Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido is sweating it. He has not faced a well-funded, legitimate opponent since the days of Councilman Ted Moreno. But this November Pulido will indeed be facing off against another elected official, Councilwoman Michele Martinez. And I expect that she is going to give him a run for the money.
In fact Pulido’s own supporters are wavering. Many of them are unhappy that Pulido has allowed Clowncilwoman Claudia Alvarez to run amok at Santa Ana City Clowncil meetings. I can’t blame them. She is easily the worst of the worst! But just take a look at the picture above. Pulido appears to be quite comfortable whispering in her ear.
As for Martinez, is she any better than Pulido? She has voted with him 99% of the time. And she has shown an amazing procilivity to stick her feet in her mouth. Perhaps the best example of that was an infamous interview she had with a local magazine, just after she won her seat on the Council. She told the magazine that she sold drugs as a teenager. You just know that Pulido and his cabal will be sending out mailers to the voters telling them about Martinez’ past as a chola drug dealer.
Martinez is also vastly under-educated. She is taking classes at Cal State Fullerton, but I am told she is not doing well and has even flunked a class or two. She has dyslexia so I am sure it is difficult for her to study and to do her homework. And to her credit she is trying. But does our town need a Mayor who has no clue about most things? It is one thing to be under-educated. It is quite another to be almost completely ignorant.
I know Martinez about as well as anyone. She has no clue about history, our economy, our country or much else. Which brings me back to Pulido. He is a college graduate. He is a business owner. He serves on all kinds of boards. He owns a muffler manufacturing company in Mexico. On paper he is amazing. The reality unfortunately is that he has been in office for over 20 years and we have little to show for that tenure.
Pulido has been all about Pulido throughout his political career. He is very well off now. I am told that the only reason he sticks around is because he wants to be appointed to be ambassador to Mexico. He needs to keep his title so that the Democrats will be impressed. He supported Hillary Clinton but she lost her party’s primary. However there are whispers in D.C. that there is now a very good chance that she will be Barack Obama’s runningmate. If that happens, Pulido is back in play. But he has to win in November.
We have all become accustomed to seeing Pulido go through the motions every two years. This year will be different. He is actually worried and I am told he has gathered all of his hacks together to help him in his campaign. No need to list them here. You know who they are. And they are freaked out about the prospect of Martinez becoming our next Mayor.
I don’t think Martinez will get many votes from voters who are white, educated or who have a high income. Her only hope is to get the rabble to the polls in November. And that just might happen, particularly if Clinton is on the Obama ticket. For some reason Latino voters just love Hillary.
And the X-factor in all of this is my fellow blogger, Thomas Gordon (pictured above). He ran against Pulido two years ago and did quite well. Gordon got over 8,000 votes, without raising any money, while Pulido got just over 23,000 votes. Now what might happen if Martinez gets half of Pulido’s votes? That is certainly possible. In that event Pulido would get about 11,000 votes, Martinez would get about 10,000 votes and Gordon, who I believe can raise over $50,000, could get the rest, which would mean victory for him if that comes to 12,000 votes or more.
Gordon only need to improve his results by about fifty percent in order to win! I don’t expect local crazy Stanley Fiala to get any votes this time around. He endorsed Pulido in the last election, but stayed in the race and got just over 2,000 votes.
The question that Pulido’s backers must ponder is, can he change his ways? Can he actually lead? Can he actually get results? Personally, I don’t think so. I think he is the ultimate empty suit. He is easily the worst Mayor in the history of Santa Ana, if not Orange County. Why does anyone think he can suddenly shift gears? It just isn’t possible.
But Martinez is not much better. So can Gordon raise enough money to be viable? And can he do the job? I think he can raise money. He could visit with elected Republicans all over Orange County with a very simple message, “the Orange County seat is a complete disaster – and it is only a matter of time before our crime spreads elsewhere.” Already the Cities of Orange and San Juan Capistrano have had to pass gang injunctions. How much of the gang violence in our County came originally from Santa Ana? Let’s face it, Santa Ana is Orange County’s Tijuana. And it is Miguel Pulido’s fault.
