September 4, 2008Posted in: Republican Party, sarah palin
About Vern Nelson
Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.
Geez, you’re an idiot, Nelson.
Godwin’s law is hereby invoked.
You and you ilk must feel very threated by Palin.
JC sampler:
Geez, you’re an idiot, Nelson.
From HEIL PALIN, 2008/09/04 at 3:06 PM
Did you graduate from high school, Nelson?
From Democrat’s threaten Lieberman, 2008/09/03 at 4:05 PM
Didn’t the Yoga Priest controversy occur on this guy’s watch?
From Should O.C. managers be paid over four times the median household income?, 2008/08/30 at 9:31 AM
Give us a break, Nelson. The only thing your girl claims to know anything about is peak oil, and she’s dead wrong about that.
From Dana, Terrified of Debating Debbie, Muddies the Waters., 2008/08/27 at 12:19
And unlike your presidential candidate, Biden actually fills out a suit.
From In Praise of Biden, 2008/08/27 at 10:55 AM
Clark? Vern Nelson’s a bigger loser than I thought!
From Obama-Bayh???, 2008/08/23 at 9:18 AM
We’ll watch for yours — in crayon.
From I saw a John McCain bumper sticker on the freeway!, 2008/07/26 at 12:10 PM
Global warming alarmist…climate change fibber…incompetent Mayor…liar about Peak Oil.
Typical “victimized” opportunist…will lose big-time and thankfully be out of our hair for a while.
From Debbie at Netroots Nation gathering, 2008/07/19 at 12:36 PM
Can you see why I am reluctant to take on such a heavyweight?
As a self appointed guardian and judge of the internet; I hereby, by the prima fascia evidence container herein, find you Vern Nelson guilty of violation of Godwin’s Law. Additionally, you are found guilty of violations of common decency and failure to respect your political opponents.
You are hereby sentenced to wallow in you own stupidity and to suffer all of the consequences, including deprivation of the respect of your fellow bloggers.
As sad and pathetic as it is, Dems must go after Sarah Palin on a personal level (after all , she wasn’t chosen for her foreign policy experience). Americans are unmoved and uninterested that Rove’s and McCain’s fingerprints are all over the Georgia/Russia conflict but they will stand up in outrage if it can be proved that Sarah Palin lied about something, especially if that lie has something to do with her family. We must ask; Who was watching Bristol? Remember- Who would you rather have a beer with? Now it’s- Who’s the mommy most like me?
Barack Obama said he wasn’t surprised by the tone of Sarah Palin and Rudy Giuliani’s speeches last night, arguing “This is what they do. They don’t have an agenda to run on.”
He did criticize the Republicans for focusing so much on him, but brushed off the attacks saying, “You know, I’ve been called worse on the basketball court.”
Obama spoke to reporters about the convention speeches after a small town hall meeting at a Hydro plant in York. He chose not to address Palin’s speech during the event and even dodged a question on her experience.
“I’ll let Gov. Palin talk about her experience and I’ll talk about mine,” he told a local worker.
However, he later dismissed accusations that criticism of her resume is somehow irrelevant or sexist.
“I assume that she wants to be treated the same way that guys want to be treated which means that their records are under scrutiny,” Obama said.
“I’ve been through this for 19 months. She’s been through it, what for 4 days so far?”
Do you really want to go there? I suggest you take this down I am not in the mood to see the Obama Muslim craze started back up, especially not on this blog. That was absurd and so is your latest post. Just start calling her Sarah Pander or something relatively cheap, but let’s not go here. Let’s not bring the psycho’s out of the woodwork, cause I’m sure a picture of Obama in a turbin and references to Barry Hussein will be back within the hour if you don’t scale the aggression back.
Here is a clip that you might find interesting. Please be fair and view it. That goes for anyone who wants to comment on the gender card and Sarah Palin:
The Sarah Palin Gender Card
OK, OK, Junior, I plead guilty to Godwin’s Law and consent to wallow for a short time. I suppose this means Barack is also a Muslim for a while.
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law ) or “reductio ad Hitleram”
Thinking people do not believe that Barack is a Muslim. Thinking people do not make comparisons such as you have made in this post.
I recommend that you take it down.
George II sits with the worst ratings of any sitting President. One would think Nobama could curry 50%+ in the approval ratings, yet he continues to hover, along with McCain, at the 49% threshold.
At this time I am not certain who I will vote for, however I am somewhat confident Karl Rove is sipping a dry martini in his wood-paneled library and laughing his fat ass off. The GOP has a knack for bringing it home in the last stretch.
Hm… Take it down? Two votes so far for taking it down. If I hear two more I will. It was only a quick bagatelle anyhow…
I’m not getting any more votes for taking it off, and I am getting calls from people telling me how extreme and offensive her speech was last night (which I still haven’t seen) so… jury’s out boys and girls.
Still – Godwin’s Law – wise legislation – Nazi/Hitler stuff DOES get thrown around too easily.
