“No Deal.” Not unexpected but our state legislature spent four hours in session yesterday discussing plans to solve our $15.2 billion dollar deficit.
What it boils down to is Republican requests for a spending cap without a tax increase and Democrats calling for an increase of corporate as well as the top state income tax bracket from 9.3 % to 11%.
To read the entire SacBee report simply go to the following link.
My taxes are higher than 11%, whats up with that? Oh, and the Republicans want to play fast and loose with that Pesky Prop 98 and make a few changes in the formula thinking that it will pay dividends in lower funding for our neighborhood schools down the road. We can’t afford less money, we’re already funded at just about the lowest rate in the country aned we live in a state with a high cost of living so it should be more than everyone instead of less. Please call your legislators, Assemblypersons and Senators, and tell them we need a budget now that continues to protect the Prop 98 Guarantee. This is why we passed Prop 98 in the first place to stop the raids on our education funds.
Got a call from Schwarzenegger etc. last night (heretofore known as SCR) who was watching the budget debate because he watches these things like a junkie.
He just had to tell me that Assemblyman Mike Duvall (R-Yorba Linda) was on the floor claiming that it was FDR’s raising of taxes which caused the Great Depression. That the entire assembly did not explode in shock and mirth is testament to the overall tension there right now.
A story almost worth a post in itself, if I had more details, and I weren’t slaving away at a Dana/McCain mega-post. And Duvall is supposed to be one of the saner Republicans!
While we will be out of the country for two weeks I expect to see the budget debate still in a quagmire when we return.
Unlike the Federal Government, Arnold cannot print CA greenbacks to tide us over.