As the nation’s Palin binge settles into a sort of queasy, nauseous hangover, we can at least say we are starting to know who this woman is. Otherwise we would have to ask ourselves in a befuddled way: “Alaska Governor? Why is this person trying to get Arnold Schwarzenegger to veto Long Beach state senator Alan Lowenthal’s bill for Clean Ports, SB 974?”
Oh yeah, my title. Right. That refers to the fact that every year 3700 Californians die prematurely from ports and freight transportation pollution. SB 974 would fund 1. “specific infrastructure needs to reduce congestion and air pollution” (including improving railroad crossings and removing heavy trucks from highways) as well as 2. “available technologies to reduce air pollution and protect public health” BY MEANS OF a $30 fee per shipping container at the Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Oakland.
“Conservatives” (I prefer to call them corporatists) like Governor Palin feel that the container fee is too big a burden on businesses. Or anyway, that’s what their campaign contributors whine to them in the jacuzzis of Washington, Sacramento, and Juneau, between sips of the finest champagne.
Learn more about SB 974 here.
Feast your eyes on Caribou Barbie’s missive here.
Write your own letter to OUR governor supporting SB 974, here. (Easy as pie, just a few clicks.)
And while we’re talking Palin (also known as “slumming it”), I want to copy over what I thought was a very instructive exchange in the Liberal OC comments, before it fades into dusty blog history. (This goes beyond the smaller issue of Palin attacks and more into the question of modern Republicans and their uneasy relationship to truth and facts…)
Prevatt had done a post outlining what he considers to be the blogosphere’s role in pursuing lines of attacks that the campaigns may not want to dirty their hands with; and immediately Jubal’s sidekick d’Anconia was on (and later Jubal himself) parroting that week’s talking point: that the more “the Left” and “Democrats” attack Governor Palin for personal and family matters, the more popular she gets. So I questioned the whole common wisdom that any notable Democrats or leftists had actually done that, and… well, check it out. (a few less-interesting comments deleted)
Chris I believe both Matt and myself have both thanked you and your fellow talking point spewing friends for PERSONALLY attacking Sarah Palin, not for attacking her in general.
If you want to go after her over her record, her stance on issues, I believe it would do your side much better.
What we have been laughing about for over a week now is your attacks on this woman on the basis of her family and her choice for accepting the nomination. The more you attack her daughter, the more you attack her son (like Dan just did in a post above this one), and the more you attack her choice for raising five children while running for vice-president, the more women will shun your party and look with disgust towards the Obama campaign and his choice of not picking Hillary.
For that, we thank you. I think you had to write this post because personally this whole thing is upsetting you at the core, like the rest of the Democrats. For the party who has attempted to define itself for a model of *tolerance* and *equality*, it must be driving you guys nuts that a strong female, whom the majority of women voters now associate well with (that’s a FACT), happens to be a Conservative Republican.
But fret not. You are not alone on this. I mean, not really. It could always be worst. You could be a Democrats AND a member of the National Organization for Women, and by now have been exposed for what they really are: the National Organization for LIBERAL Women.
Hypocrisy has never run so rampant as it does now, through the blood of Democrats and so called “feminists”. You have been exposed for the fraud you really are, and you….can’t….handle….it.
I do agree that there is so much SUBSTANTIAL that Governor Palin needs to be attacked and criticized for, that we really should, and can afford to, leave out the family stuff.
But of course it all started with a typical bit of Rovian jiu-jitsu: Right when everyone was trying to figure out who the hell this Palin woman was, the McCain campaign released the news that her daughter was pregnant. The media of course immediately reported this and discussed it endlessly, and the McCain campaign immediately pretended two things that weren’t true: That Palin was being criticized for her daughter’s pregnancy, and that the criticisms were coming from “the left” and “the Democrats.”
All instructive, all petty… all last week. There are real things to worry about in re. Palin being a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
Nice try Vern.
The McCain campaign didn’t “release” the news in any kind of jiu-jitsu move. Instead, as soon as the press started asking questions about Bristol’s possible pregnancy, the campaign decided to come clean with the whole thing and get it out of the way.