So yes, I believe Gordon can raise money. Now can he do the job? I think so. He is very astute when it comes to understanding corruption. I don’t know anyone else who is better at reading through the City Council and School Board agendas and ferreting out the bad news. And I know that Gordon can work with those he does not agree with. He was an excellent city commissioner, on the EPIC/Gang Commission, before Clowncilman Sal Tinajero gave him the boot for political reasons.
Can we afford to elect Martinez? No. But should we once more put our faith in a man who has utterly failed for over 20 years? No. Simply put, we need to vote for Thomas Gordon. If that means Martinez wins, so be it. But at least we can take her out in two years. This might be our last, best chance to dump Pulido. We would be fools not to take that bet. If that means Pulido doesn’t get to be the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, too bad for him. He has enough money to live a much better life than the long-suffering people in Santa Ana.
Michele Martinez emailed her official campaign announcement to supporters today:
As many of you know, I was elected to the Santa Ana City council in November of 2006, and in my role as a council member, I have earned a reputation for seeing that the concerns of my constituents are addressed no matter how large or how small. I have worked hard to earn my constituents trust and respect and I will continue to do so as Mayor. I pledge to create a new, positive city hall, a city where all people from all perspectives feel respected and get the services they deserve. We can make this a better city for all of us and bring hope and inspiration to our neighbors and neighborhoods that have been left behind.
I am asking you to move away from the past, and look to the future. I am urging you not to be afraid of disturbing the status quo. This job is not for one person; it’s a job for a community. I would like to leave you with the following quote from Margaret Mead “A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”. So let’s work together to improve this city we love.
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Why Gordon can’t win…
well i guess everyone is scared to say it . we know why . its not very hard its right in front of everyones face .
i think gordon would be a good mayor maybe even a great mayor but the reason he wont and cant win is simple, there are more stupid people in santa ana than there is smart ones. and the stupid people will always outnumber the smart ones. and the stupid ones will vote for pulido or worse yet they wont vote at all. we need a new mayor i agree. at this point i would even vote for you art. the problem is that santa ana isnt ready for that kind of change.
You may be right. But I do think that Michele and Miguel are going to really hurt each other. Pulido has always gone dirty when challenged.
That means Thomas might appear to be a more reasonable candidate. The keys for him will be raising money and walking precincts.
The dirtier his opponents go the better the odds will be for Thomas.
Thomas has my vote!
Good grief. This post should be a warning about the fate that almost inevitably awaits any politico Art befriends.
Art, your castigation of Michele Martinez is more an indictment of you than her. You know all these things the whole time you were plumping her as Santa Ana’s salvation and the best thing since sliced bread. So what does that say about you?
Now you turn on her with a truly vicious screed. When you behave like this, you remind me of the scorpion in the parable about the frog and the scorpion.
Let me add this, as well:
Thomas is hands down the best choice for mayor of the three. But your post reminds me of the axiom, “Why lie when thew truth will suffice?”
I’m not saying you’re necessarily lying about Michele. My point is you don’t need to perform a character assassination on her to make the case for Thomas. He wouldn’t sink to that, which is one of his sterling qualities.
You’re such a hypocrite. Have you forgotten how unfair you have been to Supervisor Janet Nguyen? I haven’t.
I was willing to overlook Michele’s rough edges while she was fighting the Pulido cabal. However after Measure D barely won, she sold out.
The final straw for me was that Martinez then took a job on the Measure G campaign – the fraudulent bond measure/tax increase that was advertised on your blog.
When Martinez opted to needlessly raise the taxes of the working families in Santa Ana I was done with her.
Martinez had a shot at replacing Pulido, and she had my support. But she crossed the line with Measure G.
The fix we need at the SAUSD is not monetary. We just need to throw the bums in administration and on the School Board out.
I do not expect you, an elitist unethical Republican hack consultant who lives in Orange to understand any of this.
If you did live in my town you would know that Martinez voted twice in the last year to raise our water rates even though I made her aware that one third of our water budget gets spent on administration. Other similar sized water districts spend less than 20 percent on administration. And that issue is just the tip of the iceberg.
Martinez has proven to be no better than Pulido – indeed they have voted the same way 99 percent of the time.
Matt, if you are so concerned about my city, will you support Thomas Gordon for Mayor of Santa Ana? Will you help him raise money? I doubt it but please feel free to prove me wrong.
You’re such a hypocrite. Havw you forgotten how unfair you have been to Supervisor Janet Nguyen? I haven’t.
