Has Vince Sarmiento really accomplished anything?

The Chair of the Democratic Party of Orange County, Frank Barbaro, has emailed his party members an invitation to fork over their dinero to Santa Ana Clowncilman Vince Sarmiento.  Check out what Barbaro has to say about Sarmiento, who was appointed two years ago to replace Jose Solorio, who moved on to the State Assembly:

Vincent Sarmiento was appointed to the Santa Ana City Council in January, 2007. Since then he has taken the lead on important issues of economic development, public safety and city finances. A lawyer and businessman, Vince Sarmiento is exactly the kind of leader Santa Ana needs. He’s an intelligent, well educated professional whose life and family reflect a new model for Santa Ana’s future. In short, he deserves your support.  Please join me in supporting one of Orange County’s brightest stars!

We need to help our future leaders today! Supporting good Democrats like Vincent is the best way to help build our Democratic “Farm Team.”
In Unity,

Frank Barbaro
Chair, Democratic Party of Orange County

Sarmiento has not taken the lead on ANYTHING.  He generally just does what Santa Ana Mayor for life Miguel Pulido tells him to.  But let’s review the accomplishments of this lame City Clowncil:

They have driven Santa Ana into millions of dollars in debt.  They have outlawed massage parlors, tattoo shops and Hookah parlors.  They have allowed gang violence to spiral out of control.  They have allowed our infrastructure to deteriorate.   They have not opened any new parks or libraries.  They have raised water rates twice in one year.  They have doled out huge raises to Santa Ana City Manager Dave Ream and City Clerk Pat Healy – and other “Reamers.”  And they announced a multi million dollar street car to nowhere, which will run from our lame downtown to Garden Grove’s lame downtown.  Any questions?

Clearly Sarmiento and company have done NOTHING worth noting.  And yet Barbaro is busy pimping Sarmiento – on DPOC letterhead no less.  No wonder the DPOC is such a joke!

If you actually want to prostrate yourself to Sarmiento, here is where you can go to get in line with Barbaro and whatever other adoring fans he has:

Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008
Time: 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Location: Law Offices of Adorno Yoss Alvarado & Smith
1 MacArthur Place, Suite 200, Santa Ana

RSVP to Elisa Briseno at (714) 245-9999 or eb_vfslaw@yahoo.com.

Here’s a thought – instead of donating to the useless Sarmiento, give your money to someone who actually does want to bring change to Santa Ana.  We will soon be announcing that one of our friends is going to take on Clowncilwoman Claudia Alvarez.  More info coming soon…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.