Whether or not the McCain campaign expected the *left* and the *democrats* (yes Vern, just because you put ” ” between the left and the democrats, doesn’t mean it wasn’t them that were attacking her daughter’s pregnancy….do you need me to give you a list of examples?) to attack her endlessly for two weeks and counting, that’s a different story. I think it could have absolutely been part of the strategy to send the Democrats into overdrive trying to figure out how to deal with Palin, and yes, the media outrage was all but too predictable, so I guess that would be part of the strategy too.
But just because the campaign predicted the attacks by the liberals and the Dems doesn’t mean the liberals and the Dems aren’t at fault for attacking Palin’s family (scroll down a few posts and you’ll find Dan, as late as yesterday, attacking Palin’s family).
Like I said before, thank you. Please continue.
(yes Vern, just because you put ” ” between the left and the democrats, doesn’t mean it wasn’t them that were attacking her daughter’s pregnancy….do you need me to give you a list of examples?)
Yes, please, O Dank One, if you don’t mind, since you’re taking such an interest in this, who are these leftists and Democrats who attacked or are attacking Palin for her kid’s pregnancy? I doubt you’ll have much of an answer… what, some third-string Kos diarist?
mmm… just as I thought.
* crickets *
Sorry Vern, didn’t know I was on a stopclock here. Sunday football is fun so I’ll get to proving you wrong (again) tomorrow.
That’s OK bro, you’ve been waiting over a month for my “which countries provide their citizens universal healthcare without rationing…” and I’m probably putting that SERIES of essays off till after November because I have so many other priorities, but I AM going to do it.
Still I bet YOU come up empty-handed. Or rather either have to go to some obscure site nobody’s heard of, or else count Dr. Laura as a leftist.
Jubal, on September 15th, 2008 at 8:29 am Said:
- Um Jubal, it is the height of ridiculous stupidity to assert that attacking the failings of the McPalin campaign or the candidates themselves as an in-kind contribution to that campaign.Whatever you say, Chris. As if the Leftosphere is only about rebutting McCain ads.If you guys think tossing up every rumor that walks by about Sarah Palin or her family actually hurts McCain/Palin or helps Obama, go on fooling yourselves. As Peggy Noonan pointed out in her recent column, it just reminds Middle America what they don’t like about the Left.
Peggy Noonan is a hypocrite of the highest order; her off camera comments on MSNBC constrast her two last columns highlighting who wondering Mccain/Palin are even though she thought the Palin selection was a huge mistake. The explanation for her comments suspends belief. She has proven herself a capable liar.
Matt — how about actually owning up to some of the lies the McCain/Palin ticket continues to put out. McCain said she didn’t advocate for earmarks as governor (false), she sold the plan on EBay for a profit (false, false), and that she killed the Bridge to Nowhere (Congress did; she used the earmarks elsewhere). Repeat a lie often enough…..but you already know this, don’t you?
Hey Dan how about the lie that Obama has been running around telling people that 95% of American families will get a tax cut, when realistically his plan is nothing else besides a huge welfare program at a time when America can ill afford it.
If Obama wants to grow the size of the welfare state, he should just say so. Calling it a tax cut is a lie and an insult to the voters.
How about d’Anconia running around changing the subject after offering to list “leftists and Democrats” who have attacked Palin for her daughter’s pregnancy.
The rest of you can pursue this tax BS (of course Obama’s telling the truth). Meanwhile I’ve got a jerking, twitching fish at the end of my line.
Palin never said she sold the plane on eBay:
She said she put it on EBay; McCain saiud she sold it for a profit. See it yourself
Do we need reading comprehension Matt? I reference the lies told by the McCain/Palin ticket.
d’Acon; the Washington Post and BusinessWeek both report Obama’s tax plan puts more money in the pockets of average Americans than McCain’s does. Its not a lie.
More Republicans claiming she sold the plane n eBay; and fact checking her speech I think it’s safe and fair to say now that NOBODY on the Left or in the Democratic Party criticized Palin for her daughter’s pregnancy. I can’t think of anyone who did, and d’Anconia can’t name anyone who did. And remember, the talking point was not “One or two leftists did that” but “the Left and the Democrats did it.” Maybe it’s time to move on to the question of: What do FACTS, what does TRUTH mean, to folks like Jubal and d’Anconia?
