“Two Santa Ana gang members were arrested this morning in the shooting death of a 13-year-old boy, gunned down Wednesday while crossing a street with a group of friends near Santa Ana High School,” according to the L.A. Times.
The SAPD held a press conference where they announced that the victim, Rodrigo Valle, was affiliated with a gang.
I am told that Santa Ana City Manager Dave Ream doesn’t think this shooting was a big deal because the victim appeared to have gang ties. He was 13. Gang affiliation or not this death is a tragedy.
SAPD Chief Paul Walters said, “All major cities are seeing the same thing we’re experiencing here, and the kids are getting younger.”
Yes – they are getting younger. That is evidence that the City of Santa Ana is dragging its knuckles. We are running out of time…
When will our city leaders get serious about turning things around in Santa Ana?
Here is a link to a video of the SAPD press conference.
It’s staggering how de-sensitized our community has become when it comes the death of any individual. This 13-year old was the son of a man and woman who are grieiving. He is the grandson of grandparents who will struggle with comforting their son or daughter while grieving themselves.
Claims that Santa Ana is the youngest city in the country should have all of us on high alert regarding this escalating problem.
Oh……..if they say he was a gang member then it must be ok…………NOT
Is this how they play it off to make it look like they are really awake up on the 8th floor?
And Paul Walters REALLY wants to be OC Sheriff after making a statement like this?
Crimes going up everywhere so it must be ok for us too?
I expect better.
How about the link above to the 5 month old and her 14 year sister injured when bullets from street terrorist engaged in gun play entered the family home and hit them.
Was the 5 month a gang member with a long rap sheet too?
Geez Art, I agree the Gnome called Pulido looked less than caring about this shooting, but I’m open. How do you propose to stop a mindset that shoots each other over picking up your sister on the wrong turf?
More interesting to me was the involvement of the FBI. When did the FBI become involved in local gangster shootings and why did Paul Walters and his troops require the presence of the FBI in the first place?
I’ve heard that the FBI was involved due to internal issues at the sapd. I hear of police sleeping on the job and poor morale due to lack of overtime handouts. All under the watchful eye of grandpa paul walters.
Honestly guys,
I’m glad that 3 birds were shot with one stone. Now we have 3 less GANG MEMBERS, haunting our neighborhoods. The kid should have known better not to join gangs in the first place. I know he was 13, and that he wasn’t going to school, and that he was a GANG MEMBER, and that he has a family that is now crying because they feel guilty because they never gave him a good education. You tell me this, What were you going to expect from a 13 year old drop out? I know, him braking into our cars, tagging our walls (costing us tax money), getting a girl pregnant and then getting free welfare and medicare. Screw that noice, I’m glad this happened now, rather then him shooting other kids, actual inocent kids. If I were i cop I would drop it to. Not worth their jobs. Thats just me.
Soldiers come in all ages.
You are an IDIOT.
Not so much an idiot, Dr. Lomeli, as she is a WASTE OF LIFE.
There was a LOT of police presence in SA today.
Art and Vern –
Idiot is kind of harsh. Marie raises a good point. If you have issues with that, then it’s probably with the delivery, not the merit of the comment.
I think the way it was made was insensitive to the parents, but she’s got a point. How did everything get this bad in the first place? Ask Paul Walters. Ask the SAUSD board. Ask the current Clowncil… just don’t ask Claudia Alvarez as apparently she’s clueless.
I thank the posters who realized the lack of sensitivity which some have expressed toward this tragic loss.
First of all, Rodrigo WAS going to school. I was his teacher. He was enrolled in a continuation school, and was making an incredible amount of progress in my class. Rodrigo was one of the most insightful and respectful students I have ever had the pleasure to teach. He was always willing to help struggling students, to assist me in the classroom, and to provide meaningful input in class discussions. He had ambitious hopes and dreams for his future, which included serving in the military, going to college, and becoming an author.
When discussing Rodrigo, please remember him first and foremost as a young man who was making positive changes in his life. To dismiss Rodrigo as just a “gang member ” is a shame. Most importantly, he was a son, a brother, a student, a friend to many, and a human being whose life was cut short too soon.
I feel blessed to have known him for the time he was in my classroom.
No, SMS.
“Idiot” was not harsh enough.
“Waste of life” was about right.
The comment had no “merit.”
“Delivery” was not the problem.
Marie is a bad person.
We have to recognize them in our midst sometimes if we want to keep our moral bearings.
Pulido was only at the press conference because its close to election time. His past actions(or inaction) prove he is not concerned with the common citizens of Santa Ana.
Classroom teacher,
Thanks for bringing a human touch to this story. Regardless if he was in a gang or not, his life was cut too short. He could have turned around and made a great contribution to society.
My heart and prayers go out to his family, and our entire community and pray we can bring some type of change in the lives of these young people.
I am sorry Art for coming to harsh, but it’s the truth.
Have you seen the “kid”? I bet not, I bet you don’t have a clue who he is and how he looks like, not only that, you don’t know who he really was. All you hear is “13”…
He is a Gangmember from KPC, a Gang full of illegas that hang around Ross, close to willard. He has been in Juvi twice my friend, once for drugs and the other for weapon.
