Another carjacking in Santa Ana’s Ward 5

I have not read about ANY carjackings anywhere in Orange County – except for downtown Orange County, where “Police are looking for a group of people who they said carjacked two Anaheim men early Sunday morning near the Piccolo Night Club on First Street, Santa Ana police Cmdr. James Schnabl said,” according to the O.C. Register.

One carjacker had a pistol.  The other had a shotgun.  And a third one was a woman!  They pistol-whipped the occupants of the vehicle, which was described as a “gold-colored 2006 Ford F150 pickup with license plate 8D09929.”  Now the Santa Ana carjackers are stealing trucks?  Do they not know how much it will cost to refuel this vehicle?

Maybe we need to declare martial law and bring in the National Guard?

It is hard to believe that ANYONE thought our Chief of Police, Paul Walters, was Sheriff material – not when we have had what, a half-dozen carjackings this year?

And of course this all reflects very nicely on our lame City Clowncil and Mayor.  No wonder they want to put in a streetcar system – you can’t carjack light rail cars!

The Piccolo Night club is located on First St., in between Raitt and Fairview.  It is in Ward 5 – which is Clowncilwoman Claudia Alvarez’ seat.  She is running for reelection and is thus far unchallenged although there are whispers that someone we know is considering running against her.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.