What does Jubal believe? I’m pretty sure he is very serious about his Catholic faith (or his interpretation of what it means to be Catholic) and he convinced himself years ago that the Republican Party is God’s instrument on earth. These are his overriding imperatives. From there, facts are either convenient or inconvenient, in the service of advancing the GOP and “Christianity.”
d’Anconia… well, all I know is he believes what he hears all his friends say. EVERYBODY knows the left and the dems were trashing Palin for her daughter’s pregnancy. I mean, EVERYBODY was saying that, it has to be true! Just because I can’t find any examples – that doesn’t mean anything. The only people who will argue with such a self-evident truth are crazy evil leftists like Vern anyway. Did I do well, Jubal? Do I get a cookie?
Just sayin’… Matt and Dank would like that last comment to slip into blog-history oblivion. Guys? No snappy comebacks? Should I move this whole thing over to my place, where it won’t sink into the quicksand so fast?
Borderline blogwhoring Vern. Borderline. [Vern comment today: The struggle for peace and justice would go smoother if Dan C. would get off his OJ grudge]
Dan, you saw what happened. Dank promised to name a leftist or Democrat that criticized Palin etc. He couldn’t come up with ONE. I think that’s kind of remarkable.
Now he and Matt are sitting on their hands, knowing that if enough comments happen on other threads, this will just sort of fade away. Not on my watch.
We did not criticize Caribou Barbie for Bristol’s pregnancy. Not you, not I, not Obama, not Carville, not Noam Chomsky, etc.
Between Bristol’s pregnancy/underage drinking, Track’s alleged arrest for vandalism/vodka theft, and “do we have a reason why Bristol was out of high school for 5 months or wht Track spent most of his senior year in Michigan? I think the Palin’s are lousy parents. My opinion. You can disagree. Parents that let their kids sleep over at Michael Jackson’s house are lousy parents too. Piper Palin, adorable. Levi Johnson, well, the shotgun is painted white. I thought only Islamic extremists did arranged marriages these days – nice to know Palin will make her daughter enter into a loveless marriage for political convenience (and yes, I said all this to rile up you right wingers out there!)
And yes, Obama has young children who have a great deal of love, support and care from Michelle Obama, her parents and Obama’s sister. I’ll say it again. Palin’s. Lousy. Parents.
Well, maybe there’s d’Anconia’s answer. Only Dan C, of all “leftists” and “Democrats”, bothers with that line of attack. Those guys are still full of it. Sarah’s religious fanaticism, her ignorance, her lies and abuse of power, her complete lack of qualifications to be President, are what most of us are focused on. And d’Anconia is a wanker. I’m sorry.
Still waiting on d’Anconia. Maybe his list is just SO BIG he’s still trying to organize, categorize it… ya think?
First off your title is off.
“Oh yeah, my title. Right. That refers to the FACT that every year 3700 Californians die prematurely from ports and freight transportation pollution.”
Please prove this statement. You know it pure BS your own link says “The Air Resources Board ESTIMATES that 3,700 Californians die prematurely each year due to pollution…” Of course they have no ax to grind!
“SB 974 would fund 1. “specific infrastructure needs to reduce congestion and air pollution” (including improving railroad crossings and removing heavy trucks from highways) as well as 2. “available technologies to reduce air pollution and protect public health” BY MEANS OF a $30 fee per (Per 20 foot, you left that out! Most containers are 40ft that’s $60 ea.) shipping container at the Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Oakland.”
Well Vern, the motivation for Gov Palin is very obvious if you look just a little bit into the issue. Her legislature and constituents and the already outrageous price of goods in her state.
Since nearly 90% (her est.) of goods arrive in Alaska via 40 ft containers that adds $60 more to the cost of goods delivered to her state. Why should Alaskans pay more for their goods because a bunch of people here want to have someone else pay for new vehicles and rail systems to transport for their cargo around the LA basin.
Nobody seems to understand that a huge new harbor facility sits just south of us in Mexico, that if we aren’t very careful, will kick our butts in hauling in cargo and sending it North to us on even dirtier trucks, running higher sulfur diesel fuels than we sell here. So what we may have, if this goes through is fewer high paying jobs, and greater air pollution. NICE
WTF man why shouldn’t those who benefit, pay for those general improvements in their own business. The port authority does not need to levy a new tax on containers to move toward cleaner more efficient transportation, they just WANT it. It’s cost effective to change out the ageing diesel fleets to CNG as they are replaced. The rails do need to be upgraded but, shouldn’t the rail companies be paying for that, not some new flat tax on the containers that goes on in to perpetuity? Yes the cost of moving goods is on the rise, but a new tax is not the way to cure the problem. JUST SAY NO TO NEW TAXES!
