Here we are. The first day of summer and a record breaking heat wave with 111degree temperature reported in San Luis Obispo. Just what we need as we turn on our air conditioners in our cars to further reduce our gas mileage.
While there are many who might question the White House delay in a full court press to open up drilling off our shores, or in ANWR, Stratfor has just released its assessment of the four latest proposals to lower the cost of fuel that I believe will break the $5.00 per gallon barrier sometime this summer. ”
“Stratfor is the world’s leading online publisher of geopolitical intelligence.”
Some quick facts from the US DOE: In March we produced 160 million barrels of domestic crude including 22 million from Alaska. In that same month we imported 298 million barrels of crude oil with Canada, Saudi Arabia and Mexico being the largest suppliers followed by Nigeria and Venezuela.
Collectively these five nations represent around two thirds of our imports.
Global Market Brief: Bush’s Oil Supply Plan
Stratfor Today » June 19, 2008 | 1526 GMT
With global crude oil prices at historic highs, U.S. President George W. Bush gave a speech in the Rose Garden on June 18 in which he outlined four proposals for lowering U.S. gasoline prices — which are also at historic highs.
There are no easy solutions to the higher prices, which are driven by global trends over which Washington has little control. All of Bush’s proposals — which include opening the continental shelf to drilling for oil, opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), pursuing oil shale deposits and increasing U.S. refining capacity — attack the problem from the standpoint of increasing the long-term supply of oil and petroleum products. While they might have some effect (and some would be more effective than others), ultimately they would only slow the eventual decline in U.S. oil production.
Let us address the proposals from the least to the most effective at achieving the stated goal of lowering gasoline prices.
The first of Bush’s proposals would open up more offshore drilling in the United States. There certainly is oil in the continental shelf — approximately 1.9 billion barrels of it — mainly near Alaska, California, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama and Florida. But retrieving this oil would not be easy. It is not concentrated in large, accessible fields, but scattered across millions of square miles of ocean in thousands of small deposits. Even in the most optimistic scenario, a massive series of interconnecting pipe networks would have to be built, costing somewhere in the hundreds of billions of dollars and taking several years. Given the necessary time and investment, the cost-effectiveness of such a strategy is questionable at best, and any impact it might have on prices would be marginal.
The second proposal, drilling in ANWR, is considerably more reasonable — and certainly more feasible — than drilling in the continental shelf, as production could feed into existing infrastructure. An estimated 6 to 16 billion barrels of recoverable oil lies inside ANWR’s 19 million acres, and production sites could be linked to existing pipeline infrastructure that flows from Prudhoe Bay. But developing ANWR would only be a small step toward U.S. energy self-sufficiency; the region’s reserves are not nearly enough to bring back the heady days of $30-per-barrel oil. Even the most wildly optimistic estimates project ANWR’s output at about 1 million barrels per day (bpd) for a maximum of 25 years. By comparison, U.S. demand is currently about 22 million bpd and has been rising for decades. ANWR would help the bottom line somewhat, but in the long run there is no getting around the mathematical fact that its deposits would provide less than 5 percent of U.S. annual consumption, and only for a limited amount of time.
There is greater potential with Bush’s third proposal, oil shale. The Green River Basin in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming contains an estimated 1.8 trillion recoverable barrels of shale oil. Canada has proven that extracting oil from oil sands — which requires somewhat similar technology — is economically viable at current prices. More important, oil shale formations also contain large amounts of natural gas (as do coal seams), and technology is now mature enough to extract and capture this natural gas along with the oil.
But while the technology of oil shale is similar to oil sands, it is not identical, and at present, it is still largely theoretical. Another downside is that oil sands and oil shale require a large amount of processing after extraction, and that requires a large amount of energy. Compared to developing conventional oil deposits, these recovery methods are inefficient and emit high levels of carbon to boot. If carbon taxes and trade regulations are legislated in the future, they will heap on even more complications and costs to oil shale production. So while shale may be very promising, for now it is like cellulosic ethanol — the fuel of the (somewhat distant) future.
