Has Santa Ana City Manager Dave Ream completely lost it?

It looks like Santa Ana City Manager Dave Ream is attacking the businesses in the Logan neighborhood again.

I received a frantic call from Sandy Pratt of Blue Bird towing on Friday.  She told me that new traffic control signs have gone up all over Logan.  These signs say that trucks over 3 tons are prohibited from entering Logan Barrio.  These signs effectively shut down the majority of industrial business in the Logan neighborhood area.  That is not fair given that many of these businesses have been fixtures in this community for decades.

A local businessman had this to say about the new signs, “This is not what I understand that the people of Logan want.  My understanding is that most Logan residents are okay with a mix of residential and reasonable industrial uses which comply with existing city municipal code and traffic requirements.”

So what kind of vehicles weigh more than three tons?  A Ford F-150 with a utility bed, tools and materials weighs more than 3 tons (6,000 pounds).

So who authorized this?

Pratt told a friend of mine that when she called City Hall on Friday afternoon she was transferred to Public Works.  A fellow who was initially quite evasive then told her that he received an order to place the signs in question on any street that takes commercial vehicles entering into the Logan area.

Pratt insisted on being told WHO placed the sign order.  After some haggling with the city employee, he finally told her that City Manager Dave Ream ordered the signs placed at all the intersections leading into the Logan neighborhood.

So Pratt demanded to speak to Ream himself.  After she thoroughly “Reamed” him out, he agreed to come out to talk to her about this concern.  But prior to him showing up at 5 p.m., as he had promised, he sent two other city employees to try to mollify Pratt.

Ream finally showed up at 5:30 p.m. and he tried to soothe Pratt by saying that the work crew had misunderstood his order.  He said he told them to replace all the old signs.

Then Ream called the Santa Ana Police Department and told them not to write any citations.

Has Ream completely lost it?  I have noticed in the past couple of years that Ream is barely able to stay awake at City Council meetings.  He appears to be enfeebled.  Why is he hanging on to his job when he appears to be incapable of doing it?

Ream should have retired by now.  But the Santa Ana City Council and Mayor Miguel Pulido gave him yet another huge raise this year.  My guess is that they are feathering his nest in advance of a pending retirement.  He cannot retire soon enough.  Just ask the businesspeople in the Logan neighborhood.


It looks like Ream pulled a patented “bait and switch” by installing these signs. The Logan Neighborhood continues, rightfully, to be upset at the illegal operations of Ware Disposal. According to a city insider, Ware never got permission, in the form of a CUP, to operate at their Logan facility. Ream knows this and his standard response is that the City Attorney is working on this. But would Ware’s operation be tolerated in one of the more prominent neighborhoods in Santa Ana, such as Floral Park? Heck no! Ware would have been shut down by now. So instead of going after Ware, Ream comes up with this sign strategy – but he did it without talking to any of the legitimate enterprises in the Logan neighborhood. At the very least he should have coordinated meetings with the business community to find out if the 3 ton limit was workable. Installing the signs by fiat was just plain nuts.

As for the Logan neighborhood my heart goes out to them. I lived for several years in the Artesia Pilar neighborhood where we had similar problems with poorly run plating companies and auto shops. In fact there were numerous incidents of brain cancer amongst schoolchildren in the area – and while health officials said that there was no connection to the companies in question, including one that got caught polluting the area, residents still wondered if their children were safe.

If I do get elected to the City Council my promise to the people of the Logan neighborhood is that I will leave no stone unturned in going after Ware. If the City of Santa Ana won’t enforce their own laws I will call on the O.C. District Attorney to investigate the Santa Ana City Attorney and Ream, who are plainly not doing their jobs.  The fact that Ware donates to the entire Pulido cabal should give us all pause.  Is there a quid pro quo deal at work here?

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.