This week Libertarian Vice Presidential Candidate Wayne Allyn Root challenged fellow Columbia College class of 1983 alum Barack Obama to release his grades to the public. Here is W.A.R’s press release.
The Audacity of Affirmative Action: Obama and the Libertarian V.P. Challenge
By Libertarian Vice Presidential Nominee Wayne Allyn Root
It’s time to open up a dialogue and debate with America (and between Americans of different races) about a controversial, but important issue. This issue is affirmative action. Since the issue is centered around race, most white politicians are afraid to discuss it for fear of being labeled a racist. I am not most white politicians. Fear is not a word that affects my life.
As a person of color, Barack Obama can and has brought it up, largely unchallenged. I will challenge it. There is a second side to affirmative action – the white male perspective – that everyone is afraid to discuss for fear of being crucified by the bleeding-heart, guilt-ridden, liberal media types.
It’s a natural debate to have, so let’s have it. Barack and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum; we’ve lived lives inside different colored skin; had different experiences; faced different challenges, yet graduated from the same college (Columbia University Class of ’83) on the same day, with the same major exactly 25 years ago. We now make history together- as the first college classmates to run on opposing Presidential tickets. And every step of the way, whether it’s spoken or not, race has played a part in our lives, our experiences, and the way we formed our political opinions on issues of importance to the American people.
To me, affirmative action is a civil rights issue. But, I’m sure, not in the way Barack thinks of “civil rights.” You see the pendulum has swung past the midpoint where today my civil rights- as a white American- are being violated daily. I know, some of you are saying “Oh, poor, poor you.”
But, let’s look at the facts. Many of the most important opportunities are affected by decisions based on race- who gets into colleges, law schools, business schools, medical schools; who is hired at the biggest corporations in America; who is hired for state and federal government civil service jobs (that come with incredible pensions and benefits); who is promoted at the workplace; who is awarded government contracts in the name of quotas, affirmative action, or that famous buzzword “diversity.” And in each case, if the decision or access to opportunity is based on reverse racism, it’s wrong and a violation of our civil rights!
Reverse racism- no matter if the intent is to remedy some past wrong- is still racism. In each case it is a violation of everything for which America stands. To choose to exclude applicants who might be more talented, smarter, harder working, more worthy, but just happen to be white, in favor of those who happen to be black, is quite simply a travesty. It creates, not promotes racial disharmony. Ironically, affirmative action encourages this idea of “two Americas” that liberals talk about nonstop.
My parents taught me that two wrongs do not make a right. I was also taught that race should not and does not matter. Yet, the government says that it does- when they violate my civil rights calling it “just.” I call it what it is, reverse racism. How can you call it anything else when having a certain skin color gets you a job, salary or college admission? How can you call it anything else when the color of your skin gives you advantages, mandated by government? How can you call it anything else when decisions that affect the rest of our lives (for better or worse) are determined by race? In the 50´s and 60´s when this debate began, and it was people of color being discriminated against, it was called what it is- racism. Today, when it is a different color of people being discriminated against, how can it be called anything else! In my opinion, any form of discrimination is just plain wrong- whether the person on the receiving end is white, brown, black or yellow.
Talent, and a willingness to work, should determine every American’s level of success. Achievement should be based on what’s in our heads, the decisions we make, how hard we are willing to work- never on the color of our skin. No one deserves to be hired, fired, qualified, or disqualified based on their skin color. The only color that matters should be gray- the gray matter in our brains.
The liberal media will tell you that racism, as I’ve just outlined it, doesn’t exist, or is somehow “just.” Let me tell you through my own experience and that of my college classmate, Barack Obama, just how WRONG they are. As I’ve already pointed out, Barack and I graduated from the same college, on the same day, with the same major, both from lower middle class families. Except for the color of our skin we couldn’t have been more alike. I had good grades at Columbia, (B+ or higher) and good LSAT (Law School admission exam) scores. Good enough, I was told by my Columbia University guidance counselor, that I could gain acceptance into virtually any law school in America, with the exception of the Ivy Leagues (Harvard, Yale, Columbia). “Don’t even bother to apply to your favorite choice Harvard- you just don’t have the grades,” I was told. And, you know something, I accepted the fact that my grades weren’t good enough, and that more qualified applicants should attend those schools.
