Republican presidential nominee John McCain has made a big stink about his support for an anti-gay marriage ballot measure that will be on the California ballot in November. So you would think that he values marriage. You would be wrong about that.
According to a major expose in a British newspaper, McCain ought to be ashamed of himself! His current wife, Cindy, who is 18 years younger than him and worth millions, is NOT his first wife. It turns out that his first wife, Carol (pictured above), waited patiently for him when he was a prisoner in Vietnam. But she had a bad car accident in the interim and she was badly disfigured. When McCain got out he started carousing with other women and then later dumped Carol so he could quickly marry Cindy. Her family’s money paved the way for his political career.
After all that, Carol still supports McCain. She insists he did not dump her because of her physical problems: ‘My marriage ended because John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25. You know that happens…it just does.’
There are plenty of witnesses to what McCain did to his first wife, including this account:
Ted Sampley, who fought with US Special Forces in Vietnam and is now a leading campaigner for veterans’ rights, said: ‘I have been following John McCain’s career for nearly 20 years. I know him personally. There is something wrong with this guy and let me tell you what it is – deceit.
‘When he came home and saw that Carol was not the beauty he left behind, he started running around on her almost right away. Everybody around him knew it.
‘Eventually he met Cindy and she was young and beautiful and very wealthy. At that point McCain just dumped Carol for something he thought was better.
And check out what Ross Perot has to say about McCain:
But Ross Perot, who paid her medical bills all those years ago, now believes that both Carol McCain and the American people have been taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel – even by the standards of modern politics.
‘McCain is the classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory,’ he said.
‘After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history.’
Wow. Nothing like Republican family values. And to think that the Reeps think gay couples are a threat to marriage.
and what dose this have to do with the election . pedroza digging for dirt . your boy hussain has plenty of dirt , mr wright , mr ayers , and plenty of other low lifes . this makes mccain look like a saint next to obamas cast of people . DO YOU REALLY WANT TO OPEN THAT DOOR …
While this is not new info., the walkout on his first wife must have been rather traumatic for the children he fathered with her. His children from that marriage will have nothing to do with their dad.
Barack Obama would have to be some kind of cannibalistic molester to come even close to being as big a pig as McCain appears to be.
Well… I guess I’ll have to post this now, even though I said I wouldn’t rag on McCain. Humorous video (with bad word) about true story of how he talks to his second wife. [The video is also about how the media treats McCain with kid gloves.]
Gee Art,
Looks like you are back to those ol’ republican ways. Does Obama really need you to hack away?
This is SUCH an old story. Snore.
who is the real pig art . the one that hangs around racist like wright . { no no no god damd america . or william i did not do enough to blow up the pentagon ayers. those are the pigs your boy hussain hangs around with .. i think mccain looks like a choir boy next to these scumbags .. and vern i think its obama that gets the kid gloves treatment the press wont go after him because of the back lash of being called racist ..
McCrazy calling his wife the “C” word is just about as sleazy as you can get. Doesn’t make him “look like a choir boy” to me although I’ve not met that many choirboys. 🙂
Great One,
With people like you around, who needs a racist press?
ANON are you saying i am racist . or is this the respond the left uses ..when they have nothing play the race card ..
Grate One, ya quack – quack – quack like a duck all day, and are outraged when folks think you’re a duck.
I think I will write a post soon on a question that keeps coming up: are we right to call people who spend all their time bitching about “illegals” #1 anti-immigrant, and #2 anti-Latino, or “racist”? I know you’ll want to chime in on that, but don’t bother telling us you’re Latino; even if it’s true, it’s irrelevant. Look at Lupe Moreno!
Great One,
Yes, I’m saying you’re a racist. For you to consistently call Barack Obama by his middle name in order to make racial innuendo makes you a racist.
Any other questions?
racist racist your a racist . you anon and far left wacko vern have ben playing in the same play pen .. like all the other FOLKS YOU CALL RACIST WHEN THEY WANT TO CLOSE THE BORDER and have laws against NOT MEXICANS, not hispanics BUT illegal law breakers that you folks seem to have a love affair for .. same thing with you far left vern . it it quacks like a s.f liberal then i guess you are one .. like anon . i guess you have a problem with HIS real name HUSSAIN OBAMA
Great One,
When you learn to actually spell Hussein, or put together a grammatically-correct sentence, then maybe we can take you seriously.
Please note that I didn’t call you a racist because of your views on illegal immigration. I called you a racist because you choose to arbitrarily use Mr. Obama’s middle name in order to create racial innuendo. That makes you a racist. Do you always go around calling people by their middle name? I doubt it.
And gosh, I wish I had a dollar for every time you used the phrase “far left”. You sound like a broken record.
Oh Great One needs Merriam! 🙂
i got to use it to counter vern , i was waiting for the grammar police to show up . anon . the word racist has no meaning anymore . art and some of the other people on this site toss it around like a daily paper .. its like the boy who cried wolf . sooner or later no one cares ..
Great One,
If you think nobody cares about racism, then your take on sentiment in this country is about as far off as it could possiby be.
17 . racism is no longer one of the top things in this country , in the 60s maybe but not any more . if you put racism at the top of your list then you are FAR OFF