No time to wax verbose today, but it should be worth everybody catching the great Florida Congressman Robert Wexler on the Colbert Report tonight. I have a feeling he’ll be talking about impeachment of Bush and Cheney, as he’s the strongest person in Congress on that issue aside from Dennis Kucinich (or Dee-Kooch as my hip-hop son fondly calls him.) And I imagine he’ll also be plugging his new, fittingly-titled book Fire-Breathing Liberal. And I imagine he’ll be funny too, like the first time he was on Colbert’s show, when, up for re-election, he (on a dare from Stephen) admitted on camera to “sniffing cocaine” and “using prositutes.”
Colbert: And why, sir, do you sniff cocaine and use prostitutes?
Wexler: Because… because it’s a fun thing to do.
Settle down, he doesn’t really do those things. Let’s use this thread to argue about impeachment instead – that’s something this fire-breathing liberal can get revved up about!
Yeah! Impeach the B……I mean men. Oops! Am I in trouble again? ~ M
Wexler is the most arrogant, obnoxiuos as#@ole in congress. Hope your stomach can handle this pompous ass.
Good thing Cobert specializes in arrogant, obnoxious, as#@oles. It should be fun to watch.
Watched Cobert last night and Wexler came off quite well. Not a bit arrogant, obnoxious or as#@ole-ish. For the record Wexlers “admission” to doing drugs was in repeating a phrase that Cobert said. It was very funny and Wexler showed he was a good sport. He declined this time citing two opponents in November (he was running unopposed when he appeared on the show last time).
yeah no impeachment talk though … was forgetting that you can’t really get much into a 5-minute Colbert interview, with all his clowning around (which we love)