O.C. Register pictured the wrong Hoa Van Tran staffer

Letter from Edgardo Reynoso to the O.C. Register

Remember when the O.C. Register ran a picture of two young men and identified them as the two Hoa Van Tran staffers/cholos who were arrested for attempted murder? Well it turns out they got it wrong. One of the young men pictures was the wrong guy – and he is under age. Below is a letter from Van Tran’s campaign manager, Edgardo Reynoso, asking the O.C. Register to correct their error – an error which has caused much consternation for the fellow who was misidentified:

June 6, 2008

To the Orange County Register Editors:

Please be aware that the photo showing Jorge Valle and Cesar Valle that you published in your paper on May 19, 2008 as part of the story titled “Campaign workers for supervisor candidate jailed in shooting” researched and written by Tony Saavedra and Peggy Lowe incorrectly identifies one of the persons in the photo.

Jorge Valle is correctly identified but Cesar Valle is not. The person identified as Cesar Valle is not Cesar Valle. The person in the photo is not the one being detained. The young man in the picture is a 17 year old student at Santa Ana High School whose name is Cesar Santa Ana. He as well was a volunteer within the campaign. As a result the photo, Cesar Santa Ana is presumed to be associated with the shooting incident. This misidentification of this student on such a serious matter indicates that the person making allegations and the reporters were at the very least injudicious. Your misidentifying of this young man has endangered him and his family. So as to independently verify this, please compare the mug shots to the photo published.

We ask that you make the necessary corrections so that the student can clear his reputation with administrators and teachers. Thank you for your attention on this matter.

Edgardo Reynoso

Campaign Manager

Hoa Van Tran for Supervisor

I wonder if the local red and blue blogs ran that picture too?

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.