Santa Ana Library charges more for video rentals than most stores in town!

I have complained for years about the lack of libraries in Santa Ana, but a local blog called “Brix and Trix” has revealed yet another failing of our sad library “system.”  You won’t believe this one…so here’s an excerpt:

There are a few movies at the Santa Ana Main Library I wouldn’t mind checking out, if it weren’t for the jacked up fees they charge. Get this…$2.00 each! What a rip! That’s effective July 1, 2008 at the start of the new budget year, up from $1.50 each checkout. That 50-cent increase is a 33% increase…crazy! I can walk over to my closest video store, Videosky, and pay $1.50 for a movie rental. Come on, Santa Ana…free library idealism aside, you need to at least compete with the local video rental shops! And consider that Santa Ana isn’t exactly swarming with folks in the position to cough up $2 for a library movie. About 16% of all Santa Ana households are living below the poverty level. Compare that to 7% overall in Orange County. Nice, huh? We earn less, but the City of Santa Ana sticks us with higher fees.

Unbelievable.  Do the folks at Santa Ana’s Cith Hall have no shame?  And that’s not all.  The Santa Ana library also features a collection of graphic novels, which are bound comic books, that is falling apart.  One of my kids checked our one of these volumes and of course the binding fell off.  So when we returned it they tried to fine me for the cost of a new novel – even though it was already in deplorable condition!

We have only one library, and one learning center.  Is it too much to ask for the ONE library in town to actually service the public well?  Is it?  I don’t think so.  This is such a black eye for Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido.  He really out to be ashamed of himself.  What a complete failure!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.