Team Pulido, which is largely comprised of the “Usual Suspects,” is up to full venomous speed…and it’s only August! The chismes coming out about Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido’s upstart opponent, Councilwoman Michele Martinez, are truly unbelievable. I have not seen such unmitigated bile since, well, two years ago when they did this to Councilman Sal Tinajero. Ironically Tinajero is now one of Pulido’s biggest cheerleaders! That is how our City Clowncil rolls…
The tales about Martinez are not going to go away, so let’s have a look at what Team Pulido wants us to believe about Martinez…
Behind Door #1 is a truly outrageous tale that also involves former Pulido acolyte Al Amezcua. The chisme goes that recently Amezcua and Martinez were caught by the SAPD while engaged in some sort of indiscreet activity, while in a car parked at Santiago Park. This story is profoundly vomitous, but you have to laugh at the scene of the crime. Pulido himself is said to have been found at Santiago Park pulling a “George Michaels” with some unknown dude back in the day. THAT particular sordid bit ends with “the police are keeping a secret file on Pulido – with pictures – which is why he HAS to do what they tell him to, particularly with regard to raises.” And what is Team Pulido saying about the Martinez/Amezcua chisme? That the info is being kept in a “sealed file.” Aye Dios!
Next up is the “F Troop” scheme to take over Santa Ana! We all know that Martinez used to be a Trooper, but Team Pulido would have us believe that her plan to win involves getting all the former Troopers and all the current ones to vote for her. Imagine that – getting out the gangbanger vote! It has never happened – and I don’t see it happening now. But this chisme is perfect for scaring off the white voters that Pulido can’t win without.
And behind Door #3 is the most imaginative of these tales being spun against Martinez. We are being asked to believe that Amezcua has a client in La Habra who is the head of the Mexican Mafia. Apparently Amezcua is fighting to keep him out of jail. So the grateful mafioso is going to pump thousands of illicit dollars into the Martinez campaign coffers – and into the campaign of Valerie Amezcua, who is Al’s daughter. Valerie is running for the SAUSD School Board. This particular tale is a double-dinger as it allows Team Pulido to attack TWO Latina candidates in one fell swoop.
So there you have it. And we are only in August. I can only imagine what sordid chismes that Team Pulido will unveil in September. And October. You see you don’t challenge Pulido unless you are okay with being not just defeated but utterly destroyed. That’s how Team Pulido rolls…
Here we go again! Another Team Pulido rumor erupted today, This time the chisme was that Martinez had dropped out of the race. But hold the presses! She already filed her nomination papers. She can’t drop out now. And she has no interest in doing so – she left me a message to that affect.
We will be putting up a separate post tonight announcing a major fundraiser for Martinez. So no, I don’t think she is pulling out…but nice try Team Pulido! Back to the drawing board…
They are nothing but rumors and innuendo.
So of course let’s spread them around a little more. Maybe everyone hasn’t heard them yet.
That’s the point of this post – get the rumors out and dispense with them. Clearly Team Pulido is in full panic mode already…I can only imagine what they will be flinging by October…
If the “head of the Mexican Mafia” can afford to spread thousands of campaign dollars in SA, surely he can afford an attorney MUCH more talented than Al Amezcua.
Since the alleged incident in the park, Miguel has been frequenting a gym in Orange. Apparently he is rarely seen working out, but more often in the men’s steam room.
Kinda like the former councilman who LOVED working out at the police facility.
That Martinez/Amezcua chisme is the truth. I have the proof! My compadre works for SAPD and has proof that they were both caught having sex in his car. Its possible that they’ve been caught on more than 1 occasion.
#4, If what your saying is true, then provide the evidence. You people need to grow up… We also know Miguel Pulido is a corrupt Mayor but we don’t have any proof. The FBI has been after Pulid for years. The Mayor uses Chief Walters and Ream to do all his dirty work. Ask Pulido about his silent partners in the mobile food trucks?
If the police had the proof they would of revealed it a long time ago… this is pure chisme…
Keep it coming… Martinez will overcome this childish drama.
It appears that team Pulido has two objectives in the campaign againts Martinez. The gossip and lies like those mentioned in this thread are for addressing their two objectives.
1. No difference between Pulido and Martinez on how to govern.
They refer to the unfactual similarities on council meeting votes to support this.
