I heard tonight from a source in City Hall who said that Santa Ana Clowncil Member Michele Martinez apparently texted several of her peers on the City Clowncil today with an announcement that she is going to run against Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido this November.
This might have been a good idea a year ago, but after Measure D won, Martinez essentially sold out to Pulido. She quit her job at a predatory lender and Pulido got her a job on the Measure G campaign – so blame Martinez for helping to raise our property taxes as we are in the midst of the Bush Depression.
Martinez used to tell me that she hated opposing Pulido and the Clowncil because she didn’t like being shunned by them. That is one of the problems with Martinez. Being popular matters more to her than being right.
Michele voted no on the city budget this year, but not because it was too big, but rather because she felt it did not include enough expenditures for the youth. She also split with Pulido on Measure D. Aside from that, she has essentially voted with him close to 100%. I don’t know how she is going to differentiate herself from Pulido.
I know who I will be voting for in November – and it won’t be Martinez. I will be voting for my blog colleague, Thomas Gordon. He would be a far better Mayor than either Pulido or Martinez. Who knows? Maybe Pulido and Martinez will split the Latino vote…
I am told by the way that the Santa Ana Police Officer’s Association can’t wait to start launching negative mailers at Martinez. They don’t like it that she admitted to selling drugs when she was younger.
Martinez has also alienated most of her supporters, as few of them were happy when she became a Pulido hack. And she has angered other activists in the city. A businesswoman and resident in the Renaissance Plan area revealed last year that Martinez angered her when she kept saying that she was only interested in helping the youth. That’s obvious. Martinez screwed over all our retired folks and those with limited incomes when she worked on Measure G and when she voted to raise our water rates, not once but twice in the past year.
Pulido and his amigos will have an easy time destroying Martinez in November. Too bad. This could all have turned out quite differently. Instead my suggestion is Vote for Thomas Gordon for Mayor of Santa Ana!
Art –
Martinez versus Pulido? You must be in hell right about now, poor guy. Thomas Gordon for Mayor of Santa Ana baby!
Do not underestimate Fiala Art. My reliable sources are telling me that Fiala has 40 bucks deposited at Santa Ana Business Bank.
It looks like Martinez and Gordon will split vote and Fiala will end up doing unspeakable things to Miguel’s balls….
Let it be known…
The OJ will do everything in its power to make sure Stanley Fiala isn’t even elected dog catcher.
I am informed and believe, and based thereon alleging that mayoral candidate Stanley Fiala is allegedly child molestor. Tentatively, Fiala has endorsement from Santa Ana Police Chief Paul Walters and three OC supervisors.
If you say so, Stanley.
You have made my point Sarah!…. you know nothing about the OC politics.
FYI, my name is Stanley… to my surprise, that much you have right.
What negative mailers can the Santa Ana Police Officer’s Association possibly run against Michele in regards to her youth experience in question.
The Santa Ana Police – support, fund and run programs who’s objective is to help disadvantaged youth overcome obstacles, like Michele experienced during her childhood.
Michele overcame many challenges from birth through her teens. She now has a college degree and will be applying for Law School this year.
If anything Michele should be the Santa Ana police officer’s association success poster child. Many current government and police leaders saw her develop from grammar school to now.
How can Michele be a Pulido hack if she has chosen to carry a campaign againts him? It is intellectually dishonest to disagree with someone based only on personal issues. In my oppinion it is a bad quality for a leader.
68.2% of Santa Ana voters agreed with her on measure G. Should not the blame for passing measure G be directed at the voters? They cast the vote. Or should the blame be placed on the opposition for not doing a better job in arguing against Measure G?
Many people work or worked (companies went out of bussiness others sought new employment)for the many financial institutions involved in the facilitated loan programs. As employees it is not resposible commentary to suggest they had or were involved purposely in causing harm to borrowers.
Michele is not only interested in helping the youth. It is a major interest of hers. It is no different than anyone else having special interests within their community. The statement that she was only interested in helping the youth was misrepresented at best.
Michele understands she is in for the fight of her young life. Her intention is not to only be a candidate. She is poised to present a plan for Santa Ana and fight back with all the intentions of winning.
Michelle’s got my vote!
As much as I like and admire Mr. Gordon, being a Republican candidate in the current political environment just won’t win any easy votes.
As far as the case for Ms. Martinez goes, her chances seem to be a real long shot. If she did become Mayor it would be a true David/Goliath story.
Mr. Lomeli –
I admire your stay with the partner I brought to the dance theme, however it’s becoming increasingly obvious that Councilmember Martinez has abandoned her lone battle to fight the establishment. It wasn’t too long ago that her battle cry was bucking the establishment and that theme put her in office two years ago.