Yet, Barack was accepted to Harvard Law School. Was it because of his grades, test scores, and college record? Or, was it because of the color of his skin? I think inquiring minds (and voters) have a right to know. My life (and grades) at Columbia are an open book. They are available for everyone to see. But, newspaper after newspaper has told me that Obama’s campaign refuses to release his college transcripts. Why? What has he got to hide? That same Obama campaign never hesitates to mention in every media story that Barack graduated Harvard Law School with Law Review honors. But never even a mention of his Columbia undergraduate record. Why?
Now don’t misunderstand me. I don’t think any of this really matters 25 years later…nor should it. We all know Barack is smart and gifted. We all know he is the best orator since Reagan or Clinton (at least with a teleprompter). However, his grades of twenty-five years ago are very meaningful in the context of this argument.
With two classmates running on competing Presidential tickets, this is the perfect opportunity to openly discuss affirmative action- and why, in my opinion, it must now end. Barack supports affirmative action, I do not. Why? Because affirmative action has dramatically altered both our lives. What could be a more ideal forum for discussion and debate than comparing how it affected the lives of two high-profile college classmates running on opposing Presidential tickets?
People of color will tell you they are angry about being denied opportunities based solely upon the color of their skin. If so, don’t I have a right to be just as angry if I had a better college record than Barack, but he was admitted to Harvard Law School, and I was not even considered good enough to apply? Did he have a right to jump over me, without regard to merit?
Barack and his wife (also a Harvard Law graduate) have made several controversial statements about race in America. Barack’s pastor- a chosen “father figure”- has made racist and anti-Semitic remarks. Michelle Obama has commented that she has never until this moment (of Barack’s nomination) been proud of America. Wouldn’t it be significant to open a national dialogue on the topic of race and affirmative action? To find out if, in fact, America was truly “unfair” to the Obama family…or if in fact, this country has been extremely fair to the Obamas- perhaps even treating Obama and Michelle in a superior fashion to others- simply because of their skin color.
What if it turns out that I was the one treated badly by a system that bases decisions on the color of a person’s skin? Is America comfortable with this double standard? After all, my family owes no debt to people of color. My family arrived in America at the turn of the 20th century. We were not here when blacks were sold into slavery. To the contrary, my relatives (of Jewish ancestry) were enslaved and murdered in many different countries because of their religion and race. Yet I’ve never complained once, never asked for reparations, never used past transgressions as an excuse to demand superior treatment today.
Interestingly, not only did my ancestors not participate in persecution, racism or slavery, we were victims of it ourselves. Worse, Obama’s ancestors were never enslaved in America. His father came straight from Kenya to attend Harvard. Not exactly persecution in my book. My father was a butcher who barely graduated high school. Yet simply because of the color of his skin, Barack may have been treated better than me by Harvard Law School. Perhaps America was not only not so terrible to Barack, perhaps it bent over backwards to help someone that deserved no such special treatment.
Isn’t this an issue that Barack demanded come out? In light of his pastor’s racist comments, didn’t Barack say it’s time for an open and honest discussion of race? Shouldn’t a white American be able to discuss this topic openly and honestly- just like a person of color?
Well here it is…and here I am. I’m putting it on the table once and for all. The time has come…the discussion is now open. I am not a racist. To the contrary, I’ve never judged anyone in my life because of the color of their skin. That’s my point. Race should not matter. But it certainly cannot matter to only one group- while everyone else is forced to accept discrimination; accept a violation of their civil rights in the name of “equality”; and walk on eggshells about the topic for fear of being called a racist. It is time for good Americans to speak up.