The message here is why change Mayors. This message is to the grass root supporter’s of Martinez. Pulido’s supporters know this is not true. The hope is to confuse Martinez’s grass root supporters.
This is also put out in the hope that Other Mayor candidates attack using the same misimformation.Good tactic ,they get help without getting dirty.
The grass roots support for Martinez is not confused. This will not work.
The strategy is added on by adding the affiliation of Amezcua. Again the message here is to the grass roots support for Martinez.
The perception wanted to be created here is that Martinez is associated with Amezcua who is associated with pulido. If you vote for Martinez no change in governing will occur, so why bother with supporting Martinez.
The Pulido suport understands this message is not intended for them.
It is for those looking for hope and change in the management of the city.
The problem is that the Grass Roots support is not buying it.
The nature of the Pulido team campaign of negative personal attacks on the opposing candidate and avoiding the issues of neglect and mismanagement will not resonate positively with the voters.
2. The second part of the attack on Martinez deals with creating the perception that Martinez continues to have gang affiliations.
This message is to scare of the traditional Pulido supprt away from Martinez , as Pedroza pointed out.
Others do not buy the propoganda.
Team Pulido consists of individuals that sit on community non profit groups like the Boy’s Club,Taller San Jose, Kid Works and others.
Their responsibilty on such boards is to advocate financial and community support for underprivileged children. the group’s mission is to assist these children overcome unique life challenges and give them an opportunity to become productive citizens.
Michele Martinez is a success story of theirs.
In the case of attacking Martinez by disseminating false imformation they are behaving as hypocrites and violating their non profit group’s mission.
Take issue with her politics not with her childhood past.
Many on the boys Club know Martinez since she was 10 years old. They assisted her overcome her chilhood challenges.
Now they attack her over her experiences as a child when they participated in her successfuly leaving that past behind? Hyprocrisy and management though contradictions is insulting and demening to the city’s residents.
This is one example of how this Pulido government governs by contradictions. This form of governing results in the poor state the city is in.
The message given is that a person with hardships and associations like Michele’s can not be separated from the past and left behind through opportunity and mentorship.
If team Pulido believes this then they must not support the non profits in place now or in the future that assists underprivileged children.
The residents of Santa Ana are angry and will bring change this November because they see through the hypocrisy and contradictions.
I’m still making my mind up about Michele, but I do think she’s suspect and should be properly vetted to dispense of any rumors NOW instead of on Halloween.
Pulido ought to be voted out. Ask yourself why are the streets in Floral Park where he lives so nice while the rest of Santa Ana is a dump. Pulido controls it all and therefore he is responsible. He took out Mike Garcia and now is trying to take out Michele. Give Michele $ if you care about Santa Ana. We all should help Michele. The only people who are truly Pulido people are on the take. It is a shame that Pulido has let the largest city in the OC to be so neglected. Plus Pulido blames his own people the Mexicans for the city’s problem and trys to kick them out. He is a Republican in Dem Clothing. Let’s dump this crook!
I thought F troop took over the town long ago. And, if Al and Michelle want to (or have) get it on, Viva Viagra! After all, they are consenting adults, are they not?
“And, if Al and Michelle want to (or have) get it on, Viva Viagra! After all, they are consenting adults, are they not?”
You are right in your assertion that Al and “Muffin Top” have a right to get it on as consenting adults. However, they do not have the right to get it on in the park. That is against the law.
The police spend a lot of time going after folks engaged in lewd acts in that park. When I went on a police ride-along we came upon a gentleman looking to engage in a lewd act. The officer apprehended the man and called his wife to come and get him.
I am sure that “Muffin Top” and Al have somewhere to go to get it on, or at least can afford a room at the Red Roof Inn across the street. The last thing anyone needs to see is those two doing the nasty.
This whole incident is true and it is gonna be made public eventually. Maybe that’s why Al opted out of re-election for the RSCCD seat.
“the grateful mafioso is going to pump thousands of illicit dollars into the Martinez campaign coffers”
The mafioso in question is Pete Ojeda aka “Sana”. Michele has repeatedly admitted having ties to Ojeda going back many years. She has even admitted to selling drugs for him.
Here is a link to his arrest:
I certainly hope that Michele and Valerie report exactly where there donations are coming from. Failing to do so is money laundering and will lead to them going to prison. Ask Ted Moreno what happens when you misreport exactly where your campaign funds come from.
