Did M.V. City Manager make the float decision without prior City Council approval?

Earlier today I received four call from residents about their receiving the Fall 2008 issue of Mission Viejo Leisure Time magazine in today’s mail. Well, our copy just arrived.

The headline on page one reads “Rose Parade Float Volunteers Needed.” And it states: “The grand finale of the City’s 20th Anniversary of Cityhood celebration will be an entry in the 2009 Tournament of Roses Parade. Hundreds of volunteers will be needed to create our beautiful float, so gather your family, friends and neighbors and be part of Mission Viejo history! Also a great way for students to earn community service hours.”  Further down the page it says “Transportation, meal and souvenir included.”

Wait a minute. This magazine had to be created and printed prior to today, August 27th.  How many times have I blogged that city manager Dennis Wilberg admitted not having a design or contract with Fiesta Floats yet he marches down the road as if he had the authorization to proceed.

Based on his aggressive position on this non justified waste of taxpayer funds he is ignoring the appropriate procedures of a public entity. Namely we vote before we commit. The next meeting of the city council will be Tuesday Sept 2nd.  Has there been a Brown Act violation where the majority has already agreed to this participation?

Why couldn’t the city staff wait until AFTER the vote before publishing this magazine?
Larry, you already know the answer to that question. They are LATE, months LATE, based on your interviews of other city participants.

While the council “budgeted” $300,000 for the float, by the time this project is completed, due to a very late start, and we bus and feed hundreds of volunteers traveling to Pasadena, this CIP floor will be broken.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the city council majority boycotted the next two meetings to test the city manager’s authority. I guess he knows they are simply rubber stamps.

Note: As we will be out of the country  we will not be there to question this pending design and Contract.

About Larry Gilbert