The most realistic and applicable of Bush’s proposals is the suggestion to increase domestic petroleum refining capacity. Since 2004, the United States has produced an average of about 108 million barrels of motor gasoline a year — up from about 72 million in 1982. The country has the technology and capital to build new refineries and increase domestic gasoline supply, but none have been built for 30 years. The main reason is that the permitting process at the local, state and federal levels is so complex and contradictory that it is impossible, in practice if not in principle, to get a new refinery built. The proposal to reform the system to allow new refineries might actually lower gasoline prices — but not in the short term, and not by much.
At $130 per barrel, a gallon of unrefined petroleum costs $3.09; turning that into gasoline adds less than $1 of cost. Additional refinery capacity will make a difference, but only a small one, taking only pennies off the price. Even if Congress took Bush’s suggestion to heart and produced a reformed permitting process within a week — and we do not need to speculate on the likelihood of that happening — it would still take two to five years before the first new refineries could come on line. And a lot can happen in the oil markets in two to five years.
It is not that the Bush plan is a step in the wrong direction (although environmentalists will undoubtedly argue that point), but that it offers only very small steps.
The price of oil is set by global supply and global demand, and the answer to cheaper prices lies both in decreasing global demand (or demand growth) and increasing global supply. Bush only addresses the supply side of the equation, and even that only at the national level.
Major supply increases cannot come from places like the United States where, to put it bluntly, there are no large new sources that can be brought on line easily and cheaply. Any “new” oil will instead come from reviving Venezuela’s oil industry post-Chavez, an Iraqi oil renaissance after the war ends, bringing Iran’s technology up to at least the 1980s, and accelerating Brazil’s whopping oil discoveries to market ten years from now.
This leaves only reducing demand as a quick and “easy” option. Reducing demand means, most likely, increasing the efficiency with which the country uses oil. While not an overnight process, this is something that becomes more likely the longer fuel prices remain high. Given a few years, Bush’s proposals might reduce gasoline prices somewhat — but not as much as replacing half of the sport utility vehicles on U.S. roads with hybrids would.
Gilbert comment. Obviously we are over a barrel. Juice readers. What’s your reaction to the president’s speech and the above Stratfor report?
Is the current market pricing based on the rule of supply and demand?
Is doing nothing or just conservation going to fix the problem?
I am really surprised that congress still grants preferential depreciation for SUVs over fuel efficient vehicles.
I would like to see the tax preferences go to inovative ideas such as carbon fiber in cars, hybrids, etc. I have not totally thought through the credits for wind turbines. But T Boone Pickens seems to think that it would be very effective to use the natural gas that is burned in creating electricty as a transport fuel and create electricty from wind. That way we would save a boat load of dollars from going to the middle east.
I think the cost of the troops in the middle east is in fact a subsidy to business as usual so I am thinking the credits for the wind turbines might not violate my general desire for equality for all in the eyes of government.
Supply and demand proves to have less and less influence over energy prices every day as supply stagnates, demand declines, and prices continue to increase.
It’s time for OPEC and the oil companies to finally admit that they’re price-gouging. But who’s going to make them? The current lame duck president or the next one? Maybe Congress, with it’s approval rating on par with the executive (below 20%)?
The answer of course, is nobody. We are all in BIG trouble because there seems to be no clear answer. Welcome to third-world America.
Sarah, did you mean to write “demand declines?” Please explain, if that was not a typo.
Yes I did.
For the last few years we’ve been hearing more and more reports about slow holiday driving seasons, more fuel efficient vehicles, especially hybrids, and according to the auto industry, the mid-size SUV is dead since smaller SUV’s provide the real utility and many are keeping their full-size SUV only for towing.
