Let the race begin – Cathy Schlicht pulls papers to run for Mission Viejo City Council

Earlier today 24 year Mission Viejo resident Cathy Schlicht met with Karen Hamman, our city clerk, to become the third citizen to pick up the 2008 City Council Candidate Handbook. During her one hour meeting the City Clerk reviewed all of the timelines and related filing documents including the candidate statement that will cost each candidate $1,953. if they choose to submit one for the General Election ballot. While there are two open seats in this years November election, as of now only incumbent council woman Gail Reavis (and commissioner Rich Atkinson) have started the process. The other council seat up this year is held by Frank Ury.

According to our city clerk, four tentative candidates canceled their appointments.

Ms. Schlicht has been a very active member of Mission Viejo “watchdogs” including the Committee for Integrity in Government, CIG. She also served as an elected Board Member of the Saddleback Republican Assembly, a chartered unit of the “grass roots” CRA which at the time represented six local cities.

She has been our local champion in communicating with First Amendment attorney Terry Franke, formerly of the First Amendment Coalition, now with Californians Aware, representing citizens in cases involving possible violations of the Ralph M. Brown open meeting law.

In our telecon today Cathy shared one of her many reasons for entering the arena stating our council’s “lack of respect for our tax dollars”  and citing “the expenditure of $300,000 for a Rose Parade float for 30 seconds of TV time while simultaneously reducing our reserves.”

Note: As of now I have not interfaced with candidate Atkinson.

About Larry Gilbert