I’ve been critical of a number of Janet’s actions. I don’t simply hurl personal insults at her, in Pedroza style.
I was willing to overlook Michele’s roufh edges while she was fighting the Pulido cabal.
So, they were simply “rough edges” when you supported her, and now that you oppose her those “rough edges” have morphed into being “completely ignorant”. The only variable here is you, Art.
If you ever turn on Janet Nguyen, it will being interesting to see what you turn her “rough edges” into.
I do not expect you, an elitist unethical Republican hack consultant who lives in Orange to understand any of this.
Again, coming from a character assassin and mangler of the truth like you, that is a compliment.
With regard to your second comment the fact is that everything I wrote about Martinez is true. And I could have included even more info about her.
I remain immensely disappointed that she sold out . She took bad advice and now she has to live with it.
Unlike you Matt I hold electeds to a much higher standard. If they prove to be detriments to the public I do my best to take them out. I realize you are for sale Matt. I am not. That should be clear by now.
Truth be told, Miguel will win going away. Before you all rush to call me a Pulido hack, I am just stating this because I truly believe Miguel has the resources to win.
It may be closer than it usually is in the Mayor’s race, but Miguel will come out on top again.
The ie’s against Michele will be quite ugly and quite abundant. I think the damage done in the Mayor’s race will put her re-election to the council in jeopardy.
Michele is not ready to be the Mayor and I think she should have waited before making this run. I think this is potentially political suicide on her part and that truly saddens me.
There is always Stanly Fiala and his uniquely eastern European outlook.
A mixture of Latino and European flare would make Down Town Orange County a bigger draw than Disney walk and Universal walk combined.
What an interesting topic. So interesting that I’ll take some time out of my day to respond.
First, Art in your response #3, using “reasonable” and Thomas in the same sentence are gramatically incorrect. You can’t use those two words in the same sentence. They are mutually exclusive to eachother, well, at least you get the point then. The guy is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.
Second, Jub/Mat in response # 6, will always support a Rep. No surprise there.
Last and least of all, turncoat Shawny in response #10, you only say that because this whole race takes the limelight, if any, away from your admirees, Bubly Sal and Bozo Claudia. She must be hating this discussion. Her aspirations for Mayor were extinguished years ago.
You are such an absolute buffoon. You are the one with the “hate”.
How exactly am I a “turncoat”?
Is it because I use logic and the use of logic flies directly in the face of how you have chosen to operate?
Other than your continual insults directed towards myself, Sal and others what exactly are you bringing to this forum? Nothing! That’s what.
With regard to your second comment the fact is that everything I wrote about Martinez is true.
Which, once again, is the point. You knew all that and you were still one of her biggest supporters. It’s disingenuous for you to now use them as your reasons for turning on her.
I realize you are for sale Matt.
LOL. When all else fails, Art resorts to the smear. Why don’t you ask “When did you stop beating your wife?”
I am not. That should be clear by now.
Art, you’re assuming anyone thinks you’re worth buying.
Art pedroza is entitled to his opinion. The voters are not all that ignorant and will decided to cast their vote as how they perceive their experiences as residents of Santa Ana.
Michele has finished her educational requirements in order to apply for Law school in 2009.
I don’t believe Art has had a relationship with Michele to sit down and discuss world history, economics or anything similar.
Art, you just do not know Michele at all. An ignorant individual as you claim her to be could not have overcome her childhood challenges, get elected to city council,obtain a college degree, be in the process of applying to law school and be a Mayoral candidate for the largest populated city in Orange County.
Her chances of getting elected are very real. The community response to her has been outstanding.
Michele’s Latino supporters should be intersted on how you reffer to them as RABBLE – dictionary definition: (1) Pack of animals (2)a tumultous mob (3)the lower classes.
Thomas do you beleive the Latino population to be RABBLE as Art Pedroza does? He believes you will win because you will get the vote of the White, educated and high income voter. Does this mean you will ignore the RABLLE Hispanic vote? Art Pedroza is not helping you much, talk to him.
I and the the other blog readers understand you ( Art P.) are Gordon’s supporter for Mayor , but this type of character assasination aside from the governmental issues is insulting to the senses. I wish Thomas luck because he is an issues man not a petty character assasination type or one that burns bridge unnecesarrily.
