The early results are in and it appears that the Capistrano Unified School District recall has been a huge success. Both of the Trustees facing recall are toast. Over 70% of the votes are in favor of the recall.
Former Assemblyman Ken Maddox is in the lead in area 5 to replace Sheila Benecke with over 54% of the vote. Gary V. Miller is right behind Maddox with 39.5% of the vote. I hope Miller picks up more votes as the night wears on. So far less than 10% of the votes have been counted.
In area 2, Sue Palazzo was the sole candidate to replace Marlene Draper and she has received 100% of the vote.
Click here to see the latest results.
Finally those two women were part of Flemmings EVIL EMPIRE.
They deserve to be forced out of office in shame!
This is a very good Day!
Supt. Woodrow Carter probably already cleaned out his desk. He might have a couple papers still sitting on top so he looks like he still works there.
It will take a long time to uncover all the crimes. Many people deserve to be in jail who are current employees, former employees or the contractors who made a killing while children attend class in moldy, deteriorating trailers.
Turnout at the polls was extermly low. The precinct we worked had 29 people show up the entire day; most of 1700 in the precinct appear to have voted by mail.
The recall cost the District well over $700 000.00 I’m sure that money could have been spent elsewhere to the benefit of the kids. Instead of on people who, and I quote from a meeting I attended over the boundry issue ‘ I didn’t pay to live here and have my kids go to school with those people ‘than the left wing hate politics of those few people. If you want to see racisim and inequality alive a well visit Ladera Ranch!
Its a shame that the legacy of a past superintendent (Fleming) will be the further bankruptcy (another $800,000 down the drain) and turning over of our district to a special interest group, whose idealogy is not the best interests of our students, but rather the dismantment of public education.
A real shame!
This is recall election is an underhanded attempt to turn over the schoolboard to a group of partisan candidates who put their personal moral issues in front of the well being of the children.
Although teaching family values is important, teaching verified scientific facts and apprved curriculum is the point of a school. If you believe that your child needs a Christian education, take them to church and Sunday school. Morality belongs in the home and church, not the school.
I could spend time listing the thousands fo statistics that show the importance of comprehensive health education, teaching real science, and teaching real history, (by real history, I mean the teaching of events without bias, using books approved by nonpartisan educators) but I don’t have the space i would need. Instead, I will leave you with this thought: Every student deserves the chance at an education, a fair and accurate education that is not interrupted by morals of special interest groups who are not informed, or choose to ignore, the truths of a society and government that is separated by church and state!