Would you support a new tax on Santa Ana residents so Mike Tardif could improve his sheet metal shop too? Or one that would pay for Judy Ware to clean up her act? That’s not a stretch at all in linkage, it’s totally fair considering your unbridled support for SB9700.
One quickie, I know you’re religiously anti-tax (while others consider it the “price we pay for a civilized world) but this is a little deceptive on your part:
Since nearly 90% (her est.) of goods arrive in Alaska via 40 ft containers that adds $60 more to the cost of goods delivered to her state.
$60 to the “cost of goods” for Alaskans? How many “goods” do you think fit in a 40-foot container? Of course it all depends if we’re talking about bars of soap or SUV’s, but even assuming the companies passed on the entire $60 to consumers, it’s more like pennies we’re looking at. For breathable air, and longer healthier lives.
I will add more when I have time, about the real, disastrous health situation around the area of the Long Beach Port. Unless someone else wants to jump in and help out… HELLO? Anyone else read this post?
No Vern they were turned off by your continuing use of derogatory terms for Gov Palin
Do you have any idea of the costs of anything in Alaska? NO!
You still didn’t answer my last paragraph either Vern.
Why is a new tax always your answer rather than private enterprise paying their own way to be competitive?
Dude, that’s why I said “one quickie” I’m working on something else right now. But I promise I’ll get back to this tonite or tomorrow.
That reminds me, one of us should do something on Prop. 11, the anti-gerrymandering, pro-democracy redistricting bill. You should write that. There hasn’t been a good Carl post in a while. I like it when we agree on stuff.
Don’t think that many people are turned off from the opportunity to laugh about Palin. Hey, it’s better than getting an ulcer contemplating how many fathoms beyond evil the Reeps will delve to deceive the American people. I’m thinking that maybe I’m in the good company of people who don’t know JACK about this issue and therefore aren’t offering any commentary, pro or con …
Since reading my earlier response I wasn’t crystal clear on the matter. I am against this bill and will voice such to the Gov. Also in researching it I found some very interesting things about it. If it is signed by the Gov. it will end up in the courts and will be defeated, wasting taxpayer moneys and those of industry that should be used elsewhere. It isn’t legal in any way and as such should never have been passed by the Legislature or the Senate. Naughty Naughty!
They should have been dealing with the state budget instead! But NO they are too busy making BAD and ILLEGAL resolutions.
Thanks Vern for the tip off.
We are talking about a ½ BILLION DOLLARS here NOT chump change!
The complete text of the bill for anyone interested is here:
From Cal Tax, their conclusion follows;
• Under Article XIIIA, Section 3 of the California Constitution, the “fee” imposed pursuant to SB 974 is a tax subject to a supermajority vote.
• The “fee” is not part of a regulatory effort to mitigate the adverse impact of the feepayer’s operations because the feepayer is the owner of the cargo, not the shipping company. There is only a minor, indirect, nexus between the feepayers’ products or operations and their adverse effects for the same reason.
• Most notably, only 50% of the vessels coming through the ports are containerized. Thus, the fee is not fairly apportioned.
• The “fee” is also a tax under the Commerce Clause, as it does not pay for the costs of regulating the feepayer, only those the feepayer has chosen to transport his or her goods.
• As the “fee” is a tax, it must undergo greater scrutiny under the Commerce Clause. The tax also violates the Commerce Clause because it does not approximate the actual benefit conferred on the feepayer. The feepayers under SB 974 are those who pay shippers to transport their goods. They receive no benefit from meeting air pollution standards already required by law, and in fact are paying for any purported benefits received by those who do not transport their cargo by using containers.
• Finally, SB 974 violates the Foreign Commerce Clause, as it is inconsistent with the Customs Convention on Containers and poses the risk of multiple layers of taxation for instrumentalities of foreign commerce.
A partial list of those who oppose this measure:
Abercrombie and Fitch
ACG Cotton Marketing LLC
Ag Processing, Inc.