Miguel and his cabal thrive in Santa Ana for a variety of reasons and the under educated voter comes to mind. That’s why Pulido, Richardson, Metzler, Noji, Hernandez, Dan Young and others are not interested in the education of Santa Ana’s youth. It was very disturbing when the teachers union joined forces with SA Kids 2008 to levy taxes for the alleged improvement of facilities for the school children.
Councilmember Martinez may talk the talk about the youth of Santa Ana, however she does not walk the walk.
On this, Mr. Lomeli, we disagree.
There is total agreement with your statements. Your points are taken into consideration in the campaign.
Proper use of the intended funds is the second part of the fight for the benefit of the Santa Ana children.
She can only walk the walk with help from individuals like you. Contact her and have the talk with her,then help her do the walk.
My point is that voters need to support her in helping her lead the develop all of Santa Ana’s communities, as other surrounding cities do for themselves.The quality of life for all residents is affected in a positive manner with this approach.
Neglect and underserving the community you mention in Santa Ana has been a political tool for manipulation in the past as it is now.
What you people who think Martinez “abandoned” her fight against the establishment don’t seem to take into account is that perhaps, like any good and effective politician, she found that she will need to be more strategic and build coalitions of power to get done what she wants to get done. This will need to be a long-term strategy and it doesn’t necessarily yield immediate results, much to the chagrin of many short-sighted blog authors who will go unnamed. It does absolutely NO good to sit there and just vote “no” when Pulido votes “yes”. THAT is a strategy that will accomplish nothing.
How do we know that Fiala is not already, as you put it, “taking Miguel by the balls?” Don’t ask, don’t tell!
That is a ridiculous statement. By voting with Pulido 99.9% of the time what Martinez has done is absolutely failed to differentiate herself from Pulido. What the heck does she stand for? Who knows? As far as I can tell she is Pulido lite. Very lite. As in lightweight.
I would sooner vote for Fiala than for either Pulido or Martinez. Thomas Gordon is the ONLY candidate who will actually act sensibly as our Mayor. He WILL fight crime instead of just talking about it. He WILL move to slash the fat from our city budget. And he WILL move to get rid of Dave Ream and the other rats on the eighth floor. Pulido and Martinez won’t. And Fiala is just a joke, except in his own addled mind.
Art, you know as well as everyone else that reads this blog that Martinez has voted against the Mayor on some VERY high-profile, important votes. Your short-term memory is rivaled only by your short-sighted approach to politics.
I saw Martinez the other night although I didn’t know who she was and I was impressed with her accessibility and can see that she would have a populist appeal.
I would think that in an area made up of large families where both parents have to work multiple jobs some assistance with their children, some identification with the challenges they and their children face in today’s world, and some accessibility from being out in the community would be desirable in a candidate. It appears Martines possesses these traits.
Pulido didn’t give Martinez the on-site job for Measure G. You know jack-all. The blame for the passage of Measure G sits squarely on your desk and Tom Gordon. You’re a bunch of political pikers.
Oh Michelle, do’t you know that like all women you have to be a puppet of some male to be successful (at least in the small minds of OJ bloggers) You have already been dissed because of your appearance, I can hardly wait for the same to happen to the male candidates.
Since you are pissing these guys off, whatever you’re doing, you are doing right- you go girlllll.
But Michele IS a puppet – to Pulido and to Al Amezcua, so clearly you have no idea what you are writing about.
It is quite funny to see her running against Pulido now, when the two essentially agree on most everything.
It did not have to be this way. Michele chose her path. Here is my prediction. She will lose and lose big in November. Then two years hence she will be off the Council altogether. That’s what happens when you get bad advice.
The question is, why have her handlers sent her down this one-way road to nowhere? Is Amezcua using Michele to test the mayoral waters?
Martinez has hit the jackpot. Opposition from the wingnut OJ virtually guarantees electoral triumph in Santa Ana elections. Witness all local initiatives, current Council and Board memberships. History is a cruel mistress.
It is not our fault that the local population is asleep at the wheel. Heck, it isn’t even their fault. The people of Santa Ana are busy trying to survive, while the liars at City Hall and at the local school district are busy lying to them.
We remain the only voice of organized opposition in our city. But our readership has DOUBLED since we redesigned our blog. So the truth is getting out to more and more people.
Unlike Martinez we will NEVER sell out. We will keep on raging against the machine. Sooner or later the Santa Ana City Clowncil will bankrupt our city, and the same goes for the SAUSD school board and their school district. We’ll be here to report their fall just as we have been reporting on the fall of the Trannie Empire over in Little Saigon…
#20 –
I could have sworn that we collectively predicted the win of Supervisor Nguyen. Personally, I predicted the win of Ed Chau, and some of us correctly predicted the outcome of Measure 98/99 both in OC and statewide, so actually our recent record is pretty good.
