Radio advice personality, Dr. Laura, recently weighed in on Senator John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin for Vice President. Here is an excerpt of Dr. Laura’s comments:
I’m stunned – couldn’t the Republican Party find one competent female with adult children to run for Vice President with McCain? I realize his advisors probably didn’t want a “mature” woman, as the Democrats keep harping on his age. But really, what kind of role model is a woman whose fifth child was recently born with a serious issue, Down Syndrome, and then goes back to the job of Governor within days of the birth?
Dr. Laura still plans to vote for McCain.
Read the rest of her letter statements here.
Dr Laura is an idiot. I think Sarah is a wonderful role model for mothers and all women.
It is not okay for her to go back to work after having a Down Syndrome child but I am sure it is okay for a man in her eyes.
Men can run for office being a father but when a woman does it, GOD FORBID!!!
Screw that!!!
McCain/Palin 2008
I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but Track Palin was born 7 months after Sarah Palin and “First Dude”s wedding. Thus, the Palin grandbaby isn’t the first bastard in the family. And this won’t be the first shotgun wedding.
If this is the role models you seek in your household, God help us all. Maybe Brittney Spears is availible to run for Governer next go around. That would be the ultimate ticket.
Just because Sarah Palin is a MILF (as described by Erin Burnett on CNBC this morning) doesn’t mean she’s a good parent, a good mother to her children, or qualified to be the VPOTUS. But that doesn’t matter anymore, I guess. She’s smokin’ hot, delvers a great speech, and that’s enough.
Really? Calling people’s children bastards? I am glad I am not friends with people like you, that is a disgusting thing to say.
Using the word MILF is not something I do in my household. I think it is disgusting. My fiance does not want to “F” other women thanks. Any man that says it is disgusting, I hope that persons wife and/or girlfriend takes another look at him.
Make that SMOKIN’ HOT! She did hit it out of the park with that speech too.
Of course, this is not the role model family its the typical family. The challenge is not going to be that she has this kind of family its going to be the problem of every other Republican officeholder in distancing themselves from their earlier statements condemming and criticizing others in similar situations and circumstances.
The Daily Show last night gave a very good example of this with double clips showing the politicians, even Palin herself, talking out of both sides of their mouths, criticizing when it happens to someone else and then praising the same behavior when it’s their VP pick.
Danielle –
First of all, ‘bastard’ is a technical term.
Secondly, if you think your fiancee doesn’t want to ‘F’ other women, I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. What you imply isn’t physically possible. It’s instinctual.
And finally, any man who says ‘MILF’ is disgusting? Why? Because moms can’t be sexy? Because it’s somehow chauvinistic? ‘MILF’ is many times used to say that a woman is attractive in particular because of her motherly maturity and strength. It’s just a euphemism. Chill!
I can tell you don’t have any kids. When you’re married with children, everything changes. Just ask Al Bundy. 😛
I didn’t call Sarah Palin a MILF. Erin Burnett did while interviewing Donny Deutsch this morning. Here’s the link:
And while I’m citing stuff, here’s one from you might find interesting.
Hint: it’s the first one.
I want my kid to grow up just like Sarah Palin. Be a professional success and a lousy parent – but with conviction. My grandchildren will be a wreck, but that’s OK. I’ll just blame liberal media and the permissive parents.
Excuse me Sarah but I am NOT Wrong, you know nothing about me nor my relationship so please do not act like you do. My fiance does not want to sleep other women and that is a FACT I KNOW.
I am NOT saying moms can not be sexy. There is one thing calling someone pretty and/or sexy, it is a whole other ballgame calling them a MILF.
“First of all, ‘bastard’ is a technical term.”
It might be a technical term but it is also a rude and disgusting term.
No I do not have any children yet. When we do have children the words bastard and MILF will not be used my our house.
“First of all, ‘bastard’ is a technical term.”
Whether technical or not the term “bastard” is insulting and meant as such.
As a mother who had a child outside of marriage,
if anyone referred to my child as a bastard that would be the last thing that person every said to me.
