As we approach the close of voting in California I just saw an ad promoting Assembly Woman Mimi Walters at 6:15 p.m.
Does anyone care to guess how much money has been spent in this primary election? In truth, this June 3rd election is where the next Assembly Member and State Senator will be decided for those living in my area of the county. This is due to the gerrymandered districts where both major parties will retain their control. The contest really ends tonight. Both Assemblyman Todd Spitzer and Senator Dick Ackerman are termed out of office at the same time.
While some media pundits call this election a yawner I would argue that they don’t see our mail box or incoming flood of emails. At this point I have thrown out most of the flyers and slate mailers in both of these highly contested races. One thing you can be sure of is that you need deep pockets or union supporters to afford the cost of stepping into the ring.
Juice readers.
Which candidate do you think spent the most money in this 33rd SD and which spent the most in the 71st AD primary elections?
Which of the candidates in each race had the best message?
Forget about a future Abe Lincoln living in a log cabin being able to compete in future contested races. It takes big bucks to get your message out. Sadly there are those who try to buy the election. Some eventually win while others fall by the wayside. Forty years ago a guy named Nelson Rockefeller and this year Mitt Romney being good examples at the national level.
Well as it’s getting late it’s time to party. It felt good to go to our mail box and, for the first time in weeks, not find a single campaign flyer.
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