The city of Anaheim Rose Parade Float budget $150,000

According to someone in the know, The city of Anaheim’s 2009 Tournament of Roses parade float entry has a budget of $150,000 which is the same budget and vendor as their prior floats. Their 2008 governor’s trophy winning entry entitled “the World’s Celebration Destination” was designed and constructed by the Phoenix Decorating Co. Therefore it is not necessary for the bedroom community of Mission Viejo to spend twice that amount to have a winning entry. In fact, is that what this is about? We will not be satisfied unless we bring home a trophy to collect dust in some glass case. I thought the concept, whose justification I do not agree with, was to promote togetherness!

Sorry to keep this series going. It’s called “benchmarking” of sorts. Check out what others are doing to compare yourself Vs comparable products and firms. In this case it’s to see how much money others are spending in the Tournament.

About Larry Gilbert