Let’s see…
Well, when you put it that way…
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The asshole "reporter" who asked him about his wardrobe is the boyfriend of that hideous Margorie Taylor Green creature. So…
Icymi proud oc county republicans like Willie the Weenie, Sheriff Don Barnes and Supervisor Don Wagner endorsed racist, business license…
You remember that?? Lol. Anywho. Mexico is still a country and not a protectorate pretending to be one. And, yes,…
The OC Press Club is dead.
You've never heard of the Mexican-American war? You still don't seem to understand the concept of sovereignty, but I'm willing…
Mistrial on Judge Ferguson case. 11-1 in favor of conviction.
Perhaps of Interest - https://youtu.be/EXwT_7HVmys?si=VNxBy6dDtYKr9usu
A Day in the Life of Tenants United Anaheim Last week a tenant messaged us on Facebook asking for help,…
WE DIDN'T START THE EATON FIRE! This piece is from the Fucking News. No, seriously, "The Fucking News" on Substack.…
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“PINK-VERN” is at it again.
I wish it were Clinton/Cook, but I’ll still take what’s behind door #2 thank you very much.
PS: I got a crush on Debbie Cook too. 😛
Don’t forget about Bob Barr in November.
Here’s some news for you:
Al Franken won a resounding endorsement for the U.S. Senate on Saturday from Minnesota Democrats, quickly dispatching with concerns about jokes that offended some and promising a tough challenge to Republican Sen. Norm Coleman.
“To the people of Minnesota, let me say this: I’m not a perfect person,” said Franken, a former “Saturday Night Live” writer and performer. “I’m not going to pretend to have all the answers. But I’ll tell the truth, I will keep my spine, and I will work for you.”
i will take mcain /dana . over socialist obama any day .
Ah, the Grate One, continuing to surprise.
Still, given your hatred of “ILLEGALS,” I’m not sure McCain is extreme enough for you. Perhaps you should write in Dana for President as well.
Our candidates are cuter than your candidates!
Clever Vern. Excellent juxtaposition.~M
oh well far left vern at IT again . your hatred for this country is not extreme enough for you i guess obama is not far left to your liking . maybe you should vote for your pal hugo down in venazuela . or maybe raul in cuba .since your politics and right there with them . or maybe you should denounce yourself as a citizen . since you support ILLEGALS IN HIS COUNTRY.
I’m sorry, you aren’t that great if you have to rely on ad hominem attacks on people just because they don’t agree with you.
Democrats are not socialists, not even close. Obama is not a socialist.
It’s unfortunate that you must continue to denigrate your fellow Orange County citizens because of your own anger, at what I don’t know.
Wasn’t Rohrabacher working in the White House when Reagan pushed through his big amnesty program?
And what have Rohrabacher and the Republicans actually accomplished about halting immigration, other than shouting and appearing on talk radio? Bush and Cheney and Rohrabaxher and his friends had complete control of Congress for six years, ignoring the problems that immigration was causing in the schools and medical system in California. He’s been in Washington since 1981 and the problem has gotten worse every year.
They were more interested in rewarding their lobbyist friends and corporate cronies while American jobs were shipped overseas or taken by Mexicans.
If anybody’s weak on immigration, it’s these career politicians like Rohrabacher.
GRATE ONE U R such a good writer, R U sure this isn’t you? —
“Democrats are not socialists, not even close. Obama is not a socialist.’
Come on Apalled, what are you smoking?
“In our opinion the Socialist party was the most influential political party in the United States in the first decades of the twentieth century…. almost every economic plank in its 1928 presidential platform has by now been enacted into law.”
The above quote is from Milton Freidman’s “Free to Choose.”
It is a fact that the Democratic Party took on the Social Party’s positions and still support them to this day. Not all candidates though. Bill Clinton wanted to privatize Social Security so I do give him credit for wanting to move away from the party’s socialist roots. However, if you don’t advocate private accounts, it is a good chance that you have very strong socialist leanings.
Andy Favor
73rd Assembly District Candidate
far left vern see post 10 . thank you andy . see obamas and hillarys health care plan and tell me if that is socialize health care . obama tax hike more money for social programs . mr change wants to tax us to death with all his social programs he has planned .. as far as hatefull . i am not hatefull i dont mind any one coming to this country as long as they do it legally . lefties like vern and pedroza aka d.t.s. cant understand that . richard jenni once said all you liberals are alike. your all for free speech , civil rights . all that good stuff wich is fine unless some one says something you dont agree with .then you want to drag them acroos berkley in front of the fidel castro building for freedom ..
across berkley correction .. far left vern i will beat you to the punch . my bad .
It is spelled “Berkeley,” amigo.