As for MILF its just lame and juvenile and a term used by 16 year old boys, guess we are not all adults here.
I feel like I’m reading the National Enquirer when I’m reading the juice. Its kinda sad, this blog used to be much more news worthy.
#7 & #8
Different strokes I guess.
And thank you for having the integrity to admit that I was right about your not having children. You’re right. I don’t know about your relationship, but I like to think I have a pretty good understanding of ‘how stuff works,’ so thanks for your honesty.
I just don’t want you to be disappointed. If I’m ever proven right, know that I won’t say I told you so. I’m actually a pretty good listener if you ever need it. I understand that even the best relationships suck sometimes.
Maybe I shouldn’t mention it but there are also actually Bastard MILFs. Some of them may be your best friends, girls.
If I wanted to be insulting I would of been insulting.
Did you take offense to the “Baby Mama” reference to Michelle Obama several months back? Why not? She never had a child out of wedlock and last time I checked still is married to her first husband.
If the answer is “no” then you should reconsider the double standard you are living by. If you are okay demogauging, please continue to do so, but expect few pepole to have any respect for you because you lack principals or the ability to stand behind them when it’s inconvienent.
For your information no_vaseline: YES I find it insulting. “Baby Mama” is equally insulting it doesn’t matter what your party is its not ok. Michelle Obama should be respected as a mother period!
“If I wanted to be insulting I would of been insulting.”
Oh I don’t doubt that statement in the least,I am sure you mean to be insulting often. I’m sure posting the dictionary term you meant to be insulting. Because its in a dictionary doesn’t mean it isn’t insulting. I’m sure you love insulting innocent children, not surprising in the least.
no_vaseline…go pick a fight with someone your own size, I’m done with you.
Show me where I took a shot at an innocent kid. I didn’t. I took a shot at the parents setting a bad example. I find it insulting we continue to foster a culture that says it’s ok to fabricate children outside of wedlock.
Well, it’s not really OK, but if you are a good parent and raise your kids right that’s OK. And then your kid repeats the same mistake, well, these things happen. See a pattern?
I see a pattern. A pattern of bad parenting. Having children outside of wedlock isn’t/wasn’t/will never be OK. Not for the kid, and not for society.
If you choose to be offended because I correctly used “bastard” in a sentence instead of selecting “child fabricated out of wedlock” or “illigmate child” or “santa claus” I’m really confused to why. What’s the difference?
You’re right. I used words correctly (that might hurt) and somebody else bears an illigatimate child who (absolutely) will bear the scars of being concieved outside of marrage later in life because somebody can’t either stay out of the cabbage patch or show some responsiblity while they are in there.
You’re right. I’m the real bad guy here.
“You’re right. I’m the real bad guy here.”
A bad guy? Nope, to take a word from a discussion on another post. You are a DOUCHE!!
I am have raised a beautiful thriving daughter, just because I chose not to marry her father doesn’t make her a bastard (whether you read it in the dictionary or not).
You are a close minded idiot. So if I had an abortion at that time and had a child after I got married to my husband would that make me a better mother. You are a joke. You make generalizations that children born to single parents are somehow ruined or doomed to repeat what? (my child wasn’t a mistake, just not planned more like a pleasant surprise) What about adopted children what do you think about them?
“Having children outside of wedlock isn’t/wasn’t/will never be OK.”
Wow alot of people might never be parents if their were not children put up for adoption, by unwed mothers. I’m sure they would agree with you 100% right? They can’t have children naturally so they don’t deserve to be parents. What you say is nonsensical, when you say bastard you are insulting the child not the parent. The parent doesn’t see it that way they raised them and love them.
I sure can’t fight you, since you make no sense what so ever.
Someone forcing you at gunpoint to read and post at OJ?
Why all the negativity?
By your own words here, I am to assume you are (or at least were) sexually irresponsible, fabricated a child outside of wedlock who will (rightly or wrongly) bear the social stigma of your disgression for the rest of his/her life.
By your responses here, it seems you bear horrible guilt for scaring your child for life with this stigma. You might consider counciling. It won’t take away the stigma but it might help you project less.