The time (and need) for affirmative action is now over. Ironically the proof is that a black man stands a great chance of being elected President of the United States. Barack is living proof that being a minority in America no longer limits opportunity. Talent is all that should be used to determine what jobs we get; what promotions; what loans; what colleges we are admitted to; what government contracts are awarded. And someone who is bold enough and honest enough to point that out should be congratulated, not attacked, not shouted down, not called names. That person should not be called a racist, anymore than a person of color should (like Barack), if he brings up the same topic.
The NBA should serve as a great example of the folly and fallacy of affirmative action. If affirmative action is truly good for the goose, then it must be good for the gander too. Let’s apply it fairly- to every area of inequality. Let’s for example apply it to the NBA. Would any of us want government to mandate that the NBA be more representative of race in our society? Should the NBA be a certain percentage white, black, Hispanic, American Indian, and Asian? But of course that would be absurd. It would also be offensive and unfair to fans who pay top dollar to watch the best talent available in the world on the court. I would never want to mandate affirmative action in the NBA. The NBA should not be mandated 80% white. Nor should it be mandated 80% black. The color of the skin of the players should not matter. I simply want the best talent on the court- whatever the color of their skin. The same applies to boxing, football, hockey, golf, tennis, football, lacrosse, etc. Let only those with the most talent reap the rewards. Race should never again be a factor.
Well if you agree, why should lawyers, doctors, corporate executives, or government contractors be treated any differently? Why should college admissions be treated any differently? Why should the office of the President of the United States be treated any differently? The man or woman who occupies the oval office should get the job because of their talent, not the color of their skin. Affirmative action should not determine the Presidency- anymore than admissions to Harvard Law School.
That is why I think this is a perfect time, place and opportunity for an open honest national discussion and debate on affirmative action. That is why I’ve made this public challenge to my classmate Barack Obama- to prove that his grades were better than mine, and to thereby prove that he deserved to gain admission to Harvard Law School. I think Barack owes us all the opportunity to see his Columbia college transcripts. I seem to remember liberal critics of George W. Bush denigrating his Yale grades- until we found out that W’s grades were better than either Al “I invented the Internet” Gore or John Kerry. Why was it important for the media to know W’s grades? Why is no one in the media demanding that Obama release his college transcripts?
Well now we have a more valid and timely comparison to make. Two classmates from the same college class, same major, same graduation day, of different races, both desiring entrance to Harvard Law. One got in. One did not. Why? Did one benefit unfairly from admission criteria based on the color of his skin? And, if so, how can it be called anything but racism, regardless of the color of the skin of the one discriminated against.
One of my heroes Ronald Reagan once changed the world by forcefully demanding, “Mr. Gorbachov, Tear down this wall.” I now throw down the gauntlet to my college classmate. “Barack, take up my challenge. Show us your grades.”
Then, let’s have a debate about race and affirmative action. Quite frankly, I believe Barack and I have the same goal- the elimination of racism. Who better than the two of us to face the topic head-on.
To send questions/comments/hate mail/fan mail: e-mail El Luchador at
I think the first photo deserves an award or something! And I’m with you on affirmative action. It’s become counter-productive.
Reverse discrimination has hurt me, many others, and relegated those of color to inferior status by definition.
All Affirmative Action policies/laws need to be abolished.
Poor, poor Wayne Root.
Brave Wayne Root!
LOL…Obama’s Columbia grades have nothing to do with whether or not he was deserving of affirmative action. This Root dude seems pretty weird.
I think a better idea would be to reveal Mr. Root’s economic status at the time.
Hey Anon,
W.A.R.’s financial status at the time has been revealed, you can read about it in any of the 6 books that he’s written. He was broke.
Such a typical liberal, never even checking your facts before you speak. I’m sure W.A.R. would take it as a compliment that you automatically assume he comes from money.