This park incident is a frabricated lie.
The strategy here is lie enough and some will take it as truth.
If the incident is true why make in public eventually and not now?
The reason is beacuse it is not true and by saying it will eventually be made public the lie can continue.
The lie is even illogical at face value. Michele owns her own home is single and lives alone.
Why would anyone having this available want to use a car in a park late at night for romance?
Also on this lie , Michele and Al know the issues with police survaillance of this park. How idiotic is this suggestion.
Team Pulido disseminating this garbage should be ashamed of assuming the Mayor’s constituents are stupid. The City’s residents should be offended and angered at the assumption of them by the Mayor’s team.
It is a stupid attempt at character assassination.
My previous post was directed to #10 and not to me. Sorry
Mr. Lomeli,
You are so naive. You should not believe every word “Muffin Top” tells you. She is going to bring you nothing but shame. The reason this has not been made public is because she and Al have begged the Chief to make it disappear. It isn’t going anywhere. It will come out in time for the election.
You are right when you say it is “idiotic” for the two love birds to rendezvous in the park. This type of poor decision making skills is exactly why “Muffin Top” should not be the Mayor. She is an absolute train wreck.
One and done. Get used to saying that Art. “Muffin Top” is one and done on this council.
#11 if this is true come out with the facts and the evidence.
What documented proof do you have about Michele repeatedly admitting to having ties and selling drugs for the person you mention.
This is just more of the garbage #10 (the Pulido team) is vomiting out.
#15 just ask anyone close to Michele and they can verify her ties to Ojeda. Heck just ask Michele, she regularly brags about her ties to “Sana”.
As far as Amezcua’s ties to “La Eme” they go way back. He has done work for Pete Ojeda and Art Romo. Both of them are known members of “La Eme”.
#14, First of all what you are saying is B.S. Who ever is feeding you these lies knows they can play you. If they had the facts and evidence Martinez would not be on the Council. Martinez is clean and this pisses them off. Pulido is the dirty one. They are doing everything they can to protect him. Ask around and many will tell you about Pulido coruption.
Here is a link to a story about Team Martinez:
Michele and Al have ties to all the folks mentioned in this article. Law enforcement officials know all to well about this and Michele will be best served by getting out of this race before it all comes out.
This whole exercise is a test run for Al. Everything they hit Michele with they will hit Al with. He wants to see how she does so he can game plan for his mayoral campaign.
I understand your intended message (poor decision making). This is the strategy for your lies.
Your assertion of “naive” is your problem. This community is not naive and it is why your tactics will only have ears for those like you.
You claim the Chief of Police is not making a crime public as requested by two citizens?
This means our Santa Ana Police Chief by your (Team Pulido) knowledge is breaking the law. I am sure the Chief has something to say about this. The media might also be interested in your claim about the Chief.
Is team Pulido involved in your alledged cover up of a crime by the Chief of Police?
FYI I just fax’ed a copy of your post to the Chief.
I want to know why we are not having a city council meeting? We should all be calling City Hall pissed off demanding answers instead of dealing with all this chisme. I urge you to call the City Manager Office at 714-647-6900.
Mr. Lomeli,
Here is a link to the OC Metro Magazine in which Michele admitted to selling drugs:
Who do you think she was selling them for? Pete Ojeda.
While I have no “documented” proof, there are more than enough people that have heard Michele say this herself. She is her own worst enemy.
Law enforcement officials have a dossier on her and it ain’t pretty. She is going down faster than she does in a parked car in Santiago Park.
“FYI I just fax’ed a copy of your post to the Chief.”
The Chief cannot discuss this matter publicly because there is an ongoing internal investigation. This file is sealed and classified and nobody at the PD is going to admit it exists. When the investigation is complete this will all come out.
Not divulging information about an ongoing investigation does not mean that the Chief is somehow involved in criminal activity. He is simply allowing his department to do its due dillegence in regards to this investigation.
This incident with drug sales occurred in her early teens.
Your extrapolation of ties is ludicrous. Why stop with Ojeda and not state using the same logic she also had ties as a teen with Escobar and all the other drug dealers and traffickers that supplied the drugs to the Santa Ana neighborhoods at the time.