So no, it was not a typo. My ex drives a Tahoe but she needs it for work so she’s the exception, not the rule. In more recent history, I traded in my Kia Sorento and then my PT Cruiser (which despite its size is actually a thirsty vehicle with a high pollution level) and got a Scion TC while my current girlfriend traded in her Sequoia for a Jeep Liberty.
Those are just my examples. I’m sure our readers have more.
Your examples don’t hold water because they omit the growing demand from India, China, etc. Let’s take Indonesia as an example. They used to export oil. But now that their economy has grown they use more oil domestically and have now become a net importer of oil. The Saudis are using more oil domestically and therefore that is having an impact on net exports.
As to your Tahoe example above, does she really “need” it or did the virtually 100% write off in the first year influence her decision to buy it.
Email reply.
I believe that there is no hope until we really hit bottom. The poor people, which will soon be all of us, have no say when it comes to the politics of energy, conservation, and environment. If the cause was truly global warming, then Al Gore would be spreading the message at great sacrfice. The cause actually seems to be that we are needing more oil to satisfy my need to have “more stuff.” Many people are seemingly making more money, so they are happy with things the way they are.
My belief is that we need more nuclear power plants and we need desalinaization plants along the coast. Dan Walters sent me an email telling me that desalinization was to expensive. I think if we don’t do something, it is certainly too late. In the late 50s, Coalinga put in a desalinization plant so they coud use the water pumped from local wells. I’m sure they closed that down when the San Luis Project was built, but they did show that it was feasible.
We certainly don’t need a lot of defeatest liturgies that says there is no need to drill here or there because it won’t really pay big dividends. I believe that such statements are designed to manipulate us into the corner of defeatism.
Enjoy your trip up the coast. Got to Cayucos and go in the water up to your neck. That will cool you off. The shark that came swimming in a few hours after we got out of the water probably won’t come back.
Enjoy you drive and roll the windows down.
Yes! The old 480 model air conditioner. (4 windows down, 80 mph.)
While there are those in the US who truly are cutting back on driving, we are not the only consumers of black gold. When you combine the population of India and china they represent one third of the world population and they are just startin gto drive auromobiles in greater numbers. We read that Metrolink has had record ridership lately which confirms Americans dealing with the increased cost of gasoline as well as reducing their consumption.
I recall Arnold getting one of the first Hummers a few years ago. Is he still driving it today?
I will agree with you that oil companies are gouging us but they are not the sole cause of the out of control gasoline pricing. Don’t forget the speculators who are in the drivers seat.
When you raise the issue of “supply and demand” you must look beyond our shores as stated above.
Can you name any names of oil companies that are “gouging?”
How do you define gouging? Making a profit?
Would you rather the profits go to some middleman who does not have anything at risk such as drilling a dry hole or nationalization? What was Connoco’s profit in the second quarter 2007. Virtually nothing. Yes they will do well the second quarter of 2008, but if you average the two quarters their earnings are very modest. And their refining devisions are not doing all that well. Look at pure refiner Tesoro (I think they are California’s largest refiner. Definately the west coasts largest refiner.) they have lost money the last two quarters and probably will barely break even this quarter.
Ahhh… boys. The most fuel efficient way to stay cool in a vehicle is by using the A/C with the windows UP! The A/C is powered by your engine, which instead of using more fuel, sacrifices power. Also, rolling down windows increases drag on a vehicle.
And Larry – good point about the speculators. They always seem to create a self-fulfilling prophecy, don’t they?
I don’t know about the Governator’s Hummer, but I do know he takes a private jet daily from his home in L.A. to Sacramento.
Brother Andy.
While I strongly support a “free market” you must also consider the downside of mergers and acquisitions to the consuming public.
Going through the legislative process, in the 110th Congress, is a bill to prevent anti-competitive mergers and acquisitions in the oil and gas industry. It has been assigned Bill number S. 878: Oil Industry Merger Antitrust Enforcement Act.
While the following data is two years old the text says it all.
“While Americans were stung by historically high gas prices this fall, the world’s biggest oil companies saw their profits skyrocket.
