Amazing. Maverick Senator John McCain is anything but predictable.
You have to wonder how long he considered his running mate to steal the media thunder from Senator Obama this week.
Beyond Obama who do you think has the biggest political fan club in America? Someone who can bring the huge female vote and disgruntled Democrats to the polling booths?
Hillary Rodham Clinton!!
Yup, wait and see when the McCain for president email blast hits your in box next week.
*Molly Ringwold? Oh yeah…the “Brat Pack”..and
maybe McCain is going to pick his nose on camera
just to show he is a man of the people as well!
Sounds more likely that he will choose Bill
Clinton or Paris Hilton as his running mate!
Partner….how much are you willing to wager on
this again?
Hey Ron.
Got your attention with this one.
Jeez, you guys will do anything to get another mouse click for your ratings. Seriously, why would a OC Red trumpet that two Dems are the most popular politicians in America? Will Mickey weep?
Never in your life would you see a more attentive Secret Service staff. Not that they don’t pay attention now, but they would probably NEVER allow POTUS out of their sight or fully secure grounds.
From what I have been told from those who should know, they wouldn’t be real happy having to deal with that situation, but they would.
email response:
I so hope you’re wrong! There is no way Conservatives and Evangelicals will vote for a ticket that includes Hillary! Just shoot me now please!!!!
As a newcomer to this blog perhaps I can give you an update. I have been told to “lighten up” with my posts. This was a change of pace for me yet some will take me to task for even posting it.
It was my way of letting Democrats know, that for many, almost half of those who voted in the Primary, Hillary was their first choice.
Obama received 14.1 million votes while Hillary received 13.6 million. As such this was surely not an overwhelming endorsement of Obama by Democratic voters.
Good one Larry, how UNUSUAL for you to take a jab at Hillary, what a laugh riot. Gosh, who could imagine an election where the winning candidate had competition? Certainly NOT John McCain, who’s 9 million plus voters put to shame the 8.5 million plus voters that Romney/Huckabee got. Somehow THEY are NOT disaffected, only Hillary’s supporters are, or so the MSM would have us believe. The TRUTH is, is that ANY Democrat in his RIGHT mind is going to SUPPORT Obama over McSame because it is OBVIOUS to ANY THINKING person that even 4 more years of Bush’s policies will DESTROY this country!
did I spell your name correctly?
Are you kidding? Do you truly think that Hillary is celebrating the fact that she will not be on the top of the Dem. ticket next week. Add to that the fact that she will also miss the bottom as well.
Sadly, while we know who won 8 gold medals in the swimming pool this week how many remember the names of the silver medalists?
I guess some people need an early jump on April Fools Day.
You really should apply for a job at Fox News, Larry. I suppose all the other presidential candidates who lost [either to McCain or Obama ] couldn’t be happier to sink into oblivion. Only Hillary is sitting around gnashing her teeth and feeling bitter. The thing about TWISTING the facts or really in this case, just making stuff up to suit your story line is just that, it’s NOT REAL, NOT TRUE, JUST CONJECTURE!!!!! Unless you’ve been talking to Hillary lately, how would you know? Word of advice for all you crazed conservatives;let it go, Hillary is NOT the candidate, let the “Clinton hate” just wash over you and LET IT GO.
Are you caught up in the hype? Hillary Clinton posed a much bigger threat to us than Obama.
That’s this conservative’s opinion. Fortunately we are learning more about the Senator from ILL whose lack of foreign policy experience was acknowledged by his VP selection.
Fortunately we are learning more about the Senator from ILL whose lack of foreign policy experience was acknowledged by his VP selection.
Larry, President Bush had not even traveled outside of the US before he became president. Did THAT bother you?
I think the selection of an experienced Senator, Biden, is an indication that Obama is willing to assemble strong players around him to help shape policy and make important decisions.
And from Dick Morris, Bill Clinton’s 1996 campaign manager, are the following comments:
“It doesn’t take a political genius to realize that Barack Obama needed to nominate a woman for vice president.
Obama’s key problem is that there is no gender gap. In the most recent Zogby poll, he runs only two points better among women than among men. A Democrat should be running 10 to 15 points better among women.
If Obama is to have a hope of winning, he needs to improve his performance among female voters. A Fox News poll indicated that only about half of those who backed Hillary Rodham Clinton in the primaries are voting for Obama and that fully one in five plans to support John McCain.
Attractive to women voters because of his maverick positions on issues and his willingness to defy the Republican orthodoxy, McCain is garnering votes from women who should be part of Obama’s core constituency.
So why didn’t Obama name a woman? He couldn’t nominate Hillary because she came with so much baggage that he’d be spending his entire campaign swatting away charges directed at the Clintons.”
Red Vixen.