“what exactly are you bringing to this forum? Nothing! That’s what.”
I think that CQT96 brings a clear perspective and interesting comments.
Btw, Sean, …. you forgot to respond to what you find so compelling about your Ward council rep, Sal. I think a lot of us were waiting to learn of your opinions on what makes him so terrific.
I love that the discussion here is often far more interesting than the post. I didnt understand #1 unless that was a veiled reference to race, if so jeez, give it up. Race is a lousy predictor – look at white people, all over the map!
I think Michelle is adorable and I’m glad she is getting her college work out of the way in preparation for law school. I agree that she is an inspiration to young people and she can really be proud of all she has accomplished.
A long term incumbent is always going to be difficult to unseat. I agree that Michelle will split Pullido’s vote somewhat but it may not be enough to give Gordon the edge especially when his run appears to come as an afterthought.
CQT brings nothing more than venomous discourse. They like to throw rocks from behind their “secret” identity rather than doing so like a man. I don’t put much credence into attacks from folks that don’t have the courage to use their real name.
As far as why I am happy with Sal, he is very responsive and truly cares about Santa Ana and the residents that live here. Those that attack him really do not know him, nor have they even tried.
Sal has also been very loyal and honest with me and that is all that I can ask. He has stood behind me while “the usual suspects” and their cronies have taken shot after shot at me. And what do you know, I’m still standing. Sal could have thrown me under the bus, but he chose to stand and fight for.
Art what ever happened to the “Who would you vote for mayor poll”? Because the last time I checked Michele was winning and Thomas was in 3rd place.
For an explanation on my comment, you’ll have to review the comment section of Thomas’ post titled “Where Have All The Looters Gone?”
Dr. Lomeli,
I did not say that Martinez is lacking in gumption. I stated that she is rather lacking in knowledge and I would add that she is lacking in experience.
As for my comment referring to “rabble,” I am referring to uneducated voters – people who vote but do not know the issues. Those are the voters who passed Measures D and G.
Lastly, I am not interested in maintaining bridges with politicians who are inept. You apparently are willing to overlook Martinez’ record on our Council. I am not.
I wonder why Martinez wants to be a lawyer? Did Al Amezcua put her up to that? I am not impressed. Antonio Villaraigosa has a law degree too – and he is most objectionable.
“Art what ever happened to the “Who would you vote for mayor poll”? Because the last time I checked Michele was winning and Thomas was in 3rd place.”
Actually, we finished even.
Voting for your self 9 differnt times to make it even with Michele does not count.
“Voting for your self 9 differnt times to make it even with Michele does not count.”
I’m not running in a popularity contest. I do what I do to make the town I live in a better place. I stand out in the sun flipping burgers to raise money for charity, scrub off graffiti, volunteer to help make neighborhoods better. I’ll take my message of smaller government, lower taxes, safer streets, more and safer parks and libraries, a real partnership with SAUSD, a city where the people are involved and informed and all neighborhoods treated equally to the voters on November 4 and let them decide.
Mr. Gordon,
This may not be the proper venue…then again, given how influential Art claims this blog is, maybe it’s the perfect venue…but would you care to articulate your positions regarding immigration?
As a child of an immigrant, I have no problem with legal immigration.
Do you want my views on space exploration, middle east peace or FISA?
Her applying for law school is not to impress anyone especialy an endevour like that is not intended to impress you.
The point is that you stated she was not educated. She is 28yrs old her whole future is ahead of her. Including further education.
You are an example of someone obtaining educational degrees at middle age . If it works for you why not for others?
You criticize Michele for your wrong assumption of having no education then criticize Villaraigosa for having a professional degree. So what are you saying?
A professional degree is not indicative – gaurantee of effective governance? I agree if that is what you are saying.
You don’t know she is lacking in knowledge as your relationship with her was not about discussing world affairs.
There are many examples of effective governing by individuals with minimal political experience and many examples of terrible governing by individuals with exhaustive political experience.
The ability to communicate to a diverse community and lead it to it’s potential is the leadership that will bring her the Mayorship.
You said ” Thomas will get the white educated and high income voter. Her only hope is to bring the rabble to the polls in November. It might happen if Clinton is on the Obama ticket, Latinos seem to love Hillary”.