In October, ExxonMobil, the world’s largest publicly traded oil company, announced net income of $9.9 billion for the most recent earnings quarter, eclipsing analyst expectations and dwarfing the $5.68 billion reported for the same quarter in 2004. It was the largest quarterly profit ever for a U.S. company.
ExxonMobil wasn’t alone. Royal Dutch Shell saw profits grow 68 percent, to $9.03 billion. BP announced profits at 34 percent above 2004 levels, and ConocoPhillips saw revenue jump 43 percent.
And the trend continued into 2006. Today, ConocoPhillips surpassed expectations with $3.68 billion in fourth-quarter profits. And more sky-high earnings are expected through the end of this week, as the other big companies report.
The main reason for the soaring profits? High oil and gas prices.”
Fast forward to this 2008 Washington Post report and compare the numbers today.
By Steven Mufson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, February 2, 2008; Page D01
“Buoyed by soaring crude oil prices, Exxon Mobil announced yesterday that it set new records for U.S. quarterly and annual corporate profits in 2007, and Chevron, the nation’s second-largest oil company, also reported big gains in earnings.
Exxon broke the record it previously had set for profits by a U.S. corporation, earning $40.6 billion last year. It earned $11.7 billion in the fourth quarter, or $2.13 a share, up 14 percent from the fourth quarter of 2006. Revenue for the quarter rose 30 percent, to $116.64 billion. Exxon’s profit for the year came to $4.6 million an hour.
Chevron said its profit rose 29 percent, to $4.9 billion, or $2.32 a share. Chevron’s quarterly revenue grew 29 percent, to $61.41 billion. Profits of the five biggest international oil companies have tripled since 2002.”
Gilbert comments. Yes, it is true. Corporate leaders have a fiduciary obligation to their stakeholders to maximize profits (regardless of how much it may impact those who use the product.)
I guess I am torn between my Libertarian beliefs and compassion for consumers. That said, does that make me a “compassionate conservative?
Perhaps all of those citizens who are upset with pricing at the pump, and angry in reading the quarterly earning reports of those engaged in the oil industry, should have purchased shares of stock in those profitable multinational firms.
I take a contrarian view to some extent. I think divestures had a bigger impact than mergers. Remember in the old days the refining divisions were always expected to loose money. They were just a process cost. But then the integrateds wised up and decided to get out the refining business and get more focused on production of oil. Hence, Valero went from nothing to the nation’s largest refiner in just a few years as the refineries were sold off. Now, a pure refiner cannot loose money forever so they need to try to control inventories a bit more tightly. So in my humble opinion crack spreads have probably expanded since the refineries were sold off. Even with the merger ExxonMobile is nothing. They are 2% of the market cannot control anything. Which is why the Libertarians are viewed as non-entities. We are about 2% so we are ignored in the election season because we are too small to matter.
But, I have to scoot. My son and I are watching Foyle’s War.
If you guys want to take a look at the glories of the future, take a look at what these brilliant minds put together. This rocks:
Andy –
OMG! That car is SO HOT! Will you buy me one?! Pleeeeease? *puppydog eyes*
Oh, and Andy –
Sorry I missed your comment #6. You’re right, I was speaking about domestic use. I guess I wasn’t ‘thinking globally!’ Of course you realize that it’s our own outsourcing that’s helped to grow those economies you mentioned. We’re well on the path to total globalization and world government. So much for the American Dream.
The Tahoe? She bought it because she couldn’t get a loan on a used one for $25,000 so instead she figured she could would buy a new one for twice as much with a 14% loan because ‘she liked it.’ We traded in a NINE MONTH OLD vehicle. I resent what she did to this day. She saddled us with debt to try to control the relationship, but Goddess knows the deductions helped minimize the pain.
A little humor from John Seiler’s blog. Reprinted with his permission.