OH AND anon comment 8 did link to a worthwhile video… (update – I posted it above)
Vern buddy take it down.
what a tool and a jerk vern is . hey vern why dont you put up a photo of obama eating water mellon that way we can be on the same field and you can start crying foul . you must be really scared by her. when you lose the election along with the rest of your hair . maybe you will leave the country and take scr with you .
Yeah when I get even balder and McCain wins maybe me and SCR will go somewhere civilized like Cuba perhaps…
Óye coño – you coulda been the deciding vote to take this down – but you’d rather rant about negros and sandía.
Bad form Vern.
Take it down!!
Oh, somebody apparently learned about Godwin’s law. But he of course failed to understand it…
To be able to invoke Godwin’s law, there has to be a discussion first. It wasn’t in this case.
Junior, next time learn about these things before postingi…
Allright, Allright, I said two more votes and they came in. This is unprecedneted, but the community voted down a Godwin’s-Law-violating post and I must bend to democracy. In case future visitors to this thread wonder what the big deal was, there was a photo of Ms. Palin waving in what looked like a Nazi-ish way, the old chestnut quote from Molly Ivins that her speech was better in the original German, and the title (which I may not be able to change)”Heil Palin” But I think in order to not lose all this wonderful argument I will instead put that Daily Show video in place of the original pic.
Let’s see if I can make this work…
Boo- hoo. Poor housewife. More telling- the cheating on spouse! Just like daddy Mac! But his wife was disfigured and did wait 8 years for him to come home. He cheated while he was married. Family values-hah! The RED menace arises anew! From within! Loved the Hitler salute- all my friends busted up! I almost spilled a beer.
Rove and O’Reilly are hypocritical morons. Please go back to your homes. There’s nothing to see here – nothing new anyway.
“Junior, next time learn about these things before postingi…”
The title of this f’n post is STILL in violation of Godwin’s law (Heil). The discussion starts with the g.d. title Joe – you are moron.
Vern you are still in violation. The original sentence is remains in effect.
signed – self appointed guardian and judge of the internet – “junior”
sms the morons are msnbc .and far left vern .please go to cuba .vern go out into the streets there and see pictures of your hero che . fidel . and try to say the same crap you spill here and see what happens to you . hasta la vista baby . tienne diarrea de la boca .
OMG, grate one, you’re as bad in Spanish as you are in English…
Pobrecito schmuck ….
Subject change:
There still is no California State budget and no one is writing about it, not the mainstream media, not the blogs …
Come on you eloquent posters, we have to put pressure on our legislators. This is over-the-top and possibly the longest budget stalemate in history!!!!!
Longboobs –
Pfft! Are you kidding? This is nothing compared the bare knuckled clusterf#*k that is the yearly Massachusetts showdown.
Oh wait, they have a Democratic governor now and Romney left behind the legacy of his miserable health plan, so I’m sure the Dem-controlled legislature is trying to spend their way out of that hole without any opposition at all.
You’re right after all. Carry on. 😉
Sarah – I find the highly touted Mass. health plan issue to be fascinating.
Why is the Mass. health plan miserable?
Is the plan tremendously over budget as you seem to indicate?
Why is the health plan over budget?
junior –
It went over budget because they underestimated the number of people who would qualify for medical assistance based on the numbers that were most recent before the initiation of the new law. When they updated the law, they assumed that the money in the budget used to pay for ‘MassHealth’ recipients would cover roughly the same number of otherwise uninsured residents as it had before.
Most government departments inflate their budgets. This one under budgeted, and likely on purpose to create an ‘issue’ that requires more government intervention.
Vern, Awwww, I missed the original post and was confused for the longest time by the comments, I wanted to say that I thought the Daily Show has it right on. What we need to do is list the instances where their new position and their previous positions show them to be hypocritical.
#14 Longboobs Says:
September 4th, 2008 at 9:27 pm
Subject change:
“There still is no California State budget and no one is writing about it, not the mainstream media, not the blogs …
Come on you eloquent posters, we have to put pressure on our legislators. This is over-the-top and possibly the longest budget stalemate in history!!!!!”
Thank you, thank you, thank you, soon people will be really hurting as the State is unable to make payments to the businesses and employees owed money each week by the State of California. Its time for the Reeps who are obstructing a new State Budget in order to get their way. Thats the way to do it! Legislation by the minority!
Thought you might be interested in this Republican sponsored bill for a “continuing resolution” so the State’s bills would get paid – except for legislator’s salaries and per diem.
ABX3 24 Houston:
“This bill would … appropriate unspecified amounts from the General Fund and other funds and sources to the Controller for allocation by
the Director of Finance … to pay the current, urgent expenses of the state government, excluding salaries and per diem of Members of the Legislature, at a level of service that does not
exceed the level for the preceding fiscal year.”
“This bill would state the Legislature’s intent to provide adequate funding while the Legislature works toward a budget.”
So you see anonyms, there is no reason for state employees or providers to get hurt while the budget gets hammered out – if the dems will allow this bill to see the light of day.