Could it be that Dr. Laura has a bastard child as well? Nonetheless, where was her moral compass when it came to moving in with a married man?
While working at USC, she ( Dr. Laura) met Dr. Lewis G. Bishop, who was married but separated with dependent children. According to divorce filings, Schlessinger and Bishop began an affair. Bishop left his wife after more than 20 years of marriage, and moved in with Schlessinger. They lived together as an unmarried couple, and Schlessinger tried to get pregnant after reversing an earlier tubal ligation and suffering an ectopic pregnancy. They married in early 1985, eight years after beginning their relationship, and Bishop became Schlessinger’s business manager. Schlessinger bore their only child, Deryk Schlessinger, in November 1985, when she was 38.
If ya can’t beat them fair and square, just call them names, and call their family members names.
Let ridicule and roll in the mud because………
Issues are not important, who cares about experience ? Just call them names.
What other names are you all about to use now?
Gotta love a good catfight.
I have not once called either candidate or their family members a name. I would not do that.
I think it is wrong what people are saying about Sarah Palin and her family. That was my point here. I did not know that “baby mama” remark was said about Michelle Obama, I find that just as disgusting as the MILF remark(and the bastard remark all these posters seem to think is so funny).
I only called a fellow blogger a name well because he is one.
“who will (rightly or wrongly) bear the social stigma of your disgression for the rest of his/her life.”
Seriously you must be kidding me, do you live in the 1950’s or the 2000’s? You are a psychopath, yeah look that up on, it couldn’t be more accurate.
Your arguments are laughable. You maybe need mental help more than anyone I’ve ever read on here before.
I am a proud mother, and not in the least bit embarrassed or guilty. Why should I be, I have the best kid ever. I didn’t make a mistake of marrying the wrong person, yes the wrong person doesn’t mean the wrong father.
Dr. Laura is irrelevant. Aside from insulting everyone in her path, she has nothing going. She’s an aging entertainer who apparently feels threatened by a smart, good-looking, savvy, popular woman who is a rising star. How old is Palin, 44? That’s a mature woman in my books.
Everybody needs to just chill. I don’t know how all of your memories are, but on the night Obama won the Senate Election in 2006, Michelle Obama introduced him on TV before his victory speech. She used many things to describe him such as: my honey, my baby, my man and and and here it is everyone: “my baby daddy.” Yes she did say that. So let’s all take a deep a breath and just let it go.
Hey Danielle T, did you call the Tom Leykis Show last week? If you didn’t I know I’ve heard your type on their before. Get real, your guy doesn’t want to “f” anyone else. LOL. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t know anything about your relationship and I am by no means implying that he would ever cheat on you. I’m just saying that it’s ridiculous that you would think that he has no natural desires. You do sound like someone that obviously has snipped the poor man and are currently carrying his equipment around in your purse.
Is it just me or do Dr. Laura and Tom Leykis seem to agree on most things?
Oh yeah and one more thing…get over your PC terms already what is this the 90’s?
Did anybody watch the Colbert Report when they interviewed Kucinich’s wife and asked her about the prospect of being a FLILF. Very Funny.
I’d like to know how Sarah Palin’s family works logistically. Juneau is 570 miles from Anchorage, Wasilla is 44 miles outside of Anchorage. Juneau is the Capital where the Gov.’s mansion is and where Sarah Palin supposedly lives ( remember the brag about “letting the chef go” and the jet ) yet Bristol was attending High School in Wasilla last fall. What exactly DOES Todd Palin do ( I’ve heard about a half dozen things) ? Remember, Sarah Palin HAS an INFANT, does she live in Juneau with her family, does she commute or is her family left to fend for themselves while Sarah “family values” Palin pursues HER CAREER?
Correct me if I’m wrong, you think all men want to f*** other women? So do all women want to F*** other men? I don’t get it, seems stereotypical to me an pretty inaccurate.
This blog has gone seriously off topic, and yes I know I’m part of that but wow! I wonder what Dr. Laura would think haha who cares what she thinks.