It is convenient to say I heard this and that but have no proof. The term for this is GOSSIP.
You have nothing but garbage.
What is in the Police dossier? Are they crimes?
Why would the Police suppress evidence of CRIMES?
Are you accusing the Santa Ana Police Department of hiding and ignoring crimes as # 14 claims.
The Chief should also be interested in you.
As far as I know The Chief does a good job.
#24 you should ask Michele about her ties to Pete Ojeda. Are you saying that she has no ties to F-Troop? If she has ties to F-Troop then she has ties to Ojeda and Art Romo.
You should talk to Michele before you embarass yourself by making such ill-informed statements. Michele brags about her ties to these folks and so many people have heard her doing so.
Maybe she refrains from talk about the old barrio when visiting you Orange Park Acres.
Blood In Blood Out:
Wow, most everyone who grew up in Santa Ana Neighborhoods has some type of tie to the “EME”
That fact is Michele realized this lifestyle was getting her nowhere and she moved beyond it.
You claim the park incident case is ongoing ,the file is sealed, is classified and no one at the police department can talk about it or admitt it exists.
Why do you know about this if the alledged Park incident is sealed, classified and the Chief can not divulge this information?
Are you claiming someone in the Police Department violated Police policy by giving you this informantion which you now have made public world wide through the internet?
The Chief needs to know who gave you this classified imformation. The media should also be interested on this break of Police policy.
I believe you are committing a crime by making Police classified information public.
#11 Blood In, Blood Out
Why are you accusing Valerie of money laundering?
#28 if Valerie or Michele fails to properly report funds their campaign receive from Ojeda and associates as has been rumored, they may well be charged with money laundering.
I am not accusing her of anything, just suggesting that she should be careful in how she reports her donations.
“That fact is Michele realized this lifestyle was getting her nowhere and she moved beyond it.”
Has she? That remains to be seen. She stills has ties and they have not been severed. The biggest tie is her relationship with her “papi chulo” Al Amezcua.
No wonder Pudrido keeps being re-elected. SA is inhabited by a bunch of lemmings. Smart people actually look for facts in this pile of garbage. Seeing how there are no facts, some folks just go along with the lies because they are too lazy to actually look for the truth.
What is the truth?
a.)Santiago Park has beeen taken over by the homosexual males since over twenty years ago. Non-gay couples would never frequent that park to do their “thing”.
b.)F-Troop is not that sophisticated to become a political entity. They are more worried about who scribbled on whose wall! This one really made me laugh.
c.)Guilt by association of the Big “M”. WOW! Is Ms. Martinez the incredible strecho woman now? You got to stretch the truth pretty far for that one to stick.
It seems that by Pudrido and his ilk are very afraid of Ms. Martinez. Why then the pre-emptive attacks already? Perhaps he has no real issues just as he has no clothes!
A. You don’t know they mating pattern of every couple in Santa Ana including the “disgusting duo”.
B. You are correct about F-Troop becoming a sophisticated political entity. However they are a sophisticated criminal enterprise and Michele has close ties to them.
C. You must have never spent anytime with Michele especially when she is drinking. She routinely brags about her ties to “Sana”.
So in reality you have no idea what the truth is.
wow, Art. Some of these photo shopped pix are real eye catchers!
The sex in the back seat rumor is just a little TMI, imo 😉
Art Lomelli –
‘This means our Santa Ana Police Chief by your (Team Pulido) knowledge is breaking the law. I am sure the Chief has something to say about this. The media might also be interested in your claim about the Chief.‘
Geez. Corruption in SanTana. Whodathinkit? Is it really that hard to believe?
“Blood in Blood Out” Sean Mill, I was just told your Papi Sal has you working for Pulido now… Mills if you feel Martinez is not qualified why don’t you run for Mayor instead of just being a gladfly…
Oh, and Art P, this is comment #35. Maybe it’s time to tell people the ‘secret of the the Photoshop’ since everyone still seems to have their panties on their heads… er, in a bunch. 😛
Michele Martinez’ webpage and the date of her upcoming fundraiser ( got 99bucks?)
Yeah, I want to know: Is photoshop easy to do? I’ve got some cute kitten photos that I’d like to spice up 😉
Lemming #32,
You completely ignore point a). While I do not pretend to know about other peoples’ mating habits, you fail to acknowlege the current atmosphere at Santiago Park. Perhaps you are a frequent visitor there?
