Yes, we’re talking to YOU, couch potato! Today’s election may not seem as exciting as November’s Presidential one, but if you don’t get out there you can’t complain when you wake up tomorrow morning and Prop 98 is the law of the land (or not) and Teddi Alves is still on the Democratic Central Committee! “All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men (and chicks I might add) to do nothing!” As a public service I present links to most of the best posts we OJ bloggers have created to HELP YOU DECIDE how to vote today! And if you’re not sure if you’re registered or where to go to vote, call the registrar at 714-567-7600 – they’ll have lots of extra nice operators standing by just for you.
A matter of great and heated dispute at this blog; your Juice-Friends Vern, Sarah, and the Winships all strongly urge you to vote NO on 98; read our most recent arguments here: LINK
On the other hand your Juice-Friend Larry Gilbert is the chair of Orange County Yes on 98. Almost all his posts of the past several months make the Yes on 98 case, this is merely the latest one: LINK (Update: Art and Thomas have never written about it, but now they say they’re pro-98. So that balances us off evenly.)
One thing both sides agree on is that the only merit of 99 is that it’s the anti-98. So you double the effect of your vote by doing either NO/YES or YES/NO.
Other blogs have nothing like Vern’s JUDICIAL PICKS (although he did rely partly on Tomahawk’s interviews at Red County)
and then we had:
WEST COUNTY – recommendations of a HB Democrat (Vern)
SOUTH COUNTY – recommendations of a Republican (Larry)
CENTRAL COUNTY – recommendations of an independent Santa Ana firebrand (Art)
In the FIRST SUPERVISORIAL RACE we span the spectrum from Art’s belief that JANET NGUYEN is the QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE, through a general consensus that she is the least of three evils, all the way down to Vern’s write-in campaign for Dr. Seuss. We are unanimously against the “Trannies” or followers of Assemblyman “Boss” Van Thai Tran, represented in this race by Dina Nguyen, and also unanimously disappointed in the very weak Democratic candidate Hoa Van Tran.
In the THIRD SUPERVISORIAL RACE Art and Vern are rooting for the underdog challenger DONALD RITZE against incumbent Caronista Bill Campbell.
And both our Santa Ana bloggers firmly say, NO ON MEASURE G!
Maybe you already voted, “absentee” or as it’s now called “vote by mail.” This is one way Republicans have been winning here for years – they’re much better than Democrats at voting early, by mail. It just minimizes the chances that something will come up Election Day and you’ll forget or get too busy. So if you’re not already registered permanent vote-by-mail, call the above number and make sure to do it before November! (Personally I take my absentee ballot, walk over to the polling place and turn it in so I can feel like part of the process and get my “I Voted” sticker – I am such a Jimmy Stewart-like fool!)
I mailed my ballot in today. And yes I did vote No on Measure G, and so did my wife.
And yes we both voted for Supervisor Nguyen too…
Is there any way to stop the stupid chat thing? or at least place it somewhere lower on the page so we don’t have to look at it.
just…asking…for relief from SMS inane comments
The heckler returns. *sigh* Anyone and everyone can use the chat; it’s not like I’m special or something. Seriously dude. A lady usually doesn’t say this, but… STFU.
Vern –
‘Chicks,’ assuming you mean women and not poultry, dig voting. 🙂
Art –
I still prefer the voting booth experience (so I can take Vincent – he got to vote for Hillary and now he’ll get to vote for No on 98, Yes on 99, etc.). I actually signed up for mail-in balloting, but I haven’t been receiving them, so I think that may have been a sign!
There is a County Supervisor race in the Third District too. Comprehensive coverage should mention that one too. Santa Ana/The First Supervisorial District is NOT the center of the universe folks.
Ahh but the first supervisor is the center of this blog and the reason we’re #3. Vern the problem with vote by mail is you miss out on the last weekend when people finally answer all the questions. I mailed mine Friday and missed out on Larry’s lawyerly blog on hte merits of 98. Who knows it may have changed my mind.
#4 You’re right, that’s where Donald Ritze is going up against incumbent Bill Campbell, and Art and I prefer Ritze, don’t know about the other OJ bloggers. Art, do you want to link to one of your Ritze posts?
#5, I know you jest.
Art I hope your ballot mailed back in time for Janet…. Kind of cutting it close
I was raised in a household where my mother said, “If you don’t vote, you don’t have a right to bitch!”
I have never missed an election since I turned 18. I aslo believe in going to the polls to cast a ballot. Yes SMS, some “traditions” I pass down too.
Carl –
Your mother was a wise woman indeed. 🙂
I just voted!
Oh and Thomas got my vote!
I just voted!!
I have a shiny, I voted sticker.
Thomas got my vote as well.
PS..I agree with Carl and his mother. If you do not vote, you have no reason NOR RIGHT really to bitch.
Granted I vote. But I do think that RC has it right. The districts are gerrymandered so that a given parties candidate will win. Because of this all the money flows to said party’s hack candidate. For an example of this, look at the 37th Congressional District Candidate
On the presidential stage the debates will only have candidates from the Republican and Democratic Parties because they make the rules for the presidential debates.
“It has been asserted that only if you vote do you have any right
to complain about what transpires on the political scene….
We would point out, on the other hand, that only by refusing to participate in the game do you retain the clear right to protest what the game produces.
For when you vote, you have not only participated in the system but, in addition, have tacitly agreed beforehand to accept and abide
by whatever the system brings forth.
The voter complaining about the outcome of an election is standing on untenable ground. Philosophically, morally and factually, only the
non-voter is in a logical position to protest….
When you participate in the political con game, you sanction it.”
Editorial April 17, 1971
R.C. Hoiles
“The Orange County REGISTER”
#12 –
Unfortunately, there’s some truth to your logic. However, if it was actually feasible for so many to abstain from voting, those who don’t vote in protest would have joined one of the smaller parties instead.
The truth is: most people don’t vote simply because they’re apathetic, and lazy, not because they’re protesting anything.
Wasn’t that cynical of Hoiles to try to depress the actual votes cast so he and his “always vote by mail” buddies would have a clearer shot at victory?
Mr. Hoiles, or his appologists, need to explain to me exactly how those who don’t vote can change the problems they see in the system? Perhaps they are advocating sedition or revolution. Woo-hoo, that sounds like fun but it’s really just a lot of destruction, sound and fury signifying nothing.
#14, R.C. was dead before I moved to Orange County so I don’t know about his vote by mail schemes. Can you elaborate on them?
I voted. My son helped. We both got a sticker. 🙂
Who will make the better President?
Well let’s see:
First we have a woman that thinks she can satisfy the American People;
Although she couldn’t even satisfy her own husband in bed
Next we have a Muslim;
How long do you think it will be before he reverts to his Muslim ways? Why not Osama bin Laden did!!!!!
Then we have the Gunman, willing to give every Americans last drop of blood before he admits Bush was wrong.
I found this on
Charlotte, there are no Muslims running for President here. You’re not serious, are you?
Hold on, as I stated;
I ran across the information
Umm, next time you run across similar information, you might consider stopping, picking it up, and throwing it in a trash can (and not the recycling kind …)
I will throw-away what I wish.
However, if you think about what’s being said, it’s TRUE
Fair enough, if you think about the rumors of Hillary killing Vince Foster, and McCain singing like a canary to his Vietcong captors and getting his buddies killed… then you can go ahead and call Barack a Muslim. Except none of that will be right, and most people will know you’re crazy.
Oh ya and how could I forget McCain’s black lovechild. Bye bye Charlotte