There was nothing referring to Measure G and D in that paragraph for one to have the perception you were talking about Measures D and G.
Your explanationt of using rabble as uneducated voters not understanding what they are voting for is still concerning because you stated rabble to be the left over voters not being White, educated and with a high income. Your focus then went to Latinos in that paragraph to associate them with the term rabble.
I believe it a fact that a problem with voters of not voting imformed is true of every demographic and socioeconomic level. You statement indicated otherwise.
How about your views on these questions;
1. Would you characterize the immigration reform supported by the President as “amnesty”.
2. Do you support the mission of organizations like The Minutemen?
And if your question to me is meant to suggest that the immigration issue is as irrelevant to Santa Ana as “space exploration, middle east peace or FISA”, then I would suggest that you rethink that position.
Dr Lomeli,
I do not think any voters in santa ana are “rabble”, just ill informed due to city halls desire to disenfranchise voters.
When Mayor Pulido and the entire Council vote to spend 3 million in Floral Park since Jan 1, and have not spent a nickel on sunday hours at the library or any new parks, that is disenfranchisement.
When Mayor Pulido and his Council vote to fix the streets in Floral Park and on Freeman where Claudia lives, but not in other residential neighborhoods,that is disenfranchisement.
Neighborhoods should be treated fairly, putting resources where there are needed, not where they will garnish the most votes.
Dr. Lomeli,
We will have to agree to disagree. I have had many conversations with Martinez. I have found her to be well-meaning but generally uninformed. You appear to think otherwise, which is your right.
Let me be clear about my statement re “rabble.” I am referring to the uninformed voters who voted for Measures D and G. As you know, the campaigns for those measures were built on outright lies. They lied to the voters and got their votes. Informed voters are harder to lie to. This blog is dedicated to informing the public about what is REALLY going on, without regard to campaign spin and whatever the lazy media publishes.
If you are trying to spin that I am racist give me a break. You know better. You know very well that my parents came here from Mexico and that I renounced the OC GOP because they are so anti-immigrant. And that I teach in Spanish not only at Cerritos College but for my employer and three other organizations. If anything I am more fluent in Spanish – and English – than Martinez will EVER be.
I am not spinning anything. I attempted to point out how you misspoke. You will not admit to it.
Beign fluent in Spanish-English is no litmus test.
Dr. Lomeli,
You referred to “The ability to communicate to a diverse community” as being important for mayoral candidates. You wrote that. Yet Martinez is unable to communicate with a diverse community because in fact she does not speak Spanish. So yes, you were spinning.
You Got My Vote MICHELE
Sean in #18
“As far as why I am happy with Sal, he is very responsive and truly cares about Santa Ana and the residents that live here. Those that attack him really do not know him, nor have they even tried.
Sal has also been very loyal and honest with me and that is all that I can ask. He has stood behind me while “the usual suspects” and their cronies have taken shot after shot at me. And what do you know, I’m still standing. Sal could have thrown me under the bus, but he chose to stand and fight for.”
Your loyalty and commitment to your friend, Sal, is commendable. He’s been there for you and you’ve been there for him. However, please consider what the high price of blind loyalty was for Superintendent Mijares. At some point loyalty was much more important than telling the truth and hearing the truth. Loyalty was the rung of the ladder up, but eventually it became his achieles heel as he continued to mount losses with a host of incompetent team members. They remained loyal to each other, but in the end they were swept out. If loyalty hinders objectivity, then loyalty becomes a liability.
I appreciate your honest comments and wish you and Sal many successful years in your efforts to improve the city.
Mr. Gordon,
If you were elected Mayor, what would you do about the Twist-Basler House?
Would addressing that rotting mess be a priority at all?
Thanks for any consideration.
Thomas was the one who busted Mike Harrah for illegal abatement of asbestos on one of the buildings that used to be on the OBP lot. And Thomas wrote about the Twist-Basler home from the start. He has roundly condemned the Santa Ana Clowncil for allowing Harrah to destroy a historic home.
I think if Thomas was our Mayor he would work very hard to protect our historic resources. And he would not allow sweetheart deals with crooked developers. I doubt he would accept campaign donations from them.
BTW, Martinez used to work for Harrah. And Pulido and his cabal have all received thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Harrah.
Would you care to take a crack at answering for Thomas my questions in #28, since he appears willing to avoid answering?
