Doesn’t artificial turf make sense now?

“At a meeting Tuesday, the Garden Grove City Council will re-examine the city’s ban on synthetic turf, over which residents are starting to raise concerns. Garden Grove is one of five Orange County cities where synthetic turf is completely banned in both residential and commercial uses,” according to the O.C. Register.

Once again a neighboring city is doing a better job than Orange County’s “downtown,” Santa Ana.  Why is it that the City of Garden Grove is considering allowing home owners to install artificial turf, which can save thousands of gallons of water every year, while the Santa Ana City Clowncil is doing nothing about this, as usual?

“The Municipal Water District of Orange County offers a rebate to households which install synthetic turf. Of seven water rebates denied because of bans, three were in Garden Grove, according to the water district.”

What a joke – Santa Ana home owners can’t participate in the MWD rebate program.  But many would benefit.  In fact notorious Santa Ana ETAC Commissioner Don Cribb, who lives on my street, would be amongst them.  I had a new turf and a sprinkler system installed last year.  Cribb’s lawn is full of bare spots and his grass appears to be the sort that you have to apply weed killer to.  And the strip in front of his house is bare, with chunks of broken concrete arranged on it.  Wouldn’t Cribb’s house look better with artificial turf on its lawn?

I doubt any of the clowns on the Santa Ana City Clowncil will wake up and realize that they need to consider this issue.  But who knows?  They all read this blog.  Perhaps they will finally get a clue.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.