Understandable as it is for Senator McCain to attempt to smooth over the problem of his extreme old age by reaching out to those of us, born in the 1960’s, who grew up loving Monty Python’s Flying Circus, I still foresee a Pandora’s box of problems growing from his choice of Palin as a running mate. Am I wrong – or is this not the right room for an argument?
If the worst happened and McCain did not survive his first term, would the world trust, as our leader, the onetime pet-shop owner who not only refused to admit he had sold John Cleese a dead parrot, and not only sent him off pointlessly to a non-existent shop in Bolton, but then claimed that he had meant “Ipswitch” as a “palindrome” to Bolton when everybody knows the palindrome to Bolton is NOTLOB!
And with our nation’s reputation so tarnished by our use of torture at Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, and black sites across the globe, do we really want – even as #2 in command – a person so associated with the Spanish Inquisition??
Maybe it’s not my problem, but don’t the Republicans need to at least make a pretense of reaching out to their conservative religious base? I just don’t see how the choice of Palin, who has made a career of lampooning religious hypocrites, helps in that goal!
OK, I do hear everybody out there saying that McCain is attempting to appeal to women with this choice, but I just don’t see it – what women are such incompetent cooks as to end up with half the sherry in their hair?
And in the age of David “Diaper” Vitter and Larry “Wide Stance” Craig, how is it helpful to remind voters of Sir Galahad “the Chaste”‘s adventure in that famous castle filled with underaged oversexed girls?
Granted this is obviously an attempt to burnish the “Republican brand” with humor, hipness, and world-travelling urbanity, but many of us Anglophobes are going to suspect a more sinister, long-term plan of re-establishing British hegemony over her long-lost colonies in the person of a Palin Caesar!?
I’m sorry, it just doesn’t work for me.
Vern, extremely funny and imaginative. Bravo!
you are on the money-nothing but problems for McCain.
I even heard Ralph Reed try to justify this on NPR. Talk about simpleton logic. On another talk show, people had the nerve to say that she could hold her own, from a foreign policy perspective, against Binden.
I hear she’s under investigation
I don’t know.
I just think that it goes to show that the Democratic Party hates women.
Her ex-brother in law is a state trooper. Allegedly, she ordered him terminated. State Legislature has begun the investigation tho she says everything is above board.
we shall see. My understanding is that the report is due in 2 months. Close to the election.
Looks like Palin and Jose Hernandez have plenty in common – they both fired relatives!
Palin is to domestic policy what Biden is to foreign policy. Now that the tickets are balanced, it’s about the man at the top of each. That makes her a smart pick.
Obama made history last evening with his acceptance speech and McCain made history by tagging a woman for his running mate. It’s been nearly a quarter of a century since that last happended.
Change is all around.
with all due respect, Biden authored the legislation that put more police on the street in many of the nations urban centers and the violence against woman legislation. Not to mention that he chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee. And we havent even touched his foreign policy expertise.
And Palin’s legislative history is………?
I’m not going to argue about Biden’s credentials because you’re absolutely right, with the exception that in regards to police, I believe in quality over quantity whenever possible and issues that you mention are only two, they are interrelated, and they aren’t particularly controversial.
In contrast, Sarah Palin wants to drill for oil in her own state and can’t. That is controversial, and she’s fighting the good fight. And who really cares what her legislative history is? She’s an executive nominated to an executive seat.
Besides, she’s not at the top of the ticket. On the other side, the inexperienced person is.
While I’m still not voting for John McCain, I’ve decided not to make fun of him anymore. I’m no longer convinced that he is either lame or the same after this pick.
Barr/Root ’08… because the major parties don’t deserve our votes at the moment. Maybe they will again by 2012 after the Dems nominate Hillary, which from where I’m sitting is a lot more likely now that Palin is McCain’s pick.
Buffy, you’ve definitely gone over to the Republican side, way to buck the trend!
With regard to quality over quantity, I definitely agree with you. And Senator Biden has extensively discussed that aspect of his legislation over many years. I am certain that he would agree with you.
Many public policy experts that specialize on this topic agree with you as well. There are numerous examples that come to mind re quality:
SFPD has paid out millions of public $$$ in litigation over excessive force lawsuits-and it continues to this day. Google the Chronicle if interested-Los Angeles did the same thing but then brought Bill Bratton in.
All agree that quality of training and experience is the key to sound municipal policing. With the continued decline of urban centers, the stress placed on our police departments continues to underscore the quality aspect. The new element is the expansion of the departmental workforce to deal with the ever increasing demands on police departments by their citizenry. They both go hand in hand.
And I might add: by her own admission, she is a ardent pro-choice policy proponent as well as a proponent of the traditional definition of marriage as only between a man and a woman.