And you feel like you’re being “dragged across” a campus when folks poke fun at your ignorance, or even just disagree with you. Pobrecito little Grate One.
oh far left vern i speak spanish too pobrecito = aka too bad or poor . maybe those are hillary fake tears . your far left views are clouding your head .. maybe here is one for you = malcriado ..look that one up i speak spanish too vern . i come form a spanish country so dont try and pull off latino crap i can understand it .
It’s malcreado bro, similar to our “miscreant,” literally “evil-maker or -doer.” I should know, my chilanga second wife used to call me that.
Don’t know what your first language is, but you can use a lot more education – and I’m not just talking about your spelling and writing, but actually learning stuff – history, politics, other cultures and people. Assuming you have a job, check out some night classes, Grate One.
It’s not socialized medicine. It’s socialized insurance, the medicine part wouldn’t change and many capitalistic nations have “Socialized Insurance”. Doctors can focus on being doctors rather than paying full time employees to negotiate with insurance companies. It’s ridiculous and it’s narrow minded. You think you don’t already pay for people who don’t have insurance then you are not paying attention? And it’s not just undocumented workers.
It’s amazing how many Republicans who are faced with losing their homes and everything else while they have health insurance reconsider the idea of health care for all. This is just wrong on so many levels that people who “play by the rules” and they lose it all because they get sick.
And you do have a very loose definition of socialism. It’s a wedge word to scare people so that they will think that their control will be lost. That is not the case at all. Single Payer health insurance would insure that doctors can treat people regardless of cost and the decision to treat would be between the doctor and the patient not some person in a cubicle looking to boost profit margins. What about valuing life? When do we say it’s too “expensive” to try to save someone’s life? How can you say this is ethical?
Profit is fine but it should not come at the cost of human life, you can’t put a price on a person’s life. There are just some things that should not be profit driven.
far left vern maybe you should try living in a socialist country and see how it is . its this type of goverment you want . also dont try to lecture me on what the word means . it means bratt in my country . perhaps your che night classes you attend might help you .
The grate uh…”Great One” makes no sense at all. I suppose you speak from experience oh grate uh “great one”? You have lived in a “socialist country” I trust? Other wise how would you know oh “great one”? ~M
Oops! I really should read All the posts before I post. Didn’t mean to sound like a Mocking-Mynah Bird! Sheesh! ~M
marselle no big deal . yes i have lived in a socialst commi country . and i just love it when people like far left vern . who has never lived a day in that type of system if im not mistaken. and try to tell you when goverment takes and takes and then passes it out to other people and keeps things its not being a socialist . big goverment . entitlements , is the democrats way of thinking . too bad LOTS OF REPUBLICANS have adopted this way of thinking too .. vote them all out .
I live in a country (United Kingdom, once rulers of your country!) run by a socialist party called the Labour party. They supported George “Butt head” Bush over Iraq and now we have guys coming back in body bags on a weekly basis, like yourselves. The republicans have made this a more dangerous, angry world and have almost bankrupted the USA. Anyone who supports them in the next election needs their head examining (to see if there is any grey matter inside!). I said to friends when George W first got in it would be a disaster for the world environment and he has done more than enough to prove me right. I don’t care if a party is socialist, right wing, whatever its what they do when in power that counts. George and his cronies have failed America and the world due to their greedy, money grabbing, war mongering ideals. USA needs change or the world will continue to suffer! To be honest if I had a choice between George W and Hugo as president I’d vote Hugo any day. He might be an idiot but least he has some humanity for the poorer people!
you would vote for hugo . are you crazy . bush has been a dope in his 2nd term but for you to pick hugo over any of our presidents ..how much left of move on .org are you .. if hugo was your choice than say good bye to all your freedoms you have now . press . speech . human rights . bad mouth the goverment and see what happens to you .
A bit like the coupe that the USA funded and backed to oust Hugo after he had been democratically voted as president?? Yes the USA really is the defender of democracy! I suppose you’d say Pinochet (again armed and backed by the USA) was a great leader who defended peoples rights in Chile after he ousted (in another coupe) a democratically elected socialist party in 1973. He silenced and murdered more people than Hugo ever will. I’m not a big fan of Hugo either but you listen too much to Fox news obviously! The rich greedy people who run the USA don’t like (socialist) people like Hugo because he looks after the poor and not a few greedy rich men. Yes capitalism is good in some ways but when too few people have all the wealth (as in the USA and many western countries) it can lead to a lot of suffering for the unfortunate less well off!
You (Oh Grate one!) are obviously poorly educated and learn everything from Fox and the brainwashing USA mainstream media that unfortunately too many Americans watch. The American dream is turning into the worlds nightmare!!