As we interview candidates for elected office to see how they compare I have recently undertaken a similar investigation of float entries for this year’s 120th Tournament of Roses Parade. To date I have covered the CA cities of Roseville, Long Beach and Mission Viejo. Wow!
The Jan 1, 2009 “Grand Prize”winner for “biggest municipal spender” will be the city of Mission Viejo who has budgeted $300,000.
I just spoke to an employee at the finance department of the City of Burbank and was told that their Park’s and Rec’s budget for their “Three D Double Feature” 2009 Rose Parade float is $67,500. They utilize the Burbank Tournament of Roses Association, BTORA, that works directly with the float builders. Compare the following Burbank float dates to Mission Viejo. Burbank:
“On May 14, 2008 the final line drawing was released.”
“On July 3rd the final color rendering was released.”
According to information from the City of Long Beach their “Passport to the Pacific” entry has a spending cap set at $115,000 “for the design and construction of their float.”
In addition to their Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach has a Convention Center, the Queen Mary and the Long Beach Grand Prix to promote.
We have a Mission Viejo city council meeting this coming Monday. As Agenda’s must be posted 72 hours before meetings I visited city hall this morning to pick up a copy and to see if a Contract for Fiesta Float was to be presented. The records coordinator confirmed that “the float Contract is not on the Agenda” as “we have yet to select a design.” Therefore there is no Contract for the public or council to see.
Hmm. Our next normal scheduled council meeting will be Sept 1st while item #5 of the Fiesta Float Timeline for the Mission Viejo float reads: By mid-summer, the float is quickly taking shape.”
I guess the rubber stamp majority will eventually approve a Contract and we will incur overtime costs due to the delay in exposing this, yet to be approved, design effort.
Something to consider. For every elected local and County, or CRA and OCGOP, official considering an endorsment for any of our council members who go along with this expenditure risk their own credibility for knowingly endorsing those who vote approval of this waste of taxpayers money.
In his letter to me even our former city manager stated that “you and I agree that this council puts previous ones to shame with their spending habits. I agree that the expenses you mention are rediculous. With the current state of the economy, you’d think they would restrain themselves for political purposes if nothing else. “
While Dan Joseph and I had many disagreements, when it relates to our recent uncontrolled spending we are on the same page.
Which members of our city council do you think will vote approval of this budgeted $300,000 float contract?
The Burbank Tournament of Roses Association is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. The only reason that they can build their float for such a minimal amount is that they rely exclusively on volunteer labor. Also, the float is built in Burbank’s city yards and therefore the association pays no rent. Fiesta Parade Floats must pay for both rent and labor. It is irresponsible and inaccurate to compare the expenditures of an all-volunteer organization to the cost of a professionally built float.
As a former employee of both Phoenix Decorating Company (who is building both Long Beach and Roseville’s entries) and Fiesta Parade Floats, I assure you that the difference in quality will be radical — particularly if you take the opportunity to see the floats in person. Mission Viejo is all but guaranteed to win a major prize, considering the budget and the builder. Also, due to the budget and the builder, Mission Viejo is likely to capture far more media attention than many other floats in the parade.
I have been loosely following your blog and I understand that there are serious questions about whether Mission Viejo needs or can afford such publicity. These are certainly matters that warrant discussion.
However, I must set the record straight about what is a reasonable amount to spend on a float in the Tournament of Roses. First, you cannot compare a professionally built float to an all-volunteer float. Second, Fiesta’s quality of workmanship and floral design will trump Phoenix every time. Even though I no longer work for Fiesta, I can absolutely guarantee that Mission Viejo will get their money’s worth and then some.
Mr. Meier.
Thank you for joining the debate.
Setting the city of Burbank float aside have you given any consideration to the justification of our city spending around $300,000 to publicize what?
Do we have a convention center? NO!
Do we have thousands of homes to be sold? NO!
Do we have a major league ballpark? NO!
Is our TOT tax $80 million like Anaheim? NO!
Note: Our FYE 6-30-08 TOT was $575,000
Other than expanding a builddg is there anything of significance on our 20th anniversary? NO!
Has our city funded MV Foundation come forward with any financial assistance for this project? NO!
Is our city council discussing factoring receivables, aka “monetizing future cell tower” revenues this Monday? YES!
Perhaps you are not a resident so let me provide an example of a city expenditure.
A number of years ago we spent over $one million dollars for a partial “sidewalk” along the Alicia Parkway side of Lake Mission Viejo. The final cost was around $1.25 million of which the Lake Assocaition contributed approximately $500,000. The city picked up the balance as well as all maintenance costs. I believe we won an award for that much needed project. Oh, but it did have a catchy name. We called it our “Lake Promenade.”
What’s more important in your mind when we have homes in forclosure?
Winning an award for a float or showing some restrain on spending taxpayer money at a time when we are in a recession?
In your words, whatever the cost, we are “all but guaranteed to win a major prize.”
