Does carrying a sign saying “Bush=McCain” in a public place deserve a ticket and a court date for trespassing? Just asking……
View the link and get a load of the Rabble-rousing radical woman’s antics.
Does carrying a sign saying “Bush=McCain” in a public place deserve a ticket and a court date for trespassing? Just asking……
View the link and get a load of the Rabble-rousing radical woman’s antics.
I want to comment on the professional performance of the police personnel involved. I think this is something that every rank and file officer can point to and say ‘thats what I do.’ The protesters and camera crew can be grateful that the public safety personnel involved had the staffing and workload to give them that amount of attention.
A little old lady librarian with a McCain = Bush sign at a McCain Rally. You can’t make that up, thats just funny, I don’t care who you are.
Thanks for pointing that out. It must suck to be a police officer and get these vague orders for even more-vague quazi authorities who are set on smashing freedom of speech.
That little old lady as a superhero constitution rights fighter is great for some good laughs! She did have a point tho, why is it so offensive to Republicans to equate Bush with McCain and vice versa? It was so offensive that they demanded that she put down her sign or possibly face arrest.
It will be interesting to see what her fight looks like when she goes to court over that ticket and charge. I’d like to find out the identity of that cowardly guy giving the directives to the officers.