Supreme Court choices……hmmmm?
‘Buffy, you’ve definitely gone over to the Republican side, way to buck the trend!‘
Yeah, I know. That’s why I registered Libertarian. Geez. John McCain is pro-war and anti-choice. I already said I won’t vote for him, but I’m not a single-issue voter either, so I’m going to be fair in my coverage.
Vern and Co,.
I had it half right last week when I suggested another female as McCain’s running mate.
Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Over half of the registered voters happen to be female. Notice how governor Palin praised two other female trailblazers today. The first female V.P. choice back in 1984 was Mondale’s selection of Geraldine Ferraro. The other receiving kudo’s in her speech was Hillary Clinton. Slick approach.
sorry-I wrote the piece wrong
Palin is an ardent pro-life proponent and not a pro choice proponent. She does say that she is pro-choice and then says that she “chose” to have her children–that is to say she is pro-life.
We have to be very careful with her.
Frame of reference: The population of the ENTIRE state of Alaska is equal to the population of San Jose California. The capital of Alaska, geographically, is equal to Capitola, California
Again. I never said I would vote McCain/Palin.
I am getting to like you more and more. And your independent streak.
Re: Capitola, I should have said that the state capital of Alaska, physically, is about the same size as Capitola near Santa Cruz.
Naked Political Pandering:
Sarah Palin.
Foreign policy experience: zero
National political experience: zero
Washington experience: zero
National policy experience: zero
Knowledge of urban issues: unknown
Knowledge of farming issues: unknown
Knowledge of manufacturing issues: unknown
Knowledge of trade issues: unknown
Knowledge of snow removal issues: probably OK
Clearly McCain thinks he can get some of Hillary’s women supporters, which is to say, he thinks he’s buying votes.
But for a 71 year old candidate, one might think extra scrutiny of the Vice Presidential choice would be in order, and particularly of one who has no significant experience in anything having to do with running the country or getting things done in Washington.
It will be difficult to make the argument that Obama “lacks experience”, when McCain’s choice for VP has even less. Let’s see: she’s been on the city council in Wasilla, Alaska. Two terms. She’s even been the Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, population 5,470. Two terms. And now she’s been the Governor of one of the least populated states in America for a whole 17 months. She did, I note, come in 2nd in the Miss Alaska pageant several years ago, so there’s that.
I’m sure the new Republican talking points have gone out: “Experience doesn’t matter.” Repeat until breathless.
Who is in charge of vetting over at the McCain camp? The link sums up the upcoming problems for good old John & Sarah.
Anon @325pm
Great points-its what I have been saying all day.
The $64 question is this:
When she was runner up in the Miss Alaska pageant several years ago, did she wear MukLuks or did she roller blade in the talent competition?
After all, she is pro-choice because she “chose” to have her kids-is there something in the water in Alaska that causes that kind of logic? maybe JubalIdiot can chime in to answer about McCains choice of a right wing religious fanatic?
A re-defintion of the Republican Party???
Inquiring minds do want to know…….?
Anon @ 329pm asks:
“Who is in charge of vetting over at the McCain camp? The link sums up the upcoming problems for good old John & Sarah.”
Matt “I’m Jubal incognito but I do have a Carl’s Jr. Star outfit when I pass out the starburger coupons” Cunningham and the OCRP Central Committee.
SMS and All
One has to wonder……..
What are Lisa Murkowski of Alaska (whose father Palin defeated for Governor-he was the incumbent), Kay Bailey Hutchinson (Texas), Elizabeth Dole (North Carolina), Olympia Snowe (Maine), and Susan Collins (Maine) thinking today?????
All are Republicans-All are sitting US Senators-All have experience working with John McCain, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama (and Hillary Clinton).
And last but not least, All are Women…..
Just thinking out loud…………..
Hutchinson and Dole would have made solid choices, but they are much less exciting than the young, vibrant Sarah Palin. She’s the Reeps’ charisma candidate.
As to the others, I think they lack name recognition as well as charisma.
Another bank failure–this time in Georgia
Maybe Palin can do commercials to increase deposits in the problemmatic banks.
I agree with your comments-but all, tho bland are very competant.
The problem is that they werent runners up for the Ms. Texas/Maine/Alaska/North Carolina like Palin was.
Do you think she skates on the tundra?
I am so confused. What does any of this have to do with Michael Palin?
What does Michael Palin have to do with Sarah Palin?