To deal with the rising price of oil, Bush, Obama, and McCain gathered in a secret meeting room in a high-rise office building in Houston. Before them flashed a video screen showing the price of oil — rising, rising, rising.
“I’ll take care of this problem,” Obama said. “I’ve gathered the nation’s top oil executives in the room next door. You know I’m a great orator. Best since Reagan. Change you can believe in. I’ll exhort them to have the audacity of hope and cut the price of oil.” Obama opened a door, went into the room with the oil executives, and closed the door.
A few minutes later, he returned to the room with Bush and McCain. All three watched the video screen. The price of oil just kept rising.
“My friends, you’re just a couple of pansy chickenhawks,” McCain barked. “You never fought in a war. I have. I’m an authentic war hero. We need to go to war against these greedy oil executives. I’m just the guy to do it. We’re in it, let’s win it.” He pulled an M-16 from a U.S. Navy duffel bag and marched to the adjacent room with the oil executives, shutting the door behind him.
A few minutes later gunshots and screaming were heard. Then McCain, covered in blood and huffing, returned to the room with Bush and Obama.
“That’ll take care of the problem,” McCain wheezed. “The oil executives wouldn’t cut the price of oil, so I executed all of them. With those greedy cheaters out of the way, the price of oil quickly will come down.”
The three men sat and looked at the video screen. The price of oil kept rising.
“You guys are mere senators, rank amateurs who misunderestimate the situation,” Bush said. “You’re not qualified for a higher job. I’ve been president for almost 8 years and know how to handle these crises. Let me take care of it.”
Bush walked over to the TV monitor and pulled the plug. The screen went blank.
“See,” Bush said. “The price of oil isn’t rising anymore.”
Outsourcing is not a new concept. In the world of electronics we outsourced manufacturing to “maquiladora” plants in Mexico. That was 35 years ago, long before crude jumped over $20 per barrel.
FYI. “A maquiladora is a Mexican Corporation which operates under a maquila program approved for it by the Mexican Secretariat of Commerce and Industrial Development (SECOFI).”
Following is a partial list of brands you might recognize whose products are made in these facilities:
3 Day Blinds
20th Century Plastics
Acer Peripherals
Bali Company, Inc.
Bayer Corp./Medsep
Canon Business Machines
Casio Manufacturing
Eastman Kodak/Verbatim
Eli Lilly Corporation
Fisher Price
Foster Grant Corporation
General Electric Company
Hewlett Packard
Hitachi Home Electronics
Honeywell, Inc.
Hughes Aircraft
Hyundai Precision America
Maxell Corporation
Mercedes Benz
Mitsubishi Electronics Corp.
Pioneer Speakers
Samsonite Corporation
Sanyo North America
Sony Electronics
Asian outsourcing is probably more recent. As such the whole of idea of cutting costs predates outsourcing to the growing Asian countries.
As an aside. After looking at the labels in your clothing perhaps you can tell us the source of manufacturing. How about your camera, VCR, children’s toys, big screen TV (if you own one), or real needs like your dryer and washing machine.
You can’t have it both ways. Low prices and domestic manufacturing. Sadly that’s living in the past. America has to compete on the world stage.
And lastly. Have you contacted HP or AOL for service lately? At the other end of the phone are customer service personnel in Bangalore, India
Brother Andy.
I don’t know where you found your two percent number for ExxonMobile. You stated: “Even with the merger ExxonMobile is nothing. They are 2% of the market cannot control anything.”
The following is from a report issued last November which reads.”PetroChina is world’s top company
China is the world’s second largest oil consumer
Chinese oil firm PetroChina has trumped US rival Exxon Mobil to become the world’s biggest firm by market value on its first day of trading in Shanghai.
PetroChina saw its shares nearly triple from 16.7 yuan to end at 43.96 yuan, giving PetroChina a market value of about $1 trillion.
This is more than twice the $488bn value of oil producer Exxon Mobil.”
Andy. A half trillion dollars is not exactly “chump change.”