I want to publicly thank and acknowledge all our readers and friends who have stepped up to support my campaign for Ward 3 on the Santa Ana City Council. I will be collecting additional signatures today and will be available at 6 p.m. at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Cafe located at the City Place, on Main St., across from the Mainplace Mall, if any of our readers who live in Ward 3 would like to sign my nomination papers. I also intend to file my 410 statement at City Hall today and to open a campaign account thereafter.
There are thus far four announced candidates for Ward 3. The incumbent is Councilman Carlos Bustamante. Challengers include myself; Orange Unified School Board Member Steve Rocco; and Floral Park resident Ana “Becky” Valencia-Verdin. I am not sure if they have all qualified for the ballot yet but we will know by tomorrow, at 5 p.m.
I do want to clarify something. Valencia-Verdin has assured me that she is staying in the race. Santa Ana City Clerk Pat Healy has confirmed that Valencia-Verdin is registered to vote and can run for Ward 3. Because no one knows her and we are all concerned about fielding a capable candidate against Bustamante, I am staying in this race. The voters will have four choices to represent them in Ward 3. Choice is a good thing!
I know that many of my supporters are concerned about what sort of tone my campaign will set. I have come a long way since my last campaign, in 1998, for the SAUSD School Board, to say the least. The theme of my campaign will be “Putting people first in Santa Ana.” City Hall belongs to us. For too long special interests and developers have prevailed at City Hall, often at our expense. We need positive change in our town and residents need to know that the City Council is there to serve them, not the other way around.
Winning is never guaranteed in political campaigns. But I have many good friends and supporters stepping up already and I will work hard to produce a good return on their investment.
I hope to have my candidate’s statement up on my website by tomorrow. Lastly, I will try to stop by Drinking Liberally, at the Memphis in downtown Santa Ana, this evening to “meet and greet.”
I will be dropping by the coffee bean at 6pm tonight to sign.
Good luck Art,
I’m also a first time candidate for city council, but down here in Irvine. My main opponent is also an incumbent, Steven Choi. I imagine we’ll be going though a lot of the same things, though thankfully I don’t have to worry about Rocco (BTW, when did you become part of the Partnership?).
The link to your webpage is not functioning.
What about choi are you opposing? He and Shea seem to buck the board majority regularly. Don’t you think that a “little” opposition to those long term incumbents is healthy and helps keep things in check?
Is Ana Valencia Verdin running or not?
Power to you, Art! If I could legally sign your nomination paper, I would proudly do so! Thank you for running, thank you for your sacrifice of time and money, and thank you for standing up for ethics, principles and integrity!
Link should work now (left a w off of www), in case not: http://www.toddgallinger.com. Opposition is a great thing, if its done for a purpose. Shea & Choi just seem to oppose everything , regardless of if its good for the city. Officials should put forward a positive agenda themselves, not just throw sand in the gears. BTW, they’re both long term incumbents themselves and totally disrespectful of the public (I know from personal experience).
Politically, I’m an independent (DTS) and have a different political philosophy than the majority. I do think, however, they’ve done a great job managing the city (over 90% resident satisfaction). Even though I’m sure we’ll disagree on some things, I look forward to working with them to get things accomplished.
If you have any specific questions, feel free to drop an email: todd@toddgallinger.com.
I am supporting Art Pedroza for Santa Ana City Council for Ward 3.
I agree with Art that “For too long special
interests and developers have prevailed at City Hall, often at our expense. We need positive change in our town and residents need to know that the City Council is there to serve them, not the other way around. City Hall belongs to us.”
We have been mislead on too many occasions by City Hall and the Council; this must be stopped. Electing Art Pedroza to Santa Ana City Council will begin the process of returning city government to the residents of Santa Ana.
Mike Tardif
I can’t vote in Santa Ana, and I have STRONGLY disagreed with your remarks about illegal immigration and its impact on Santa Ana, but I believe that you’ll actually serve the people, not the establishment.
I wish you luck, and ask that you drop the racial opportunism and actually try and fix Santa Ana – and that requires realistic solutions to overcrowding, crime and infrastructure issues, among others.
Illegal immigration is the elephant in Santa Ana’s living room, and you HAVE to talk about it in realistic terms. Pretending that it does not have a strongly negative impact on Santa Ana is not serving the city or the people.
Good luck!
Art –
I have a meeting with a client around 5:30. I’ll meet up with you somewhere between Coffee Bean and Memphis. Answer your phone!
*First off…..go get ’em Art! Have some fun in the process and enjoy the ride.
As far as City politics in Irvine are concerned..
it is refreshing to hear that one of our team members Christina Shea is trying to hold back stuff. As we look down the road on Jamboree Blvd. as it abutts Newport Beach…we haven’t seen much holding back when it comes to development and in many cases ….over development.
So, for Ward 3 it is Carlos vs. The 3 Who Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Nice. You have my vote Carlos!
My friend told me about Carlos attempting to take her back to his house after a meeting at Original Mikes. He was drunk, but told her that his wife was out of town visiting family.
Carlos is a liar, a cheater, and spends more time chasing skirts than he does doing his work. We don’t need that running this city.
Good luck on your run for council. Santa Ana could really use your passion and desire for good (and effective) government.
The Greater Orange News Service (top news now at the footer of every page) is reporting that Art and Rocco are the only challengers to Bustamante. They make no mention of Becky Ana Whatsherface.
I have to agree with #8 ROB,and his remarks. and the fact that you are getting signatures at City Place,the very same place you have talked down,time and time again,is laughable.
Hey Rick, Art met us at City Place, it was OUR idea. It was easiest for us! But nice try. He offered to come by our home, but we suggested the coffee bean because it was easier for US.
Some people huh.
Thanks for stepping up, I admire those who have awareness and act on it responsibly. From reading you here I know you will mount an intelligent but passionate campaign that will from time to time bring snickers and grins from both your supporters and detractors. The City Place signature gathering is indeed inspired and brought a laugh at the irony. Give us more Art, I know you will. I only wish I could vote for you.
Mr. Gallinger,
I have been very happy with Krom, Agran and Kang. Christina and Steven seem to be just oppositional, which you affirmed.
I am concerned about the accusations that Agran etc… have been money laundering and/or strong arming their wishes without ethical oversight. What about the no-bid contracts accusations? What about the charges of secrecy of hiring the great park manager? I don’t know if any of that is true. Obviously he should be in jail if that were all true. What are your thoughts?
Hi anon,
I’ve investigated those claims quite thoroughly. From everything I’ve been able to tell, its just things taken out of context and distorted.
For example, the recent hiring of the new park CEO wasn’t “secret”, it was done by the full board of the Great Park at a public meeting. The recommendation was made by a search committee, which was supposed to search for a new CEO and make a recommendation (this was approved unanimously by the GP Board).
Let me know if you have any other questions.