I’m glad you are looking out for your former co-workers to make sure we do our part to keep them employed designing and building parade floats. As such you do have a built in bias in your response.
We also have a call for volunteers to work on the float. In fact my son was one of the Mission Viejo Company volunteers 25 years ago when we had around 10,000 homes to sell under the “California Promise.” At that time the float entry was justified and paid for with private funds.
Somehow I do not see any mention of the use of private funds in your rebuttal. In the city of Roseville I believe they have over $100,000 coming from the private sector for their entry.
And lastly. I respectfully disagree that “we will get our money’s worth.” How do you measure that ROI?
“Media attention” to what end and for how long?
We are already known around the world for our Nadadores Olympic swimmers and in the USA for our Mission Viejo Diablo football teams.
I have attended four rose Parades. Let me assure you that from the Grandstands it is hard to tell the difference between the big bucks floats and the “volunteer” floats. The approx. 17 seconds of TV time for each float further diminishes differences in quality and “class” for the home viewer.
However with the BIG EGO’S of Lance MacLean and Trish Kelley the two members of the Rose Parade Committee, will make sure that money is no limiter.
Isn’t it interesting that neither of these folks have any qualms about spending other folks money.
Contract Larry–“We don’t need no stining contract—bro”.
What did you say their occupations were ????
Perhaps a citizen’s petition to the MV Council opposing the spending of any funds on a Rose Parade float entry might get their attention. I’m sure Sarah could set something up online and screen entries by zip code.
It should surprise no one if the cost of the MV float skyrockets — the price tag of $300K was only to slip it by the council. Before it’s over, city contractor Jamey Clark could be making $72/hour for emergency float-building. If this goes as usual, city staff members will lie about expenses, and residents will request public records to discover the costs were hidden as maintenance of city property.
That’s what happens when city hall’s motto is “Make Lying Your Mission.”
Don’t worry the Public Services Director and the City Manager have a way to get a labor force to work on the float and any future waste of money projects and in the process hide money being spent. They have decided to make it mandatory that all city employees participate in projects that they decide benifit the community by so called volunteering to work (MANDATORY VOLUNTEERING ?)The hourly staff will be paid (overtime) and the salary staff will work for free, all will be evaluated on their annual performance review by the amount of “volunteering” they participate in. The more you volunteer the greater the rewards $ excellent way to buy staff loyalty. Staff is currently fast tracking this as a new personel policy just in time for THE FLOAT. Another great way to hide money from the public. Unbelievable ! Larry when will the madness stop ?
Mr. Gilbert, you did not read my post correctly. I am not arguing that Mission Viejo ought enter a float in the parade. I think there are valid reasons to question whether a Rose Parade float is a wise investment of the city’s money.
My sole objective is to communicate that the $300,000 price tag is not exorbitant for a professional float and will translate to an excellent entry. Whether that float and the publicity it generates is worth the cost to Mission Viejo is a separate matter and one which I have no plans to debate.
Mr. Holtzman argued that there was little discernible difference between the self-built floats and the professional ones. As a designer of seven different self-built floats I like to think that my own entries have rivaled professional standards. However, I must say that for the most part there is a significant gap between the quality of the volunteer entries and the professional ones.
Questions of quality aside, Mission Viejo does not have an organization in place that is capable of building an all-volunteer entry. It is very difficult to assemble such a team (I know from experience). Therefore, if Mission Viejo decides to enter a float, they must pay a professional builder. Fiesta Parade Floats is the best builder in the business and consistently delivers top-quality floats. A $300,000 pricetag is fair.
As I have said before, whether or not it is wise for Mission Viejo to make that investment is a separate question.
Incidentally, there is no love lost between me and my former employer (Fiesta Parade Floats). We came to a mutual and not entirely amiable parting of the ways. I no longer have any contact with them whatsoever. Frankly, I was deeply disappointed and disheartened by my time at Fiesta.
I am speaking objectively as someone who has been involved with float building for 17 years. I have worked with three different companies and designed floats for two different volunteer organizations. Objectively, Fiesta is the best. In terms of “getting your money’s worth”, I am speaking solely in terms of the quality of the float — not its ultimate value to the people of Mission Viejo.
As I have written multiple times, that is a separate question.
Mr. Meier.
I will cut to the chase. It is NOT a wise investment for the city of Mission Viejo to enter the Tournament Parade during this year for a host of reasons.
For three hours yesterday I participated in a Special Meeting of our Investment Advisory Committee on another matter. Prior to that topic I asked if they were contacted by the council members who appointed them on this pending decision to which they each responded NO. And there is no obligation to do so as their role is to safeguard our investments not to oversee our expenditures. There were comments made questioning the justification of of participation.
When Edison International spends $one million dollars for their Tournament of Roses float that expenditure falls between the cracks of private/public monies in that we ultimately pay for it as they have exclusive rights to provide service to our city.
I mention Edison because they are a utility company which has already spent upwards of a million dollars on a prior year’s float.