1. Would you characterize the immigration reform supported by the President as “amnesty”.
I don’t know what you mean by this question. I have not heard Bush support any such thing. Are you talking about McCain?
I don’t think Thomas would support another amnesty. My own personal sentiment is to give green cards to immigrants who have been working here and have not broken any laws (besides immigration laws). I agree with Obama that they should pay a small fine, go through a background check, and then be allowed to work here with a new green card. I think Thomas would be open to that concept as well.
2. Do you support the mission of organizations like The Minutemen?
I know for a fact that Thomas does NOT support the Minutemen. He does not believe in criminalizing immigrants.
Nice dodge on the first question. You know as well as I do that the opponents of the President’s plan characterized it as “amnesty”. Does Thomas agree with that characterization?
And correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that The Minutemen are concerned with ILLEGAL immigration. So does Thomas support that mission, to guard the border from the influx of illegal immigrants?
You said I was spinning in regards to your rabble comment not about Michele not beign fluent in Spanish.
She communicates well enough to get her point across to those that do not speak English.
The majority of the Hispanic voters do speak English.
Diversity does not specificaly or only describe differences in language. Diversity is more to do with cultures , customs and other attributes of people with different backgrounds.
Beign able to communicate with a diverse community is more about beign considerate and inclusive of others.Less about beign able to speak their native tongue fluently.
Let me be clear about this – Thomas does NOT support the Minutemen, period.
I don’t know how Thomas felt about the initial Bush plan. I did not know him back then.
Dr. Lomeli,
“Beign able to communicate with a diverse community is more about beign considerate and inclusive of others.Less about beign able to speak their native tongue fluently.”
If you say so. But folks that are not all that fluent in English tend to gravitate to Spanish language media. And they appreciate when candidates are fluent in Spanish. I realize that she speaks some Spanish but she is in no way fluent. And you know that.
Gordon dosent have a clue!!!
What happened to 120 million dollars the State was waiting to send to Santa Tijuana just as soon as Measure G passed. It didn’t happen and it isn’t going to happen any time soon. Your children will be out of high school before or if it is ever sent to the District.
So much for the intelligent voters in Santa Tijuana. The people have got to stop eating that lead infused candy from Mexico (their native country). It’s affected their brains in the most terrible way and they continue to vote without thinking.
We all know that Mayor McMidget has been in office too long and Ms. Muffin-Top Chola is less than a stellar candidate for Mayor.
I’ll vote for Thomas Gordon; at least he isn’t an immigrant or a gang member. Let’s bring some dignity back to the Mayor’s Office. I think Thomas will do a great job.
You go Thomas! What is your campaign i.d. number?
Please people imtrying to make Santa Ana less trashy.
Received in email:
Today, I am officially announcing my candidacy for Mayor of Santa Ana. This decision is one that I’ve considered very carefully and thoroughly. I am running for Mayor because Santa Ana deserves a Mayor who will work FOR ALL OF US. I believe in Santa Ana, more importantly, I believe together we can bring about the change we believe in for Santa Ana.
As many of you know, I was elected to the Santa Ana City council in November of 2006, and in my role as a council member, I have earned a reputation for seeing that the concerns of my constituents are addressed no matter how large or how small. I have worked hard to earn my constituents trust and respect and I will continue to do so as Mayor. I pledge to create a new, positive city hall, a city where all people from all perspectives feel respected and get the services they deserve. We can make this a better city for all of us and bring hope and inspiration to our neighbors and neighborhoods that have been left behind.
I am asking you to move away from the past, and look to the future. I am urging you not to be afraid of disturbing the status quo. This job is not for one person; it’s a job for a community. I would like to leave you with the following quote from Margaret Mead “A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”. So let’s work together to improve this city we love.
“Santa Ana’s best days are yet to come”
Michele Martinez
Candidate for Mayor of Santa Ana 2008
Thomas have you filed the paperwork to run for mayor yet?
You might want to think about acquiring a COMPREHENSIVE understanding of Mr. Gordon’s positions on immigration reform before you go telling a city with a 75% hispanic population that he should be our Mayor.
Thomas has my vote!!! Keep us all updated…I’m more than willing to lend a hand!!
Mr.Gordon please step down let other politicians play on the field.You can be our captin Cheerleader if you want