One Dem to rule them all

“State Attorney General Jerry Brown leads San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and other Democrats making noises about running for governor in 2010 – but if Sen. Dianne Feinstein were to jump into the pool, she would swamp them all, a new poll shows,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

The poll revealed that Feinstein would lead the field, if you took out Newsom, Villaraigosa and O’Connell. Under that scenario Brown would drop to 24 percent and Feinstein would net 50%. And that would be it for “Moon Beam.”

There is more bad news for Brown. He has an unfavorable rating of 32 percent. That does not bode well for him. And Villaraigosa has the same unfavorable rating. But while Brown enjoys a 41 percent favorable rating, Villaraigosa has only a 24 percent favorable rating. Newsome is also down in the dumps with a 21 percent favorable rating versus a 20 percent unfavorable rating. And 46 percent of voters have no clue who Newsom is.

As for the Republicans, who don’t figure to succeed Schwarzenegger, the good news is that former Congressman Tom Campbell, who is a moderate, is leading by 2-1 over Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, disgraced former CEO of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina and former chief of EBay, Meg Whitman. Campbell is also known by 37 percent of the voters.

Poizner has become the darling of at least some of the knuckle-draggers, particularly Flash Report hack blogger Jon Fleischman. There are no other Talibani Republicans in the mix – and they will soon be getting a black eye when Prop. 8 fails in November. That will bring them down even more going into the gubernatorial race.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.