In a stunning development, Santa Ana Planning Commissioner Sean Mill quit his Commission at tonight’s Planning Commission meeting.
Mill, who used to write for us here at the Orange Juice, was appointed to Planning by his friend and ally, Councilman Sal Tinajero. Ever since he was appointed, the “Usual Suspects” have been trying to toss Mill off his Commission.
It turns out that Mill had spent a year on the City’s Historic Resources Commission. The Planning Commission appoints one of their own to the Historic Resources Commission every year. They wanted to re-appoint Mill to the Historic Resources Commission but he did not want to continue. The Historic Resources Commission meets too early in the afternoon, Mill explained, so it forces him to leave work early.
The Historic Resources Commission also includes people like Al Bustamante and Glen Stroud. I doubt Mill wants to hang out with them!
Mill was finally told by City staff that he could offer to resign from the Historic Resources Commission. So he did. But he is still on the Planning Commission!
Sean’s the devil! Just look at those wild red eyes!
Right, a simply stunning development. Sean doesn’t have time for two commissions, he needs to keep focussing his energy on attacking the Democratic nominee for President, and me, and everyone in between. Especially “Pervatt.”
What a tease…here I was going to spread the good word that he quit the Planning Commission.
Oh well!!!
Vern, Barry and Prevatt. Now there’s a trifectta of winners for you.
You and the “usual suspects” better slither back to Party City and return all those party decorations you bought. That long awaited celebration will be on hold for quite some time.
Brother Vern.
What is so wrong with Sean finding fault with your Democratic friends? They do have some faults, don’t they?
In fact as your side continues to pummel “W” I am reminded of the July 14th Gallup Poll which shows congressional approval at a 34 year low of 14%.
Oh Vernon! Who is the Speaker of the House. No, it’s not Nancy Reagan. It’s Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco. She should be proud of having a House majority fixing all of our problems while getting such high grades in the polls. Very impressive numbers.
Brother Larry! I thought you were out of the country. It’s just as though you were still here!
You never (well, rarely) hear me sticking up for Pelosi. It makes sense how unpopular Congress is right now; #1 of course the Republicans disapprove of the Dem Congress, and #2 Democrats are DISAPPOINTED with the Congress not accomplishing anything. Actually polls show that the Dem Congress’ rating is higher with Republicans than Dems!
Sean’s constant little jabs at Obama are all without merit though. He brings up the irrelevant Rezko, and calls him Barry to show his bitterness over the primary. And at this point all his behavior does is help the warmongering, doddering McCain, who has promised to appoint more judges in the mold of Alito, Scalia and Clarence Thomas. Heck of a job Sean.
You suck. You got my hopes up you dirty dog.
Since Sean has been appointed to the Planning Commission all he has done is cuddle up to “the usual suspects.”
It is as if he doesn’t have a brain of his own. Whatever the council wants that is what he approves or disapproves.