Robert Bisno Development is planning a tour of their luxury condos at the City Place in north Santa Ana on Saturday, July 12, 2008. Guests will be arriving between10:00 to 11:00am.
If you are interested in protesting at the City Place please click here.
Bisno has come under fire for developments in San Pedro and in Baldwin Park. Bisno is planning to seize hundreds of private properties in Baldwin Park via eminent domain so he can rebuild the downtown area of Baldwin Park and make a mint at it.
In San Pedro residents are also up in arms regarding his proposed development which does not fit the area and is opposed by hundreds of residents.
In Santa Ana Bisno has come under scrutiny for funding Measure D, which extended City Clowncil terms to 12 years total, and for building luxury condos nobody wants. Bisno is also planning a huge high rise luxury condo tower for north Santa Ana. Residents are opposed to this plan, which has the support of corrupt and inept Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido.
Let’s show Bisno what we think of him on July 12!
What do your readers think our protest signs should say ?
How about:
SA Council bought off by developers !!
No corrupt Bisno business !!
What else ? – we need some ideas readers.
While I don’t agree with all of Mr. Bisno’s tactics I do believe in a Santa Ana without vacancy, blight and crime. Vacancy is the #1 driver of blight and crime.
Protesting an all ready developed, vacant project and driving away potential homeowners/tenants may not do the City of Santa Ana any good. It may even prove to hurt this part of the city.
That being said I am for freedom of speeach and would never want anyone to hold back from voicing their opinion I would just hope that the forum is the right one.
Sorry to double up on this post. I received a call from a leader in Balwin Park redevelopment opposition requesting my posting the BISNO press release. I failed to check the web site before posting. Larry