Ftroop being a sophisticated criminal entity. Haaa! Again I laugh at the absurd implications you are implying. If it were true, surely they would have expanded in other areas, cities, states, no…? I didn’t think so.
I guess I have not chosen to spend time with Ms. Martinez when she consumes alchohol. So. That doesn’t change the reality of this campaign does it?
Pudrido has no clothes (real issues) and Ms. Martinez is simply exposing what a fraud Pudrido has been to SA
#38 everyone knows about Santiago Park and its “cruising” issues. Just because men “cruise” men there does not mean that randy couples like the “disgusting duo” don’t do their deed there. So your claim does nothing to disprove the allegations of “carnal coupling” by the “disgusting duo”.
F-Troop has ties to “La Eme” and high ranking members of “La Eme” belong to F-Troop. So F-Troop criminal activity has been spread around. There have long been suspicions that the have ties to the Arrellano-Felix operation. Don’t kid yourself into thinking they aren’t a sophisticated criminal operation. Sure many of the youngsters are knuckleheads, but the hierarchy of the gang is quite sophisticated.
Michele has long bragged about her association with “Sana” a well known leader in the Mexican Mafia. This is a campaign issue. I doubt residents want someone with ties to violent criminals like “Sana” as our mayor.
“Michele Martinez’ webpage and the date of her upcoming fundraiser ( got 99bucks?)”
I wonder if all the homies will be attending the event at the Allen’s home?
Ralph and Joyce will be thrilled to see all the vato locos posted up in their casa. I can see Ralph claiming “SUR 13 por vida” now. He’ll look great in his Pendleton and Ben Davis khaki’s.
# 40,
It appears you were given the responsibility of dealing with the gang affiliation gossip. Disgusted park goer had the other responsibility or maybe you are dealing with both. He has now gone silent. You are still gasping for air.
You have failed this responsibility miserably. You now are desperate as evedinced by your prior attempts at defending your lies.
In your desperation you have now become (post # 40)silly and taken the form of a caricature.
Team Pulido needs to replace you.
#41 the IE’s put out by groups such as the POA and others will deal with all of this. To my knowledge nobody has been given tasks by anyone.
Are saying that you know the Police Officer’s Association will be another source of the lies you are presenting?
Are saying that you know the Police Officer’s Association will say as you have that the Police Chief has suppressed from the public crimes Martinez has committed?
Are you saying that the Police Officer’s Association will say that there was a leak of classified infortion to team Pulido?
The points above were stated by you to lend credebility to your lies.
Are you saying that the Police Officer’s Association will do the same?
I am sure The Police Officer’s Association has no such plans as you suggest they will.
This Association should have the Chief look into your claims.
You now implicate the police Officer’s Association on participating and implicating the Chief of Police in wrong doing.
By the way, Michele is a sitting Councilwoman. She could not be sworn in as such if she had a criminal record or was under investigation for a crime.
By the accounts of Team Pulido the City Attorney and City Staff neglected to perform their responsibilities as mandated by law.
No one should be sworn into office if a crime has been recently committed by the candidate or is under investigation of a crime.
This would be a breach of public trust and failure to properly perform their duties entrusted to them by the voters.
This code up until last year said that it was a dual Mayor-Manager run council, and they each had equal powers council members as well as mayor and
manager had to have a seat on the dais. I spoke about this several times at the council meetings.
Sec. 300. Council-manager form.
Article IV. City Council
Sec. 300. Council-manager form.
The municipal government established by this charter shall be known as the “council-manager” form of government.
The Manager Mr Ream has just as much pull as Pulido and my guess is that he is the brains behind this Organization or Santa Ana. when you look at the codes be aware of the reserved parts because these are changes in the works (to analyze this reserved parts is like a clue to a puzzle) and like any chess game you have to be 3 moves ahead mentally of what the plan of action is. He seems like he is well connected. I would say all this other stuff is a smoke screen. White collar crime is a big business. But, after all what do I know? Nothing!
Lisann, you will be a fine addition to the SAUSD Board.
#45 –
‘Lisann, you will be a fine addition to the SAUSD Board.‘
She would be if she were running for SAUSD. She’s running for City Council Ward 5 against Clownia Alvarez.