Is Carlos Bustamante D.O.A.?

Can the last surviving Republican on the Santa Ana City Clowncil survive – in a city dominated by Democrats, and in a presidential election that is sure to bring out the city’s Democratic voters in November?

Bad enough that Clowncilman Bustamante had to quit his two state commission, after his embarrassing “water-bra” comments, but now he is facing off against a progressive Latina who lives in Mayor Miguel Pulido’s Floral Park neighborhood.

Remember that Bustamante was trounced in February of 2007, when he ran against Janet Nguyen for the First Supervisorial District.  In that race Democratic candidate Tom Umberg spent thousands of dollars on mail hit pieces that identified Bustamante as a Bush Republican.

There are only 30,804 Republicans in Santa Ana.  There are 47,890 Democrats and 17,279 decline to state voters.  Those Democrats will be voting.  The Republicans will be trying not to gag as they face the prospect of having to vote for John McCain.  The odds don’t look good for Bustamante.

And then there is the Steve Rocco factor.  Sure, he’s nuts.  But there are people in Santa Ana who won’t vote for Latinos.  Some of them will vote for Rocco.  Others may well vote for Bustamante’s other opponent, Ann Rebecca “Becky” Valencia-Verdin.  Her name sounds less ethnic than Bustamante’s.

And to make matters worse, my Republican pajaritos report that Bustamante’s GOP support has dwindled.  He won’t be well-funded this time.  And the Democrats will align behind Valencia-Verdin.  Only the Pulido Democrats will stand by Bustamante, but how much help can Pulido provide when he is facing his own tough race against Councilwoman Michele Martinez?

All in all, the odds look very long for Bustamante.  Adios Carlos!  It has not been nice knowing you.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.