Walters mailer rips immigrants and Harry Sidhu too

“Mimi Walters appears to be running one of the wingnuttiest campaigns in California history in her bid to get elected to the State Senate,” according to Robert Cruickshank, at the California Progress Report. Cruickshank is absolutely right! He also reported that “Now she is touting her anti-immigrant credentials, even at the cost of fiscal responsibility on the state budget.”

Look no further than MImi’s latest crazy mailer. I posted part of it above. And check out the image below.

Why is Walters running such a racist campaign? And who is advising her? I looked up Mimi’s campaign finance reports. See the graphic below for some of the names on that report. One name that shows up a lot is Gina Zari, who is Walter’s chief of staff in Sacramento. I found a weird blog post about Zari that insinuated that she had an affair with Ray Haynes. Strange. At any rate, here is the question, which one of the consultants named in Mimi’s reports, is the one putting out these racist mailers?

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.