Besides, Art’s right. Measure G only passed because the voters didn’t get all the facts. With our readership quickly expanding, I’m sure we’ll do even better next time.
Your site meter is down. I’d like to see your numbers for myself!
Congratulations on your rising readership. I got an email from John Palacio suggesting the OJ website to everyone on his education list.
#23 –
Thanks. We fixed it. I was hoping it would correct itself, so thank Art for being proactive.
PS: Arnie Samish is Stanley Fiala.
Michele is not Pulido’s nor Amezcuas’s puppet. You are very misinformed on this matter. Those of us that are closely associated to her know this.
She respects them professionally and has contact with them on that level.To be a productive leader you have to have the capacity to function in this manner.
Differences in policy should not translate to blind hate. She might get this from others but she won’t react in the same manner.It is a waste of energy. There are better ways to exert that energy. For example, she will not get in petty fights with you on your critisisms. Her energy will be directed on her plan for Santa Ana which will indirectly disprove your critisisms.
Most of the votes on City Council are generic non issues. General business where blind vote opposition to the mayor would be silly and irresponsible. The nature of the subjects to vote on is the major reason for similar voting.
Michele does not have handlers. Much less handlers “leading her a one way path to nowhere”. She listens to sought out advice from many sources then makes up her own mind. This is another trait of a leader.
Simple “raging against the machine” as you put it is unproductive, because it lacks sophistication as presented.
Mr. Lomelli –
You raise some valid points, but remember what Art said about Michele’s view of the Clowncil as a popularity contest. She also did a complete 180 on him when it came to opposing Mayor Pulido.
I understand that my latter point makes Art’s view seem a tad personal, but his personal opinion on the matter is related to legitimate political discourse… something apparently Michele knows nothing about.
Think about it. How will she react if the race goes negative? I don’t think she has the political skill, experience, or fortitude to be Mayor, let alone get elected to the position.
Michele had her chance. I don’t offer my support to politicians very often. And I am done with her. As I stated earlier, I will be supporting Thomas Gordon. I know where he stands. I thought I knew where Michele stood, but now she is standing next to Pulido and there isn’t a hell of a lot of difference between the two of them, is there?
Sarah and A.Pedroza,
Michele’s choice for elected office is not personal-directed at an individual. She has a plan to have Santa Ana join the 21st century.
This objetive points out major differences in policy. She has stated she would support others including the current Mayor if they presented a plan for Santa Ana that offered economic, safety and educational developement for all communities. There were no takers, so she will lead the effort.
Both of you have oppinions of her that are arguable. Her challenge is to produce a comprehensive well communicated campaign so voters can have a more informend oppinion of her and are better able to make a more rational objective decision come voting time.
Your oppinions might change then and cause you to support her.
Art –
It’s said in sports when one team has a clear advantage over another: ‘that’s why they play the game,’ but at the same time I think you overestimate her ability.
If people really want change in Santa Ana, the only logical choice for Mayor is still Thomas Gordon, not a Clowncil retread – unless, as you opine, she can find her own voice and make it loud and clear. We shall see.
To use your sports example. Competitors at game time that underestimate their own ability and that of their opponent’s will loose the game.Those that believe they are the best are the winners and the best at what they do.
Confidence, ability and determination are essential in winning at anything. Michele has these qualities. It is why she has overcome the many obsticals through out her childhood. She won that game magnificently.
If anything her opposition is understimating her ability as you are.
I like Thomas. I wish him luck.
The one with the best ability will win this game. It is that simple.
Sad to say, ability means nothing in our town. People win here because they can lie and raise money better than others. So lets see if Michele can lie and sell out as well as Pulido has for twenty years.
Thomas, by contrast, will do what he thinks is right. I trust him to stand up for the people of this city. He won’t sell out. And he never lies.
I understand your fealty to Michele. She doesn’t deserve it. But you are a gentleman to stand by her.
It will be fun exposing all the unethical conduct and ineptitude going on at City Hall. Michele and Pulido are both steeped in it.
“People win here”( as you state) because a quality challenging campaing has not been presented.
Your logic presented in your first paragraph means that for Thomas to win he would have to also be a liar and a sell out.
By your logic your candidate will loose because you trust Thomas to not sell out or lie.
You are making no sense in your zeal to attack Michele.
You should be concentrating on helping Thomas form a proper campaing on how to improve the city and let the voters decide who is better able to do so.
It is obvious your strategy in support of Thomas is to bunch all other candidates as similar for the benefit of your candidate. The game of concerned with facts.