My issue is that we are addressing “taxpayer” money in the case of Mission Viejo. We are
not being supported by any private sector contributions.
To sum it up. Yes, you can spend big bucks on a float.
Until he is replaced we have a #2 man on our city staff who, somewhere, has a wall full of awards received in Mission Viejo on the back of wasteful taxpayer spending. If I am not mistaken we may have also won an award for our (roughly 20 x 24 foot) two holer “outhouse” in Melinda Park that cost around $400,000.
As to your later comment. I have no issue with your sharing typical float cost information.
As to the volunteers. My son was a volunteer. That Mission Viejo High School group glued flowers onto the float. They surely were not tasked with design or construction. As such we need to better define “volunteer” in using that term.
Mr. Gilbert —
Fine. You think it’s a waste of taxpayer dollars. Great. Floats in the Rose Parade are not for everyone. I’m not arguing. Why do you insist on picking this fight with me?
All I’m saying is that your facts regarding fundamental aspects of float-building are in error.
The all-volunteer floats are ALL volunteer — every aspect of design, mechanics, engineering, construction, sculptural work, building maintenance, fundraising, security, publicity. That’s the definition of a self-built float and I cannot imagine that Mission Viejo is prepared to shoulder that responsibility with only 4 and a half months until the parade.
I don’t know where you got your figures for Edison, but no float has ever cost one million dollars. It is possible that Edison engaged in ADDITIONAL sponsorship activities with the Tournament. It is possible that they invested more in events surrounding the float, but
I can promise you that no float budget has ever come close to even half that figure.
I am not taking issue with your belief that Mission Viejo should not sponsor a float. I think you are right to question the decision that your civic leaders have made. However, others will not take your argument as seriously when you fail to get your facts straight regarding the realities of the Tournament of Roses and float building. For example, if you research the recent budgets for Cerritos and Santa Fe Springs, I am sure you will find that they are at least $300,000.
It was my intention to give you a more accurate picture of the Tournament of Roses, but you only seem interested in pressing your own point of view — whether or not anyone is even arguing with you. Consequently, this is my last post.
Mr. Gilbert —
Hi Im Jimmy Mendoza Chairman of the City of Santa Fe Springs Rose Float. Our Float cost $275,000 in 2008 and $250.000 in 2007 Let me tell you yea the cost of our float was high but it was all worth it.
Thank you Fiesta Parade Floats We took home the Extraordinaire Trophy in 2008.
Objectively, Fiesta is the best. In terms of “getting your money’s worth”, I am speaking solely in terms of the quality of the float. To tell you the truth its about a community coming together and getting to know eachother and meet new friend and to show thw world who we are there is no price tag on that community pride.
P.s if you wont the best float supervisors ask for Barbara and Bob truly the best.
Some things you should know:
Burbank is a self-built float, and has been so for only about 20 years. Before that is was “self-decorated”, which means the Association’s volunteers decorated it and the Burbank city yard employees “Built” it. So the “city” budget has usually stayed the same since, however now volunteers completely build and decorate everything with that money, along with any additional funds they can raise.
That’s a HUGE savings of labor costs!
Also, it varies from year-to-year, but they come close to making a float for between $75,000 to $80,000+ with any additional fundraising. But again, NO ONE is paid!
Fiesta is one of the best float builder’s money can buy. They are VERY good at what they do, but float building is their business and their people must be paid. Also, their primary designer has been Raoul Rodriguez, who has produced years of multi-award winning designs for Fiesta.
Trust me, Mission viejo will be getting a beautiful – possibly award winning – genuine work-of-art Rose Float! And you definitely CAN see a difference between a self-built and a pro float.
However, I will always believe that any self-built float will be tops in my book simply because they are community built floats and will always be a beautiful labor of love!
Monique. Happy New Year!
Thank you for joining the discussion. Perhaps you missed the other Juice posts in the Series which, in addition to Burbank and Mission Viejo, cover several other 2009 city floats.
They included Huntington Beach, Roseville, Cerritos, Sierra Madre, LaCanada-Flintridge, Anaheim and Long Beach.
Look for our most recent stories including one sent off line that I will now be adding.
As to your guess as to Mission Viejo getting an award. We will. You can take that to the bank.
There is no project in our city that fails to win an award. We even won an award for a million dollar sidewalk on Alicia Parkway. Money is no object. PS: Anaheim’s float is half the cost of ours at $150,000 and is entered to promote their convention center. Not knowing where you live let me state that we do not have a major Convention Center nor do we have Downtown Disney, Disneyland, Arrowhead Pond or Angel Stadium to promote in Mission Viejo.
Is there prize money for associated with the winners of the floats?
Happy New Year Brandi.
Without doing any research my sense is that the only prize money is the bragging rights of the float builders. As it turns out professional float builders Fiesta Parade Floats and Phoenix Decorating tied with eight awards each of the 24 awards issued. They will surely leverage that achievement in their charges for 2010 and beyond.
Thanks for the fast response, and Happy New Years to you!