R.E.D. Alert: Doing the Camile St. Churn

R.E.D.(Real Estate Diversion) Alert. When you need to take a break from politics, give your mind a rest in Real Estate.

   920 W. Camile Street, Santa Ana, California

Is this home worth well over a half million dollars?  It was actually purchased in January of this year for a hefty $625,000 by a couple who have another home in Santa Ana, they both hold jobs as garment workers at St. John Knits and they support three children.  The Gomez family wanted a three bedroom place for their growing family and they simply could not pass up this terrific deal over on Camile St., Santa Ana.   This is a second home purchase, making the Gomez family landlords of their previous residence.  There have been some unusual features to this  O. C. Register story – among them is a mystery person who put $125,000 as a “down” to help complete the  transaction. This property supposedly doubled in value from October 2008 and January 2009 (mere months!).   How in the world did garment workers “qualify” for the enormous loan and debt load? Will they ever receive the promised 52-inch television and $30k bonus cash to complete the deal?

Camile Street has been the target of numerous articles on real estate for several years.  It is a notorious address to real estate watchers.  Camile has the distinction of having one of the highest rates of subprime mortgates in the entire nation, which has resulted in massive home foreclosure rates.  The Gomez’ purchase appears to have many elements of real estate fraud responsible for families losing their homes recently.  If this was such a great deal back in January, then why is this comparable home just a few doors down at 926 Camille  being advertised for $245,000?


Comparable housing at 926 Camile Street.  Asking price:  $245,000

Nice place.  Nice discount if you can come up with the nearly $50,000/ 20% down needed to get in thanks to tightened credit requirements.   The Gomez family didn’t have to come up with $125,000 down – Some unidentified do-gooder put that money into escrow for them.  Maybe Santa Ana has a stealth Dark Knight character, flush with cash, helping out deserving home buying families?  Or just maybe liar loans, dubious transactions and suspect appraisals continue to victimize the vulnerable, the unaware and the unsophisticated among us…  The churn and burn of home ownership by people who get in way over their heads financially.

I think it is a safe guess that fraud and churning of real estate properties is still alive and deadly over on Camile St.  I smell a massive rip-off.   Any bets if the Gomez family will be able to hold onto BOTH of their properties going forward?  They’re already expressing buyer’s remorse at the time of this latest OC Register article interview.  Are these new investment property owners savvy enough to know what they are doing?   Somehow they completely missed the serial articles about fraud on Camile in local newspapers that gained  national attention.  Would successful investors have missed this kind of basic due diligence necessary to evaluate risk?   I cannot even imagine what their loan provisions look like.  Stay tuned, as it is inevitable that the stories of Camile street will continue to be told.

As always, Buyer Beware…….

About Red Vixen