‘Correct me if I’m wrong, you think all men want to f*** other women? So do all women want to F*** other men? I don’t get it, seems stereotypical to me an pretty inaccurate.‘
Testosterone is a much more potent sex drive chemical than estrogen. There’s your scientific basis. I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s most certainly a valid argument.
Oh Sarah we can just agree to disagree. Maybe men might fine women other than their wives attractive but to generalize and say that ALL men or maybe most men would cheat is laughable. Testosterone doesn’t make you a cheating liar, thats a lack or moral judgement. Although I’m sure many lack moral judgement but not all or even most. So to say what you did to Danielle just a little out of line.
OC sandbox politics is what this blog is all about. If it weren’t for the paid bloggers blogging themselves back and forth and the Leisure world repubs, it’d get no action. Keep it up Kookie et al.
Wow that Danielle T sure spices a blog up! Yeah ok is another great addition. The Prognosticator presents a decidedly 1950’s conservativism but frankly its comforting to hear that some values haven’t changed although mine sure have over the years.
To use some of Buffy’s clairvoyance let me guess that Danielle T is in her 20’s that Yeah ok is in his 50’s and The Prognosticator is in his 70’s.
I’m in my 50’s and think that we shouldn’t call Mrs. Palin by disrespectful names we save for people we dislike. I think we shouldn’t call each other names we wouldn’t want to be called.
Still, there is a valuable process going on to investigate our potential future leader and answer any and all questions about her actions, her character, her values, and how she plans to act if she achieves her goal. This is generally carried on by the media as well as their coverage of the opinions of others in contrast. While I do not like the paparazzi or reporters with a camera and microphone who sabotage celebrities and politicians hoping for the gaff or reaction I do think that the mainstream press needs to ask the tough questions repeatedly until there is an answer. Their role should not be cowed by the occasional poor choice of words or the characterization by some Neanderthal man or woman who has a desire to insult everyone.
#26 Whattt!!!! I agree, many of the day to day details are unanswered and I for one want to know how that candidate thinks, how she acts, what decisions she’s made and the context she made them in. If she might one day be my President I think I should know her. When it appeared Obama was going to win I went out and read his books so I could make a judgement for myself and not have some pundit or party hack tell me what my judgement was. I want to do the same with Mrs. Palin.
Sarah, to say I never cheated on my spouse or lusted after another in my mind while I was married would be stating what my goal was. I only missed it by a little bit. Damn romance novels!
I think both men and women find some others sexually attractive and both achieve varying degrees of fidelity. Perfection is rarely achieved in any human endeavor. Although some can be perfectly horrible without being horrible all the time, few can be perfectly good without being good all the time.
Since Sarah seems to be running on her sterling character ( and NOTHING else ) here are a few more things I’d like to know about Ms. Palin; Did her son Track “have” to join the military, as in join or jail? I’ve heard he was involved in some serious vandalism. Who was watching Bristol ( I mean a “good” christian home life IS supposed to prevent these things, no need for condoms ) and will Bristol and Levi finish high school? Children with Down Syndrome need intensive therapy in their first years of life, since Sarah “chose” life, is she providing “quality of life” ? This woman’s life seems VERY messy and distracting( at least for a parent who give’s a damn ). I think think Sarah should try again in 15 years cuz you might be able to have it all, just NOT all at the same time!
Anonyms..Nope I am not in my 20s(though I look it), I am 32.
Yeah OK is not in their 50s, SHE(not he) is in her 30s as well. I know her.
Danielle T -nobody likes you. You are a moron. You should go some place and cry!
Danielle T and others – why do people like you say “they wouldnt say that to a man” of course not idiot, do men have the same maternal instincts as a mother – NO, that is the underlying basis of Dr Laura’s comments, do men breast feed NO they can’t and they do not play the same role in a childs life that’s why men dont give birth. I am not saying we are not equal men and women are but we are different, if you had children ask them who that want home with them their mom or their dad. Sarah has the choice to do what ever she wants that is America, give women that same choice when it comes to their bodies. But somewhere someone said when its all said and done “you don’t say to your loved ones I wish I had spent more time at the office”
Sarah Palin’s slogan
Country First – family Second
really? Oh I am crying? Boo frickin hoo. NOT
What these people think of me on this blog does not rule my life. I am not pathetic like you.