Agricultural Council of California
Agriculture Transportation Coalition
Allenberg Cotton Co.
Allen Group
Aloha Airlines
American Apparel & Footwear Association
American Chemistry Council
American Cotton Shippers Association
American Council for Food Safety and Quality
American Eagle Outfitters, Inc.
American Electronics Association
American Foods Group
American Forest and Paper Association
American Import Shippers Association
Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc.
Anzco Foods North America, Inc.
Association of International Automobile Manufacturers
Badger Forest Products
Bank of Hawaii
Beall’s, Inc.
Belk, Inc.
Best Buy
Blue Diamond Growers
Bonanza Foods and Provisions, Inc.
Bon-Ton Stores, Inc.
Border Valley Trading LTD
Borders Group, Inc.
Borges of California
Boscov’s Department Stores, LLC.
Braun Export
Burger King, Inc.
CA Commodity Export Corporation
Calcot LTC
California Bean Shippers Association
California Business Properties Association
California Cattlemen’s Association
California Chamber of Commerce
California Citrus Mutual
California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association
California Farm Bureau Federation
California Fisheries and Seafood Institute
California Grain and Feed Association
California Grape and Tree Fruit League
California Grocers Association
California Independent Grocers Association
California League of Food Processors
California Manufacturers & Technology Association
California Metals Coalition
California Nevada Soft Drink Association
California Railroad Industry
California Restaurant Association
California Retailers Association
California Seed Association
California Taxpayers Association
California Warehouse Association
Carriere Family Farms
Castle &Cooke Homes Hawaii, Inc.
Casual Male Retail Group, Inc.
Central Pacific Bank
Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii
Charming Shoppes, Inc.
Coca-Cola Bottling Company of California
Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Southern California
Colorado Food Products
Columbine Vineyards of Delano, CA
Corona Chamber of Commerce
Crain Walnut Shelling, Inc.
CTP Transport, Inc.
Dairy America, Inc.
Del Monte Foods
Derco Associates, Inc.
Diamond Foods, Inc.
Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S.
Dole Food Company, Inc.
Dressbarn, Inc.
Duncan and Sons Lines, Inc.
Dvn Louis Dreyfus Corporation
E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.
Edwards Luggage
EFI Logistics, Inc.
Ethan Allan Global, Inc.
Food Marketing Institute
Gap Inc.
Grain Millers, Inc.
Grocery Manufacturers/Food Products Association
Harland M. Braun and Company / Braun Export
Hawaii Island Chamber of Commerce
Hawaii Korean Chamber of Commerce
Hawaii Tourism Authority
Hedley Construction and Development
Heineken USA, Inc.
Home Depot
Intel Corporation
J.C. Penney Corporation
Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores
Kailua Chamber of Commerce
Kohl’s Corporation
Lake Elsinore Valley Chamber of Commerce
Limited Brands, Inc.
Limtiaco Company
Liz Claiborne, Inc.
Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce
Macy’s West
Mallory Alexander International Logistics
Mathiesen Maritime Services, Inc.
Maurice’s, Inc.
Mazda North American Operations
Meat Importers Council of America
Meridian Nut Growers LLC
Midwest Shippers Association
Miller Brewing Company
Murphy Imports LLC
Murrieta Chamber of Commerce
NAIOP Inland Empire
National Association of Industrial and Office Properties –
California State Council
National Association of Manufacturers
National Chicken Council
National Federation of Independent Business
National Industrial Transportation League
National Retail Federation
National Turkey Federation
Natural + Organic Imports
Neiman Marcus
Nisei Farmers League
North Dakota Department of Agriculture
Office Depot
OZ Logistics, Inc.
Pacific Coast Council of Customs Brokers and Freight
Pacific Egg & Poultry Association
Pacific Merchant Shipping Association
Panasonic Corporation of North America
Payless ShoeSource, Inc.
Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation
Preferred Freezer Services
Red Wing Shoe Company
Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau
Regional Legislative Alliance – Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties
Rekerdres and Sons Insurance
Retail Industry Leaders Association
Retail Merchants of Hawaii
Safeway, Inc.
