“In a seemingly symbolic move, 100 conservative Christian leaders agreed to unite behind the presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain at a meeting Tuesday in Denver, Colo., Time.com reports,” according to Fox News.
Here are a few excerpts from Fox News:
McCain may have become the default choice for some of those leaders, who expressed doubt about presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. One guest present at the meeting said the motivation behind uniting and offering collective support was closely tied to a desire to defeat Obama.
“None of these people want to meet their maker knowing that they didn’t do everything they could to keep Barack Obama from being president,” Time.com reports the participant said.
Concerns exist that Obama “will decimate moral values,” said Mat Staver, chairman of the Florida law advocacy group Liberty Counsel.
“Moral values?” Bush is blowing $14 billion a month in Iraq and these guys are worried about moral values?
Their moral values are every bit as relativistic as the liberals they criticize.
I have yet to hear the same level of outrage, or any outrage, over BO’s gesture to Faith based organizations.
The Libs went nutzo when GWB invested in faith based orgs, buts have said squat when BO promised more of the same.
Thomas I don’t remember going nutzo either time. It does flirt with crossing the line between church and state, but I’ve got bigger worries…
If your mission is to prove that liberals give Obama a free pass on violating principles we hold dear, then you’ve been conveniently missing me (here) and Andrew (over there) excoriating Barack on his Great FISA Cave-In. Hey, where are you on the illegal eavesdropping thing anyway? Nothing wrong with you righties making common cause with us now and then on privacy and the Constitution, especially when you get to join us in criticizing our own candidate.
You didn’t! “Excerpting” Faux news? There goes your credibility. Oh yeah and happy indy day! ~ M
The secular humanist “religion”, seeking to drive every form of religious expression from public discourse, is more like the Taliban.
In my opinion, the stamping out of religious expression in public schools amounts to “prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
I have to agree with anon: “Their moral values are every bit as relativistic as the liberals they criticize.”
art a democrat not a d.t.s that is just a front to hide his real party . how is this for a line .. . commis , law breakers , united behind hussain obama .. thats right his real name ..