Say it ain’t so Lou!

Lou Correa and Family

Can you believe it?  State Senator Lou Correa, who is supposed to be a Democrat, has taken thousands of dollars from the truly freaky OC GOP money machine that is Howard Ahmanson, according to a post by Gustavo Arellano in the OC Weekly’s Navel Gazing Blog. 

Arellano revealed that:

Ahmanson has so far been the top individual donor to the Protect Marriage Act, the November ballot initiative that wants to create a California constitutional amendment that would define marriage as between a man and a woman. Through his private philanthropic enterprise, Fieldstead and Co., Ahmanson has donated an amazing $400,000 to the initiative–even more than Focus on the Family and topped only by the National Organization for Marriage, a nationwide group whose campaign headquarters to defeat those marryin’ gays is in Santa Ana.

And just look at the list of Reeps that Ahmanson has forked over chunks of his fortune to:

John Moorlach, Pat Bates, Janet Nguyen and Diane Harkey; Assemblymember Chuck Devore and Mimi Walters; Dana Point Mayor Diane Harkey, and DA Tony Rackauckas, while 2006 saw him donate to the campaigns of Irvine councilmember Christina Shea, Costa Mesa Minutemen councilmembers Allan Mansoor and Wendy Leece, South Orange County Community College District trustee (and former OC GOP chair) Tom Fuentes, and more to Walters and Devore.

Yes, Supervisor Janet Nguyen took Ahmanson’s money too.  Sigh.  Well, I don’t think she is an anti-gay nutcase like most of the others listed above.  At least I hope not.

But Correa has NO excuse!  He is a Democrat.  Why hasn’t his party censured him for taking Ahmanson’s money?  Once again DPOC Chairman Frank Barbaro has no huevos.  No wonder the DPOC is such a joke.

Correa needs to get off his butt and denounce the anti-gay whack jobs that Ahmanson is allied with.  C’mon Lou.  If you aren’t going to stand up for your GLBT constituents then please just go ahead and file as a Republican already. 

Editor’s Note: I forgot to mention that Santa Ana Clowncilman David Benavides also took some of Ahmanson’s money.  Shame on you David!  Give it back and say sorry!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.