The only thing I have to say to you is at least I have the guts to post as me not anonymous like a scared baby.
Yvette…I am not an idiot but thanks for asking.
Good day!!!
I know a couple of stay at home dad’s they actually work from home. Their children seem to be thriving just fine. Not everyone can stay home, and most don’t. The current economy does not support that kind of life style. Most households have two working parents. Except maybe those who choose to live off welfare . So who’s the idiot?
“Most households have two working parents. Except maybe those who choose to live off welfare . So who’s the idiot?”
My wife (of nearly 14 years) and I, have 4 beautiful children between the ages of 3 and 12(2 boys and 2 girls) and we are a one income family. I work outside the home as a homicide detective and she works inside the home as the best mother and wife a guy could ever dream of. And no, I have no desire to have sex with any woman other than my SMOKING HOT wife. And yes, I have been faithful to her for the entire 15 years we have been together.
Ok, I’m glad I got that out of the way. We decided several years ago, before the birth of our first child, to put our children first by keeping one of us in the home, at all costs. This has been accomplished by living well below the standard of living(my car is 18 years old) that is available to us on my meager salary of 62k dollars a year and, this has also been accomplished without reliance on any government assistance whatsoever.
I just wanted to point out that there are many one income families that aren’t wealthy and that aren’t on welfare. And, there are also many guys who are not just animals who operate on purely animalistic instincts. Though I encounter and work with many attractive women during my day, I do not desire to have sex with any of them. Life is all about choices and priorities. You will make the right choices in life, if your priorities are where they should be.
Having said that, I want to voice my support for John McCain as the next President of the United States. McCain/Palin in 08!!
Please send pic of smoking hot wife, officer.
Scott W.,
Good for you!
I don’t care what others say, it’s nice to see that somebody can still make it happen!
Be careful out there!
Not sure that you read the whole prior conversation. I am well aware that alot of households have had one bread winner and one wonderfully perfect stay at home mother that is the home I was raised in!
But my current situation does not afford that luxury I do not make close to what you make and combined my husband and I make not a whole lot more than you do. We make it we are happy, and he doesn’t not look elsewhere for anything either.
My comment was as to whether or not Sarah Palin was a bad mother for working and I do not find this to be so. But with that there is no reason that Todd Palin isn’t perfectly capable of taking care of his children as well. There are many different situations in life, we deal with them and that does not make us bad people.
“Having said that, I want to voice my support for John McCain as the next President of the United States. McCain/Palin in 08!!”
Scott I’m right there with you buddy they’ve got my vote as well.
Scott I’m right there with you buddy they’ve got my vote as well.
Despite everything, Yeah OK? Despite everything. Well, America prays you remain in the minority.
Vern you know I like you buddy, we don’t have to agree.
Wrong-o, baby, one thing I DON’T agree on is agreeing to disagree. I’ve given so many reasons here (and more are coming) to NOT go for McCain and Palin. OK, task not accomplished yet. TO BE CONTINUED.
That was a very refreshing comment. I really admire parents who choose to live less loftily for the good of their family. Despite my liberal leanings, I don’t believe kids should be raised in day care for the sake of having a fancier car (or a lot of other things people think are necessities that really aren’t). From what I’ve observed from my friends who’ve made the same decision you and your wife have, those kids seem to be more well-adjusted. I also find it fascinating how many dual working parents I know spoil their children with material things because it somehow is supposed to make up for the time that is lacking in their relationships. That panacea of consumerism sends an interesting message …
I write this in jest (sort of), but until you wrote your last sentence, you sounded pretty close to a perfect guy!
So Vern you always have to be right? Guess your opinion is the only one that matters…I didn’t really think that was the case before but it seems to be what you are telling me. You aren’t going to change my mind, as I could not change yours, although Vern I wouldn’t try. I can see/read your opinions and RESPECTFULLY disagree.