Before becoming president George W. Bush was governor of Texas and had that experience before running for president. As the head of a state I would argue that you are engaged in a wide scope of policy decisions, involved in budgets, approving or veto’ing Bills than any member of Congress.
He was “the first governor in Texas history to be elected to two consecutive four-year terms getting” over 69 percent of the vote in 1998.
As we are all fouced on energy you will surely like this Wikipedia input on George W Bush:
“Bush also helped make Texas the leading producer of wind powered electricity in the US. In 1995 Bush made wind power a key facet of Texas’ renewable energy policy. Under a 1999 Texas state law, electric retailers are obliged to buy a certain amount of energy from renewable sources.”
Foreign travel. Without getting cute, as tempting as that may be, there is no way that I would have ever considered the alternative in his first term.
Brother Larry.
Hillary Clinton posed a much bigger threat to us than Obama. That’s this conservative’s opinion.
Hm. Maybe this IS your opinion, maybe not, maybe it’s just what you’re saying now (and music to Sean Mill’s PUMA ears.) I know that Rush Limbaugh had thousands of Republicans in open primaries voting for Hillary precisely because he and other rightwingers thought she’d be easier to beat – “Operation Chaos” he called that, and that was too big to be fake. Maybe opinion was divided. Maybe these are just today’s official GOP talking points. It’s all irrelevant now though, Barack and Biden are the ones who are gonna be cleaning your clock.
Fortunately we are learning more about the Senator from ILL whose lack of foreign policy experience was acknowledged by his VP selection.
Yeah right of course you’ll spin it that way. If he’d picked someone with less foreign experience than him what would your spin have been? Hm? Hm? Be honest. (Remember how McCain made two different ads while Barack was in Iraq, one to release attacking him for visiting wounded troops while campaigning, and one – that did get released – attacking him for not visiting them. That’s just how you people are.)
And from Dick Morris, Bill Clinton’s 1996 campaign manager, are the following comments
Ah, some TOE-SUCKING WISDUMB from Fox’ favorite Clinton basher – this should shed some light on matters! Wait, let me take my shoes off first…
Before becoming president George W. Bush was governor of Texas and had that experience before running for president. As the head of a state I would argue that you are etc etc etc
Bush didn’t know nothin’ about the world when he ran, period. Never took an interest in it. Even 18 months later when he was plotting to conquer Iraq, he was surprised to learn that Muslims were divided into Sunnis and Shi’a. Compared to young W of 2000 (probably even compared to wizened worn-out W of today) Barack’s knowledge is encyclopedic. And with the addition of Biden it just grew by an order of magnitude.
Don’t you worry about my party’s unity, Brother Larry, we don’t need no Concern Trolls here. You’d best worry about your own Party! You probably wouldn’t have written this jokey post if there WERE a good choice for McSame’s sidekick.
Brother Vern.
As I have learned in prior elections, anyone can be defeated. I submitted this early April Fool selection to get your attention and it worked.
Another reason is that we will be out of the Country for the next two weeks. As such I didn’t want you to think I was hiding under this desk.
Vern. If Senator Obama picked anyone with less foreign experience than himself I would give you my son-in laws name for starters. Sadly, with his selection, we will not be able to have that debate today.
Have a good trip and I won’t throw any spitballs your way now that I know you’re not under the desk. Hey, you mind telling us where you’re going? And what kind of richtwing mischief you’re gonna be up to – I know there’s no such thing as an innocent Larry Gilbert trip!
Red County is talking up Lindsey Graham. I have to say, not a terrible choice. I still think he’ll choose Romney… because he should.
He was a highly successful Republican Governor of a Democratic state. He’s charming without being slick. He’s young and vibrant, which McCain is most certainly not, he did very well in the primary; he’s got money, clout, domestic issues credibility, and machine backing.
Why not? Because he’s Mormon? He’s got just the one wife. He’s not a fanatical by any stretch!
Oh please, let it be Romney, let it be Romney… after Biden chews him up and spits him out there’ll be nothing left but that sheepish toothy grin.
SMS & Vernon,
While Lindsey Graham is co-chair of McCain for President 2008, I think he will not make the final cut. And yes, Sen Graham was one of the impeachment leaders in the Clinton hearings which may or may not represent baggage for some voters.
You need balance. Obama selected a fellow Senator to be his running mate. Lacking foreign policy experience he had no choice.
Sen McCain will probably go with a governor where that experience can be very valuable. He will not select Mike Huckabee. My guess is Mitt Romney who can handle himself in any debate. As VP there will be less attention to his religion than running at the top of the ticket for conservatives
Vern –
I hope to Gods you’re joking. Actually, I think the VP debates will be particularly exciting and competitive.
Maybe… maybe I paid more attention to Romney in the primaries than you did, and found him clueless and comical? Or we just disagree. That’s cool, it’s time for that again after our little Wesley Clark tete-a-tete.