Juice readers. In my prior post I mentioned two new Mission Viejo stories that I was investigating. Well, I guess it’s OK to share number one that we will label “Firegate” in Mission Viejo.
A few months ago a watchdog in our city noticed work being performed by city contractors in front of Fire Station #24 that is located just north of Oso Parkway on Marguerite Parkway. After questioning the city and city council, Member Gail Reavis (pictured above) requested specifics as to our city involvement with a County owned facility.
On June 9th City Manager Dennis Wilberg received a Memorandum from Keith Rattay, Director of Public Works which reads in part as follows: “it appeared to make sense that the city could help to maintain only the front of the station that faces the street to improve the overall aesthetics of this critical facility in our civic core area.”
Apparently, without any public disclosure, the city commenced a “stealth” project than entered into a Maintenance Agreement on May 22nd with the OCFA to “perform routine maintenance of landscape and ground” at this County location. It goes on to state that the city will “pay for the landscape and signage.” This revelation only comes after a citizen seeing work in process as now confirmed by a document now in my hands. Specifically, an internal email from Mr. Rattay to Robert Schick relating to Fire Station 24 confirming that the city used taxpayer funds to pay three vendors $34,348.99 for a single faced monument sign, lighting and landscaping.
In addition to this expenditure, as detailed in the May 22nd Maintenance Agreement, the city has agreed to “pay the monthly landscape maintenance cost (of about $8,000 annually), and the OCFA would pay for water and power.
One immediate question relates to how this broad daylight “stealth” activity occured?
Why is the city involved at all?
Were there any Code violations at this location?
Did this “unofficial CIP” exceed the spending cap of the City Manager?
I guess we can call this a JPA with a creative example of “corporate welfare” being allocated to the OCFA. After all. Aesthetics trumps having a fully staffed fire station to serve the public yet falls short of the image we must maintain in Mission Viejo.
One long time taxpayer sent me a note indicating that he is furious. If the city can spend our money to beautify the front of this fire house than why not provide the same yardstick for his home. He is now asking me if perhaps the city will reimburse his $4,200 outlay on his personal yard and exterior maintenance. Hmm. What answer should I give him?
Over the past year he has pointed out “private gated areas” in town where the city is now performing their slope maintenance, previously maintained by their own association.
Based on his exposure of this misuse of taxpayer funds I agreed to label this post “Firegate in Mission Viejo.”
As always your comments are welcome.
Reply from our former city manager.
Thanks for the info. If what you say is true, I would make the following observations. One, when I was city manager I only had authority to spend $15,000 without council approval. Two, why would the city pay anything to maintain property it doesn’t own without entering into an agreement which would have to be approved by the city council. If this is a multi-year agreement it would require council action. Third, what is OCFA giving the city in exchange for this? What next, is the city going to pay for the maintenance of the fire engines? I would submit that this expenditure is something that all of the participants in the Fire Authority should be participating in, not just the host city. On the surface, this expenditure is no different than you have suggested. It would be the same as maintaining privately owned commercial property that the city didn’t think looked nice enough.
Lastly, this is not surprising. Whenever Keith is involved, the cost of something usually increases exponentially.
two words…. Trish Kelley.
watch her campaign closely
Well–as Dorthy said–“Follow the Yellow ( gold in this case ) Brick Road.!
You will find just like Easelgate this road leads directly to Keith Rattay’s door. So now Firegate complements his other projects. What else is hidden in The Emerald Empire ???
When does the city wise up and show Mr. Rattay the door???
Is it a coincidence that this fire station upgrade is the closest fire station to Mayor Trish Kelley’s home?
The following is an OCFA memo dated March 5 to Dennis Wilberg, the Mission Viejo City Manager: “In early 2005, OCFA staff was approached by the City of Mission Viejo regarding the development of a landscape plan for Fire Station 24.”
Is it a coincidence that Mayor Trish Kelley has sat on the OCFA board since 2005?
Why would Keith Rattay end his June 9 memoranda with: “Finally, no Council Member was involved in providing direction to staff on this issue.”
i wonder who else did not provide direction on this project.
it will be worth your time to do more digging on the trish kelley connection.
Its refreshing to see the former CM coment on the current goings on at city hall. It was only through his strong leadership that held Keith Rattay in check. Rattay was not able to get away with the stealth over spending that he is up to today. Wait until he gets his hands on the float, Crown Valley Pkwy and Oso Pkwy projects. He will get everything he wants with the 100% backing of the CM, he has been backing Rattay for well over ten years.
If the door to Mr. Rattay’s office were to fly open unexpectedly, it would be like a scene from The Sorcerer’s Apprentice — iron trees rushing out by the thousands, reproducing themselves and flooding the city. If Rattay were to depart (to “spend more time with his trees at home” or whatever), the outrageous expenses and completely inane activities would abruptly end.
Some city hall employees seem to have no clue what their jobs are, and they are unable to distinguish city property from that of other agencies or private owners.
It was a surprise to see Dan dissing Rattay. Where’d Rattay get his training at overspending? I thought he was Dan’s guy.
Maybe you should change the whole GATE this and GATE that and just call it RATTAYGATE ? Like the project manager at the Norm Murray CIP that just happens to be a close friend of Rattay who recieved additional compensation with each and every change order. Or what about the city sign contractor that is also a close friend having an exclusive contract for banners and signs. Just look under any rock and you will find all sorts of hanky panky going on. Isn’t it time to sweep house ?
MV resident 2
Are you saying that it is not routine to have 13 change orders on a CIP?
With all due respect to whomever may be running this blog,
I understand the duty of a watchdog within any city and how you are a necessity to keep corruption in check, but this slander is quite ridiculous. Mission Viejo, a city of aesthetics and beauty, attracts outsiders within the city. We live in one of the most beautiful suburban cities in California and this is because of the amount of dedication and effort committed toward these beautification projects. I understand why you may be upset that our money is spent on these projects, but open your eyes (literally). Travel outside of Orange County for two minutes, go live in a city such as Pomona and you may have a deeper appreciation for the amount of effort dedicated towards the city — I know I sure did. So please understand that because the average income of about 100,000 citizens is about $80,000; maybe some of this budgeting should be dedicated to keep our city pleasant and beautiful. Maybe one day you’ll escape the bubble you’ve been trapped within for however many years and develop a deeper appreciation for what we are privileged with rather than always thinking about money. The way I was raised, money doesn’t equate to happiness.
P.S. I apologize that this is two years later than the posted date, but I feel it necessary to explain the opposition point of view in my eyes.
Shan M.
Slander? As you point out you are adding a comment on a two year old story. Can you please elaborate and provide evidence of slander on this blog?
As a new visitor let me share some info. There are a dozen volunteers who write stories on this blog. Our goal is to provide news and opinion with a primary focus on local news and abuses by our elected and hired officials. We allow you to come here anonymously, as frequently as you choose, to participate in dialogue with others.
Our rules are quite simple starting with: keeping it civil, stay on topic, no profanity, vulgarity, racial slurs or personal attacks.
Got to go. Lakers are on the air