Well lookie here, a Democratic politician who wants to help small businesses! Check out this press release announcing a “How to Improve Your Small Business Workshop,” over at State Senator Lou Correa’s office:
Join State Senator Lou Correa, the U.S. Small Business Administration, the California Chamber of Commerce, the Orange County Small Business Development Center, the National Hispanic Business Women Association, the Institute For Women Entrepreneurs, and Libreria Martinez for a:
How to Improve your Small Business Workshop
Thursday, July 31 2008
2323 N. Broadway
Santa Ana, CA 92706
*Meeting in Board Room
5: 30 – 7:00 p.m.
Presenters include:
US Small Business Administration
The California Chamber of Commerce
Orange County Small Business Development Center
Employment Training Panel
National Hispanic Business Women Association
Linda Pinson, Business Consultant
Learn about how to access federal, state, and local resources to help your business grow during changing markets! Small business resource guides, informational booklets, and program applications will be available at the workshop.
Space is limited, so please R.S.V.P. at your earliest convenience by calling the district office at (714) 558-4400.
the district office at (714) 558-4400.
Lou has always been a staunch advocate for small business.