San Rafael Luggage Center
Seaboard Foods LP
Smurfit-Stone Container Company
Sonnet Technologies
Southlands Organic Ltd
Southwest California Legislative Council
Southwest Hide Company
Specialty Crop Trade Council
Spencer Gifts LLC
Spirit Halloween Superstores
Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association
SSA Marine
Starboard Alliance Company LLC
Sunview Marketing International
Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce
The Refrigerated Shipping Association
Toy Association of Southern California
Toy Industry Association, Inc.
Transgroup Worldwide Logistics
Travel Goods Association
U.S. Association of Importers of Textiles and Apparel
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
United Laundry Services, Inc.
United States Council for International Business
US Dairy Export Council
USA Poultry & Egg Export Council
Valley Industry and Commerce Association
Vergel N. Adonis Realty, Inc.
Voit Development Company
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Washington State Potato Commission
Waterfront Coalition
Weil Brothers Cotton, Inc
Western Cotton Shippers Association
Western Growers
Western United Dairymen
Wilson Homecare
Wine Institute
World Sake Imports
WS Badcock Corp, DBA Badcock Home Furnishings
and More
Any wonder why I’m against it?
Rock & Roll Jazz Man, lets dance!
Vern, did you forget to answer this one?
OK, where were we.
Wow, that is one long-ass list of companies that would have to pay a little more for shipping under SB 974, and would prefer not to.
Why is a new tax always your answer rather than private enterprise paying their own way to be competitive?
Well, that’s sure a caricature of me, I hope my caricature of you isn’t as inaccurate…
I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around this alternative “solution” of yours. Well, first, let’s be sure we both agree there’s a problem to be solved. I’ve been reading for a few years about the health problems near the Ports, mainly in poor neighborhoods like Wilmington, thousands of kids growing up with asthma, mainly Latin kids (so who cares?) I grew up with asthma in the Inland Empire until we moved out to HB. And you cast doubt on the 3700 number, but even if it’s half of that, I think we’re talking about society trying to act in its self-defense….
And you solution seems to be – Like ALWAYS – let the Invisible Hand of the Market take care of it? What’s gonna compel these trucking companies and railroads to make these changes you seem to agree are necessary, any time soon? What does that legislation look like? AND you make the leap, which I won’t contest, that any container fee will be passed on to the consumer and hence really be a “tax”, but if these companies made these changes, whether “out of the goodness of their hearts” or under legal duress of some sort, why would that cost also not be passed on to consumers?
Interesting point about the port in Mexico. We shouldn’t be letting those DIRTY MEXICAN TRUCKS up here anyway! Glad we’re both against NAFTA.
Puzzled, but still pro-SB974…. your Juice-Brother Vern
Ok, Vern that may have been an overstatement of the “liberal cause” in general, (or how I see it) my apologies for the characterization.
I have asthma too, which is set off by diesel fumes to boot. I’m not sure about NFTA in general, but some parts of it I sure am.
You still have not addressed the issues that CalTax talks about and they are very real. The damn thing isn’t legal, it isn’t going to be upheld in court, and it will cost us, the state, the taxpayer’s, money to litigate a bill which never should have been passed. Bottom line is it isn’t a legal remedy. The figure being thrown around for this “small fee” is ½ Billion dollars, that’s not a little fee, and if it isn’t containerized it isn’t taxed. How fair is that?
The claimed purpose of this bill is to finance infrastructure improvements and environmental mitigation projects. Despite suggestions to the contrary, acceptable alternatives to this illegal solution do exist:
Ports are financed with billions of dollars in private sector investments, paid for mostly through revenue bonds financed by port terminal operators and others through true user fees. California ports are carrying close to $3.5 billion in revenue bonds for maritime infrastructure improvements, and these funds continue to be spent on updating and building new roads, rail capacity and a variety of other projects.
In addition, public-private partnerships offer a viable way to fund goods movement-related projects outside of the ports. In principle, a public-private partnership must provide real and tangible benefits to all who contribute funds. This concept is most applicable to individual projects because funding sources may derive varying levels of benefit from each specific project and, therefore should have varying levels of financial involvement in those projects. The one-size-fits-all approach offered by SB 974 does not constitute a true public-private partnership.
BTW AQMD has been involved in some of the “cleaning up” of the transport system down there already and they aren’t going anywhere, so the ports will be forced by federal clean air standards to do something. Yes the costs will be passed on. But everyone should be paying that price, not just containers.
It’s a bad bill!