tax dollars.
Look what we got with Measure C.that’s exactly what we’ll get with Measure G.we have a similar Board; we’ll have similar results.
The honest truth is we don’t need a Bond to fix what’s wrong with SAUSD. Whether or not you have children in the schools, this Bond will adversely affect you. The best, quickest fix we can make to SAUSD and our City is to vote for three qualified fellow residents in November to replace any of the current School Board Trustees up for re-election who are shoving Measure G down our throats with the help of outside special interest groups.
Haven’t we had enough of this? Haven’t we learned our lesson with Measure C?
There is no formal opposition to Measure G, this is it. It’s up to us to pass the word and hold the line against incumbency protection, cronyism and outside special interest groups meddling with our schools for the sole reason of big financial gains through the backroom deals made with our Elected Officials.
Truly, “For the Children; because of the Children,” vote NO on Measure G. DO NOT put this financial burden on their backs. We might pass it, but it’s the next generation or two who will pay for our mistakes because that’s how long it will take to pay off both Measure C AND Measure G. Buying into this regurgitated tax scheme and passing both Measure C and Measure G, will saddle the residents of Santa Ana with approximately THREE-QUARTERS OF A BILLION DOLLARS in debt after paying back the interest on this self-imposed tax. Now do you see why it’s called a Bond (Bondage)? J
If we all do something right now, we can stop another train wreck from happening. The proponents are hoping we’re too apathetic; too busy; too pre-occupied with other things to do anything about this. They’re wringing their hands and laughing amongst themselves about how easily it appears to manipulate us. Are they right?
IT’S URGENT YOU TELL ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS TO VOTE NO ON MEASURE G. If you’ve already voted “yes” by absentee ballot, you can negate that vote by voting in person either at the Registrar of Voters office or at your local polling booth. It really IS THAT IMPORTANT.
Semper Fi,
Tim Whitacre
What else should we do to get the word out? We have about 800 readers on a good day. I’m not thinking that’s enough. Ideas?
I hear Reyenoso might be available soon. We could send him door to door with Measure G material.
“We have about 800 readers on a good day.”
801, you forgot counting me!
If this Measure is good for our children & community, why Mayor Pulido and entire Council NOT given one cent to support it?
Their resolution in support of the measure is like everything else Mayor Pulido does……Lip service.
He talks a good game but has nothing for this community or its children.
A lack of parks and libraries.
Poor schools that fail 50% of the children in them.
Bad streets and a lack of police officers.
But the city manager and city clerk and every other Pulido hack gets huge pay raises and makes big bucks while our city gets neglected.
I will be at the May 27th SAUSD school board meeting speaking out against Measure G.
Thomas –
Pulido & his entire council engage in the artful practice of exerting pressure to get others to donate to Santa Ana Kids 2008. Pulido’s eldest child was sent to an intermediate school in Orange last fall because the Miguel and Laura did not want their son to attend Willard.
Santa Ana Kids 2008 efforts to raise $250,000 are impressive and intriguing. After all, it is endearing to learn the SA Kids 2008 shelled out $4,000 to Ruben Martinez’s bookstore for rent. That tidy sum should help Martinez settle his rent debt with OCHSA. Some would say Martinez has sold out to settle his financial debts, but that would mean Ruben can be bought and sold to the highest bidder. And that is not becoming of this city’s MacArthur fellow. Tsk! Tsk!
Meanwhile, watch for a new and improved school bond measure on the November ballot when Measure G is defeated June 3. That should get Ruben Martinez an additional $12,000 in rent money and keep him afloat for awhile. And they say it’s about the kids.
Vote NO on Measure G June 3!
Vote NO on Nov. 4 SAUSD school bond!
Shame, shame, shame on SAEA for throwing away $4,000 of hard-earned teachers’ dues to the “G” whizzers! I am hurt and ashamed that the Union chooses to support corrupt and inept SAUSD!
I received a copy of Tim’s e-mail and I think the thing to do is what it says at the bottom (I think you forgot to post that part).
With an e-mail and phone campaign like that, we can easily defeat Measure G and anything else they try to pull.I would really like to see this post moved to the top again so that Santa Ana readers can easily find it and be reminded.It’s an excellent letter with some great points we need to be aware of and tell others about.I respectfully ask you to consder that.
All we have to do is contact 5 voters and ask them to do the same.The whole city could be covered in a day or two.Thanks
Also, is it possible for you to bold and underline the same parts as Tim did in his e-mail? That really helps drive home the point.Thanks again.
The email was forwarded to me and it was missing that last part, as well as the bold parts. I was not on Tim’s email list. He is still sore that we kicked him off this blog awhile ago.
Santa Ana Kids 2008 is quite the philanthropic club. $4,000 to Ruben Martinez for rent and no reporting on Council Member Michele Martinez’s intimate involvement with Yes on Measure G.
It’s been reported that she’s spearheading the phone banking efforts. Whether that is a paid or non-paid position there should have been some reporting about her contribution to Santa Ana Kids 2008.
It’s unfortunate the teachers union has “chosen” to get squarely involved in Santa Ana politics. The teachers union should be more concerned about teachers who have guns in the classroom; teachers who are charged for alleged child molestation; and teacher mistreatment, verbal and physical, of our children. Why they “choose” to meddle in levying a tax increase does not warrant their full attention.
Mongo like bond. Bond give Mongo more banannas. Mongo like Orange. Mongo not understand why Orange not like bond. With bond lots of banannas. Mongo will share bananna when bond give Mongo more.
I’d vote no on G. You don’t need a spectacular classroom to learn in. Some of the great minds of the world leanred in sheds. There are many great teachers in SAUSD that make their classrooms welcoming learning environments while helping students succeed.
Tim is right. Vote No on G. I have to admit I too never thought I would ever agree with Tim Whitacre.