Art L.
Art P. gave up on Michele when she stopped being herself and started being concerned about what other elected officials think of her, and this started long before she announced her candidacy for Mayor. You could be right about Michele and I want to be fair enough to admit it, but I think your allegation that Art’s just trying to protect Thomas ignores the facts of Michele’s term as Councilor. In your respected opinion, how do you feel she has really stood out among the pack? She may be qualified, but ask yourself: is she really deserving?
When is the first day to pull papers to run for a local city office and the last day? I think it is August.
So what is with the hearsay bs?
Go back to the first paragraph. Martinez texted other Clowncil Members with a message that she is going to run against Pulido. Pulling papers is a formality. She has let it be known that she is running. This is a political blog. Reporting this sort of news is what we do – anyone can wait to see who pulls papers. We try to get to the news BEFORE the rest of the media and the public does. Otherwise why bother reading political blogs?
I recently saw Ms Martinez too. I saw her and her veterano boyfriend at Memphis. For a couple that supposedly have no personal relationship they were awfully cozy with each other. She was very pleasant, but she really needs to work on her homegirl accent.
Is it true she’s recruiting other cholas to run for office? I heard this while in line at McDonalds on 17th and Lincoln.
Ankle Biter,
There is no truth to the sighting of a veterano boyfriend. Michele has no boyfriend.
Talk to Michele. I don’t believe you have. She has no homegirl accent.
There is no recruitment of cholas. There might be some Hispanic ladies interested in public office though.
What a piss poor attempt at stereotyping on your part.
Mr. Lomeli.
You weren’t at Memphis on Thurday nite so you didn’t see her with that old man who looked like her grandfather. If that ain’t her boyfriend, then she is really friendly. I was introduced to Ms. Martinez and you know what, she does have a chola accent. But so what. She is what she is.
Why are you so offended by statements made by the two very professional and articulate hispanic ladies who were in line to order food at McDonalds? I am not stereotyping. I don’t have to. There are plenty of people already doing that and they are hispanic.
If you are so offended by public perception and opinion, then that’s your problem.
Haven’t I read the following on this blog? Ms. Martinez is very proud of her F Troop gang membership? Hasn’t she admitted to selling drugs? Don’t people comment on her lack of articulation when speaking? She socializes with her friends who are on probation and parole. She gets drunk and then her real personality emerges. Why wouldn’t she recruit fellow cholas, gang bangers, drug dealers for City Council? This is not a far fetched idea.
She’s actually kind of scary now that I think about it.
Mr. Lomeli. If this is the best and brightest Santa Ana has to offer, then God save Santa Ana.
Ankle Biter,
You are a sorry person with an agenda, I understand that. Everything you have written is pure crap.
You are making up a story of a boyfriend based on accusations used when she ran for council. As a matter of fact everything you have stated was used against her then. You most likely were posting this irrevelant material then too. It did not work. She was elected.
You present a story you say you overheard in order to give it some sort of credebility. This along with you deductions associated with Micele’s chilhood is just your startegy to carry out your political agenda against Michele.
It is all, old outdated material you are recycling.
Based on you attempt here I can say Michele is at least brighter than you.
Santa Ana has many bright an qualified Hispanic young men and women. This is what is REALLY SCARY to you. You are not fooling anyone MR./Ms. Biter
Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Mr Lomeli. Are you jealous that Ms. Martinez was with an older man and not you?
The material I mentioned was on this blog and don’t blame me for the truth about the chola girl’s past. What I overheard at McDonalds shouldn’t bring you so much pain. Unless of course, it’s true.
Is Ms. Martinez recruiting cholos and gang bangers to run for public office? Is this your agenda????????
Down for the BROWN HINA
MICHELE is so SMART that she tried putting M&M’s in alphabetical order.
Q: How do you know MICHEL has been making chocolate chip cookies?
A: You find M&M shells all over the kitchen floor
beginning to sound like a roast.
It is all they can do. The opposition strategy is and will be this type of commentary.Michele undestands this.
I am in no pain. I am only amused at your childish strategy. She is in good shape if this your strength against her.
You stay busy with the past, progress is not important to you it seems. Michele’s interest is the future of the city.
Why did Michelle get excited when she finished a jugsaw puzzle in 6 months? The box said 2-4 years.
Q. Why does Michele get fustrated making Kool-Aid?
A. Because she can’t make 8 cups of water fit into such a small packet.
Michele’s word of the day: Budweiser
Michele gets pulled over.
Cop asks: Have you been drinking?
She says: Me sir? ‘tas loco!
Cop says: I’m taking you to jail.
She says: Budweiser?
Looks like Julie Stroud ( Ankle Biter) is up to her old antics.