Reynoso TRO extended when ex Hoa Van Tran Staffer fails to hire a lawyer

Matt/Jubal Cunningham wrote a post today over at Red County about the extension of Courtney Rychel’s temporary restraining order against failed Democratic Supervisorial candidate Hoa Van Tran’s campaign manager, Edgardo Reynoso, who is State Senator Lou Correa’s brother-in-law. In his post Cunningham explained that the TRW was extended primarily because Reynoso’s lawyer was going to be on vacation. However an source in the Van Tran camp explained to me today that the major reason for extending the TRO was becuase Rychel still has not hired a lawyer. That is odd as the Democratic Party of Orange County is replete with lawyers. That is the last thing they are short on.

Apparently Reynoso’s lawyer, Do Phu, has assigned his best lawyer to the case, according to my source. Not sure that will help. Consider this excerpt from Matt’s post:

There’s more to report, but let’s examine a strange aspect of Edgardo’s retaliatory lawsuit.

The alleged Edgardo road rage incident took place on May 21 at around 12:30 p.m. Yet in his lawsuit, Edgardo’s alibi is that he was in his office at that time with the campaign treasurer, and that Hoa Van Tran, Kimchi Nguyen and someone else are witnesses to that.

Which may very well be true, since Edgardo swears in the lawsuit that phone call with all those witnesses took place on May 22.

I wonder what law schools produced these Trannie lawyers?

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.