Are you making the argument that grades should not have been a determining factor in Obama getting into Harvard Law? Why won’t Barry release his undergraduate grades? Undergraduate grades were a factor for both Vice-President Quayle and President George W. Bush (The President Quayle we never had).
I’ll tell you why he won’t release his grades, since you can’t seem to figure it out for yourselves. He’s embarrassed by them, cause they are probably really bad. I’m talking worse than Quayle and Bush. I’m talking I tanked an interview at Saddleback Church so I have to accuse John McCain of cheating bad. I’m talking I didn’t mean to say “above my pay grade bad.” I’m talking people are mesmerized by my stump speeches so I have no reason to divert people’s attention bad. I’m talking if I was leading in the polls just before a rigged Commission on Presidential Debates Debate I would call in sick because I don’t want to risk anything bad.
All of this and Barry Obama is only 50% of the reason why I’m voting for Bob Barr this year.
You can all continue to throw your votes away on the two major parties.
Oh wait, I almost forgot I’m the one who’s throwing my vote away right?
I’m sure that either McCain or Obama will fix all of our problems after one of them gets elected in November.
No, Luchador, Obama will not fix all our problems next year. He will need your help, and mine.
OMG, whats next a candidate’s immunization records? How about how often he had his teeth cleaned?
Nobody, with the exception of scholarship review boards give a rat’s ass about ANYones grades. Once again a candidate wants to talk about something that has zero to do with the issues that have through eight years of neglect turned into crisis like our energy independence, our healthcare system, our economy, our education system, and our global environmental and trade policies. So far what we have done in each of these areas has hurt the American people and is still hurting the American people.
We can focus on these real issues or on the issues of the tabloid press like lapel pins, fist bumps, college grades, common phrases (lipstick on a pig) and anything else that might distract the media and the American people. Obviously Obama and Biden are shoosing to focus on the real issues while their opponents choose to focus on the tabloid press issues just as they always have. Its the same tired approach that keeps any discussion of solutions off the table and allows these to become worse every year while the wealthiest among us wall themselves off in private enclaves where they may never come in contact with the problems the rest of the American public face.
Dont forget the Bush was surprised by the rising price of gas and McSame thinks middle class earns nearly five hundred thousand a year and looses track of how many houses he and his heiress wife own. Focus on the tabloid press issues and you can guarantee that the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. While WAR may not be wealthy he is still serving their interests.
Maybe his grades are not what should be discussed. Something happened at Columbia that obama want’s covered up. If not he would release everything. He thinks since the media are overcome by the fumes, from having their heads up his butt no one will ever know.
What I would like to know is also, how did he get the divorce papers of his republican opponent Ryan who was beating obama handily in the polls till the divorce and the sex chronicles appeared. At that time his wife was working for a law firm that gave legal support to the mayor and city government. And had access to law papers and files, even those sealed.
It is so opportunist that all these things happened to surface to give obama the campaign. Just like the one that knocked his opponent out of the state race. When he has run five times and lost.
“People of color will tell you they are angry about being denied opportunities based solely upon the color of their skin. If so, don’t I have a right to be just as angry if I had a better college record than Barack, but he was admitted to Harvard Law School, and I was not even considered good enough to apply? Did he have a right to jump over me, without regard to merit?”
The proof is in this article, Luchador. The reason why one candidate got in while another didn’t wasn’t because of race. It wasn’t the fact that Obama took a path less taken by applying his intellect to help in low income communities. It wasn’t the fact that the said intellect was already on a level that allowed for him to earn distinct honors while at Harvard Law. It wasn’t even in the fact that his professors called him “an acceptionally brilliant student” before transferring to Columbia.
The reason why one student got in and another didn’t was because one student didn’t apply. In more frank, and in my opinion, mean words: You were afraid to apply, while Obama was ambitious. Maybe you should have made friends with Mr. Obama back at Columbia. I’m sure he would have shared some keen insight or words of encouragement. Let’s see, what would he have said to you that would have lifted your defeated spirits? Ah, I know! How about these?: