It’s Rocco to the rescue!

Steve Rocco, the deranged Orange School Board member, has pulled papers to run against Santa Ana Clowncilman Carlos Bustamante, according to a pajarito who confirmed this with the Santa Ana City Clerk.

Rocco previously ran against Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido a few years ago, before he was elected to the Orange School Board.

Rocco is famous for espousing a belief in a very strange conspiracy involving “the evil triumvirate of Albertsons, Kodak and SmokeCraft Sausage that led to his 1980 conviction for shoplifting several rolls of film and a sausage at a Santa Ana supermarket,” according to the OC Weekly.

Bustamante has had many Rocco moments himself, which I summarized in a recent post. Most recently he resigned (after allegedly being pressured to by the Governor’s staff) from two state commission appointments after making his scandalous “water bra” remarks.

One way or another Busty will be opposed in November.Β  If nothing else Rocco will be entering the Space Commander’s orbit in Ward 3…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.