Is Alaska Governor Sarah Palin ready for her debate with Senator Joe Biden on Thursday? “A month after Gov. Sarah Palin joined Senator John McCain’s ticket to a burst of excitement and anticipation among Republicans, she heads into a critical debate facing challenges from conservatives about her credentials, signs that her popularity is slipping and evidence that Republicans are worried about how much help she will be for Mr. McCain in November,” according to the New York Times.
One more excerpt from the Times: “Polling suggests that the number of Americans who think she is not fit to be president has increased since her introduction to the country last month. A number of conservative columnists and thinkers have publicly turned against her, or criticized Mr. McCain for choosing her, including George Will, David Brooks and Kathleen Parker, who wrote a column entitled “She’s Out of Her League” for the National Review Online.”
Moreover, the Tina Fey parody of Palin, on Saturday Night Live (see the YouTube video above) was BRUTAL. This has to be one of THE best political parodies EVER. Fey was unbelievable.
On the flipside, a Republican friend told me that he saw dozens of GOP women sporting Palin’s hairstyle and glasses at this weekend’s California Republican Party Convention. Vendors were even selling glasses like hers. It sounded pretty darn eerie to me. But there is no doubt that many amongst the GOP base are still excited about Palin.
Thursday night should be rather illuminating. It may well destroy the McCain-Palin ticket. Or not.
The degree of denial one needs to enter into to approve of Ms. Palin being the VP nominee is truly astounding. But I guess people can talk themselves into just about anything if they’re a partisan who’s lost all rationality and objective thought.
By the way Art, what’s happened to Vern and Sarah?
I’m right here, bro. Been pretty busy last couple days with non-OJ blogging (hint Rohrabacher related but anonymous)
Taking a breather from that big Phobius flap – don’t know WHY everyone thought that was me in disguise!
I hear that the following week was even better, thanks for sharing that. I wonder how she will handle the debate? Probably just reciting talking points about the issues. It will be interesting. I’m excited to see Biden speak. I don’t know him well and the news clips of his campaign appearances are far to short to get any idea of how he looks at things.
I hope they ask them what the vice-president does every day. She must have the answer to that by now, it was her question. Also from whats been reported she supports military intervention to go into Pakistan to get binLaden just like Obama does, is that really a break from her and McCain’s platform? McCain seems to think its a bad idea, but he supported Musshariff’s dictatorship over the Pakistani people and in the face of their nuclear standoff with India it might have been the pragmatic thing to do but as Obama said it was a decidedly ‘old school’ – Obama said ’20th Century’ – approach to worlld politics and diplomacy.
Speaking of India and nukes, how about that U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Agreement being brokered by our government? I read this article from the Washington Post today (from a couple weeks ago) that is jaw-dropping. One of the highlights is that this agreement would give India “unfettered” access to nuclear fuel and technology without having to sign the Comprehensive Nucelar Test Ban Treaty, or allow inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Commission into their reactors. It would pretty much exempt India from all of the regulatoins and safeguards the rest of the world has to abide by.
What another great message the U.S. is sending about how we’ll do just about anything if it lines the corporate pocket!
Hey, a real moderator would ask Sarah about THAT on Thursday!
OMG, and there’s two whole months left! AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
You wont believe it but my Captcha is “W chafin” hahahahahaha