SMS and Vern
in vitro twins separated in the petri dish
OK. That’s disturbing. And nonsensical.
a little bit of OC humor on a 3day weekend
How will this play with the Dr. Laura republicans, a working mom who now will take on running for vice president when she has a disabled 5 month old baby [her husband is a commercial fisherman, I suspect he will HAVE to become Mr. Mom tout-suite]? How will all the Hillary bashers who have been complaining about her “shrill” voice feel about Palin? I heard her speak this morning and she makes Hillary sound like James Earl Jones. How will republicans justify this obvious and crass, politically calculated choice? With lies and obfuscation and as always aided and abetted by our corporate media.
I’m starting to get the picture we’re not all talking about the same person. Isn’t this John McCain’s vice-presidential choice? :
#19 anon, you are truly a clown.
Did you say “getting things done in Washington”
Are you referring to Nancy Pelosi???????????????
*They told George H.W. Bush…that he needed
to dump Dan Quayle as his VP if he expected to be re-elected in 1992. Bush Sr. seemed to think that
….it mattered not ……who was the VP…in HIS Administration. Undoubtedly, McCain feels the same way!
You are a truly a classless act with the above photo. I forgive you!
Hilarious post, Vern.
Anon, you, too, know how to cause a good laugh.
As a woman, I think this is the proverbial “token” philosphy. I find it insulting that a more experienced female candidate was not selected being that gender seems to be the predominant criteria in this choice. Hell, Condi Rice would have been a much better pick. She’s a three-fer with benefits: female, black, expert in foreign policy, AND she can even play the piano and ice skate!
#37 you forgot Condi’s biggest achievement; helping W run the country into a ditch!
the key question is whether Condi can ice skate on the Alaska tundra while eating a mooseburger
Couldn’t agree more, 38.
Despite my facetious comments about Condi, I have to say it has always saddened me to watch a woman whom I truly believe is gifted and intelligent, squander her talent because she can’t conquer the sychophantic demons that have landed her in W and his gang’s employ.
I guess power is equally intoxicating to women as it is to men. Under the proper ethical tutelage, she probably could have done some good things…
Good one, SCR!
And I spelled sycophantic wrong! I hate it when I do that!
Couldnt agree more with you. Have you watched the Frontline special entitled “Bush’s War”? I highly recommend it to you to get another point of view of Condi
No I haven’t, SCR, but I’ll definitely check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.
I think thats the url. Googling frontline will do it. Its an amazing piece. The producer of this piece has 5 other pieces on Frontline involving the Bush administration as well. This piece ties everything together.
Onward to frontline. Thank you very much!
While you all continue to talk out your hind ends, I am catching the 8:00 AM flight out of JW to Alaska to find out about her.
Please feel free to continue to throw feces and play with yourselves while I’m gone.
I’ll actually go and talk to Alaskan’s about her and find out some facts first hand.
I’ll be sure to let those of you might care, know what I find out.
Stay tuned.
Have a good flight……
I myself would go but the special investigation commisioned by the bipartisan ethics committee of the AK Legislature will not be done until October 10. My understanding is that she will be deposed in the next week or so.
On a lighter note, please ask them what they think about their royalty check and their view of her. From the perspective of the old amount and the new amount…..Im sure their viewpoint will be different.
On a more serious note, McCain’s decision will go down as the greatest campaign blunder in the last 100 years. Pure and sinple, this was a decision to go after the undecided womans vote and especially the rightest fundamentalist base whose view of McCain was not good. In order to be competitive, McCain had to reach for a fundamentalist to energize that portion of the Reep base. He had no choice.
What is now coming out from the McCain campaign, because everyone is asking why and certain people are talking, is that McCain and senior campaign strategists had to recover the public stage after four days in Denver. They did.
Experience will be the talking point. Overplayed, that side will lose. Subtlely played, that side will win.
McCain caught the Dems offguard, so to speak, with this choice though they had anticipated and factored in a female.
Obama/Biden’s first joint campaign stop in Penn yesterday:Palin was not even discussed. A very professional congratulatory statement was issued earlier in the day. Subtlety.
The watchword: Implosion:when and where. In the crucible of national political debate, Palin will implode. What this choice will do is energize those undecided democratic and republican woman centrist voters as well as dts and independent voters to move towards the Obama/Biden column.
They could not have been dealt a better hand.
End result on November 5th:
Obama/Biden: 77%
McCain/Palin: 23%
The key: The VP debate in October.
Carl, nothing personal. Its just hardball politics with the future of this great country and survival of the middle class at stake.
Have a good flight on Alaska Airlines.
No one else would accept the job. They know they are losers already. Very soon , white OC libertarians will be taking orders from a black President. And Mickey will weep!
ummm Micky is black.
Color of skin doesn’t matter.
The Monty Python alum doesn’t seem like such a bad pick anymore.
What are the odds in Vegas, now?
Las Vegas odds (8-30-2008)
Obama (D) 1/2
McCain (R) 6/4
Vegas calls it for McCain