The Total Buzz blog has released a list of the finalists to replace disgraced former O.C. Sheriff Mike Carona. Here is the list that Total Buzz published:
They are Glendale Police Chief Randy Adams, OC Acting Sheriff Jack Anderson, Salt Lake County Undersheriff Beau Babka, San Bernardino County Undersheriff Richard Beemer, retired OC Sheriff
Yeah but that tie’s gotta go.
I don’t see any real serious contenders in this list. It looks as if the Sups are just following the political lines and concocted this list as window dressing.
It looks like we are in for many more years of sub-par leadership in the Sheriffs Dept.
We deserve whatever clown they select by default for electing these types of Sups with limited vision.
Shouldn’t the sheriff dept have a short term house cleaner, one who dosen’t need to be part of the power broker’s system to stay in power?
Maybe someone who is already retired.
Joe Arpaio….isn’t in the running?
Hey , Leave the tie alone, I think it’s a Jerry Garcia tie!!!!! Don’t tell me Commander Martin is really a liberal!!!!!
Among the nine candidates, the BOS has at least one choice who will make a great sheriff. We might not agree on which one (my choice would be Anderson because he is already doing the job well and firing bad employees), but at least the best candidates have not been eliminated.
It’s too bad for the communities if the supes make a political choice. That’s what happens when the supes are under the thumb of lobbyists and not permitted to make the best decision.
Some people continue pretending that Carona is still there, and everyone who worked under him must be beaten up and punished. That’s an extremely destructive approach toward 4,000 employees. I’d like to know how an “outsider” will discern. Will he (or she) rely on current employees, guessing which ones are giving “good” advice or “bad” advice?
Now that the OCSD is moving in the right direction, I hope Scott Moxley will focus on the other huge ethical problem in the county — the District Attorney.