Last evening I attended a small private dinner party held on Lido Island in Newport Beach to meet and listen to Harvard educated banker Eduardo Montealegre. Sailing past us as we dined was the “Wild Goose” John Wayne’s yacht that is a converted W.W.II minesweeper.
For those unfamiliar with Mr. Montealegre he was defeated by Sandinista party candidate Daniel Ortega in the multi candidate 2006 Nicaragua presidential election.
Mr. Montealegre is a candidate in the November 2nd election for Mayor of Nicaragua’s capital city of Managua. His main challenger in the upcoming election is card carrying Sandinista, former vice-mayor of Managua, Alexis Argüello, Nicaragua’s three-time world boxing champion.
In his brief remarks Eduardo stated that this election is about “Dictatorship Vs Democracy.” He plans to promote democracy and liberty in his campaign. I note in researching his prior campaign that he is an advocate of economic development.
“Nicaragua is the poorest country in Central America and the second poorest country in Latin America, after Haïti.” It has been reported that 45 percent of the population live on less than two dollars per day.
While our focus is on our presidential election and the recent invasion of Georgia by Russian troops we may be overlooking what is occurring in our own back yard. What posture should the US or NATO take requires firm, yet diplomatic, presidential leadership.
I reminded some of the guests at our table of Russian reaction to NATO’s placement of Jupiter IRBM missiles in Turkey 150 miles from their Russian border in 1962 for which Moscow responded by sending missiles to Cuba which led to the failed effort to overthrow Fidel Castro.
We need presidential leadership with open eyes to developments in Central and South America. Daniel Ortega “maintains close ties to Cuba and Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, the leftist president has become a thorn in side of the United States. Mr. Chavez lent the Ortega campaign significant support by sending subsidized oil to Nicaragua and distributing it through Sandinista politicians. Mr. Ortega’s victory appeared to be another gain for leftists in Latin America.” He has “also persuaded voters to abandon conservative governments in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Bolivia.” It is reported that Chavez provides oil at a 40 percent discount to Nicaragua. Our next commander-in-chief had better not take his eyes off the landscape in our own back yard.
After dinner I spent a few minutes in a one-on-one discussion with Eduardo asking about the make-up of their electorate.
For starters they close all access to the sale of liquor for two days prior and two days after their elections. Every voter casts paper ballot at locations within three miles of their homes, which he called “table top” voting. Their voter turn out is 70 percent. It goes without saying that Nicaragua does not have electronic machines nor do they offer absentee voting. Thirty percent of the country’s 5.6 million people live in the capital city of Managua.
This was a very informative evening. I discovered that of the 175,000 who emigrated to the USA 80,000 live in Miami-Dade County, FL. Many of these expatriates remit billions of US dollars back home to help this poor nation, representing upwards of 29% of their GDP.
In my assessment it is in our best interest for all Americans to support pro-America conservative Eduardo Montealegre in the upcoming Managua mayoral election.
2006 Nicaragua’s presidential election recap.
Unlike our party’s primary policy of run-off elections if no candidate gets more than 50 percent of the vote, they changed their election policy. i.e. “The key to Ortega’s victory was a change in election rules allowing a candidate to win in the first-round with only 35 percent of the vote, so long as he is 5 points above his next closest opponent. If Mr. Ortega had not won on the first round, most political strategists predicted he would not have survived a second round, as the splintered anti-Sandinista vote would have united. As it was, the anti-Sandinista vote seemed split mostly between Mr. Montealegre, with 30.9 percent, and José Rizo, the candidate of the conservative ruling party, who had 22.9 percent, according to the Supreme Electoral Council, the Nicaraguan election authority. Two other candidates, Edmundo Jarquin, a dissident former Sandinista, and Eden Pastora, a former Contra rebel, trailed behind.”
According to Google data “the final vote tally released by the Nicaraguan Supreme Electoral Council gave Daniel Ortega 930,862 votes (37.99%) and a 9-point lead over his closest rival, Eduardo MONTEALEGRE. A candidate of the Nicaraguan Liberal Alliance (ALN), MONTEALEGRE obtained 693,391 votes (28.30%).” Former President Jimmy Carter and members of the OAS were observers during that 2006 presidential election.
“…it is in our best interest for all Americans to support pro-America conservative Eduardo Montealegre in the upcoming Managua mayoral election.” Larry, have YOU ever considered the Nicaraguan people’s “best interest”, after all, it is THEIR country. What does Eduardo Montealegre “offer” in exchange for our “support”. Your man Eduardo, talks about “democracy and liberty” is that just code for free market capitalism. He lets in multi-national corporations so they can rape and pillage THEIR natural resources and get THEIR government to spend all THEIR money on military hardware, just like AMERICA has done time and again all over the world. I think and I hope, that times have changed, and that the people of Nicaragua will do what’s best for the people of Nicaragua and they will say ”Thanks, but no thanks” to interference from America.
“What” being the appropriate word. What do you know of the nation of Nicaragua? Let’s not turn the clock back 30 years to Iran Contra.
Have you any first hand knowledge of your allegations? Eduardo is not an elected official in charge of that country. To argue that “he let’s in multi-national corporations to rape and pillage” is simply BS. He has not participated in the charges which you level in your comments. One guest, who sat next to me, stated that, unlike other Central American countries, their rain forests are still in tact. While there surely are oligarch’s in their country he did not indicate any corporate America pillaging. We can surely debate CAFTA if you wish.
Feel free to support whomever you wish. That’s one of the many advantages of living in this country. We can all agree to disagree. I would prefer a pro-America leader than someone supported by president Chavez of Venezuela.
Thanks for your input.
I guess I need to clarify; I know that your man Eduardo HASN’T been elected yet, I was merely wondering what he would do if he were to come to power. America has a long history (whether you like to admit it or not ) of supporting “candidates” that put their own interests (and the U.S’s-via payolla) before their country’s. If America is not popular or trusted in Central and South American politics, perhaps we should stop fomenting turmoil to benefit U.S. military and business interests and actually DO something to benefit the people that live in those countries.
Thank you for the clarrification. While this post is not about our foreign policy as it relates to the western hemisphere I would hope that we monitor Venezuela’s Pres Chavez’s influence in central and south America.
All I can say is Eduard Mthappy (Eduardo “LA RATA” Montealegre) and supporters are the biggest losers in the history of politics. If you do the math more than 72% voted against him in 2006 and in 2008 Alexis knocked him out in the Mayoral eleccions. “HONORABLE” please do not use words that Montealegre do not know the meaning of.
GreenGo GO Home & Stay Home
When did you awake? This story was posted on Sept 20th. No, not 2009 but 2008.
The salutation “honorable” applies to anyone who has been elected in a public election, including Nancy Pelosi.
As to his defeat, which I have not followed, perhaps you might do some homework and you will discover that incumbents, when running for reelection, typically win over 90 percent of the time.
I was invited to a private event over a year ago and shared that dinner with the Juice readers.
He’s my uncle, and a great person I can tell you… He really just means well guy’s…You don’t know anything about him… so don’t try and judge him…