For all who are unsure what to think of this victory for free markets and liberty I invite you to read the article at the link below:
A Day in the Life of Tenants United Anaheim Last week a tenant messaged us on Facebook asking for help,…
For all who are unsure what to think of this victory for free markets and liberty I invite you to read the article at the link below:
I am so glad this did not pass. I called my congressman and voiced my opinion!
Well, it will come, and the era of free markets will come to an end, no matter how many calls to your Congressperson you make. The financial markets will force this bailout to happen.
It is rather ironic that this comes to an end during a Republican administration…
But of course, if this administration had focused more on issues in this country and less on wasting tons and tons of money on an unnecessary war, it would have been just a blip on the radar. Now we are right in front of the iceberg…
“and the era of free markets will come to an end”.
Wow. That’s a intelligent remark.
This has been going on since the Jimmy Carter era buddy, this is not just the last eight years, but I wouldn’t expect someone that said…“and the era of free markets will come to an end”, to understand that.
People want some control over what happens to them. If we have to take a little bit of suffering so be it, it should be our choice. Loss is gonna happen either way.
I’m with you on this one Daniel. Good link to the Von Mises Institute. And credit where credit is due to both Rohrabacher and Sanchez who voted “no.”
Joe, don’t you think the timing was more than a little coincidental? Was it either a few months too early or timed to bolster the Republican campaign?
It’s funny how the votes shook out; here in OC only very corrupt Republican Congressmen Gary Miller and Ken Calvert voted yes on the bailout; while the Sanchez sisters joined extreme-in-other-ways-but-not-especially-corrupt Rohrabacher and Royce, in defying Bush, Pelosi and Paulson to vote against the bailout. (Didn’t catch how John Campbell voted.)
It’s like there’s Wall Street Democrats and Repubicans, and then there’s Main Street Democrats and Republicans. On top of that the reluctance of some who are facing tough re-election to support the generally unpopular measure.
Although – it gets complicated! I can tell you that several lifelong Republicans called the Debbie Cook office yesterday in a rage, wanting yard signs and to volunteer, because they were so mad that Dana voted AGAINST the bailout! (They didn’t even ask what Debbie’s position was. I think her position at this point is we need to do something, but we can get a much better deal for taxpayers and homeowners than what was on the table yesterday. Don’t quote me. I’ll let you all know when I hear for sure, today or tomorrow…)
“(Didn’t catch how John Campbell voted.)”
Vern – Congressman John Campbell voted yes. I am so upset with him that I am going to vote for the Libertarian. If there is no Libertarian in that race, I will write in Art Pedroza.
John Campbell voted yes Vern.
Yeah, Dana might have wanted to take the pulse of his billionaire and millionaire electorate instead of listening to talk radio but he couldn’t risk them asking him any questions about the subject and showing them how little he understands about finances and economics.
Tough place Dana between the wall of demanding constituents and the hard place of tough decisions during a tough reelection campaign. Well, you could always go gamble with McCain – it always helps him to loosen up. Nothing like dropping a bundle of your wife’s money to help a guy relax. Oh thats right Dana, you married poor. For once I feel sorry for her.
Nice sandbag on Campbell Vern!
Good news, Junior, and you other angry South-County populists – I just got off the phone with Steve Young and he’s AGAINST the bailout!
Nothin’ on here about that yet, but you can find out more here (may as well vote for someone who has half a chance than no chance at all)
Honestly, it sort of looks like challengers are often waiting to see which way incumbents go and then they go the other way… but at least that means we have choices, huh?