He’s bald. Wears very baggy clothes, they call him Reaper and Youngster…. WTF???
What do you expect is going to happen when he steps into Myrtles and Latin Boy’s territory???
Obiosly, get shot. He was looking for trouble.
Obiously you don’t know this shit right???
You know how I know this? Because I’ve lived close to tha neighborhood, and all those wabby ass gansters just caused trouble.
So, I don’t need them. They are a waste of time. I think his parents should be ashamed of them selves. Even all you, for feeling sorry for him.
Now, cops are doing their job. You try cleaning up the city of santa ana… All those gangsters and stupid ladies on Medicare and welfare are making our city look bad. I think we should just start deporting. Starting with gansters and pregnant women on Medicare.
It’s costing us Tax $!!!
& I’m not an idiot. It’s my opinion. RESPECT IT.
Point out the good point Marie made.
How could you of received anything substantial out of that message?
Art –
With all due respect, I think Marie’s more specific description of the victim makes it clear that a 13-year old who gets into gang life is a victim of the system, not a victim of the shooter. I think my point was fairly obvious when I asked what the city is doing about it.
In other words, the victim is a martyr. If you want to take that away from him, by all means be my guest, but to do so means that he lived and died in vain.
PS: What is it with our readers and all the knee-jerk reactions lately? … just sayin’
Moses was an ill-tempered murderer when God chose him to lead his people to freedom.
Peter was a hot-tempered buffoon who sliced off a Roman soldier’s ear and who thrice denied his Savior.
Rahab was a prostitute who helped the Hebrews topple the walls of Jericho.
And Jesus was born out of wedlock.
The Bible is replete with examples of flawed people who have gone on to serve God in great capacities.
So when these young people die I don’t see cholos. I see potential washed down the drain.
We all have something to offer and all our lives are precious.
I don’t know how you ended up so jaded but you too have something to offer. But first you need to stop judging these young men.
They are merely symptoms of a disease called neglect. The cure? Ridding City Hall of the miscreants who have led us down this fatal, miserable path.
May God rest the souls of all those who didn’t make it in “Orange County’s Downtown.”
I am saddened to have this happen in our community, but not shocked. Gang activity has been on the rise the past three to four years, as evidenced in the news by the rising graffiti problem and violent incidents; even without those stats, it is obvious looking around the schoolyard that we have a problem. More and more subscribe to the gang lifestyle- outward appearance, writing style, and belligerence- whether they are merely ‘fronting’ to be cool or are truly part of a gang, it still gets them in trouble. I have several students who were eyewitnesses to the shooting, and I have heard both that he confronted the shooters and that they confronted him. Either way, both sides involved are gang affiliated and feel the need to show and/or defend their affiliation. The fact that it happens younger and younger shows that these kids need help being raised, and everyone in this community is responsible. Santa Ana is not a community where all parents always have the ability to keep their children on the right path, whether it is because they don’t have the parenting skills, the time because of the jobs they have to work, or any other reason that keeps them from teaching their kids right from wrong or giving their children proper outlets for socialization. The answer is on all of us- to help fill in the gaps in morality for these kids if we are teachers or coaches; if we are politically minded, to legislate for more after-school programs, day care, and rec leagues to give these kids options for ‘found family’ other than gangs; and for residents to make a stomping, riotous noise at the doors and meetings of our legislators and school board, not only calling for change but remaining vigilant and holding them accountable to what we want for our community. Negativity doesn’t accomplish half of what positive, consistent action can. Let’s stop talking and start doing.
SAUSDTeacher –
I am saddened to have this happen in our community, but not shocked.
That’s pretty much my reaction as well.
By the way Teacher.
Students don’t really tell you what they are. All you see is the top layer. I know, because I was a student. How is your student going to tell you he is involved in Gangs???
How was he going to tell you they call him “REAPER” from KPC?
He won’t.
I know because my cousins are involved in Gangs.
That’s why, we erased them from our lives.
Gangsters have 3 ways of life. Drugs, Violence, & Jail.
That’s it.
He was a human being, making the wrong choices, sadly at a very young time & now his parents are crying.
Look at the his lifestyle….
What a shame. His parents should see this…
Parents should start getting involved in their kids lives. Not just have kids because they get free Medicare.
Continuation school tells me one thing…
Lack of Ambition…!!!!
All my ganster cusins went there. WOW… HOW GREAT!
And I do Have a life, And work for the city. And what I see everyday, makes me the way I am.
I do have feelings, but not for GANG MEMBERS! Sorry!
& the parents, should know better to educate their kids.
Why isn’t my son a Ganster?
Everything starts at Home and with the friends your parents let you hang around with.
Marie’s link to the RIP site for this young gang member is a stark reminder of how blatent the gang member lifestyle has been for this young man and his associates.
There is a photograph of a large number of people flashing their gang signs right there on MySpace. There are BUNCH OF THEM. That, alone, should make it easier for the police to find additional gang members.
Young people make mistakes out of inexperience and emotion. However a young gang member with a gun is extremely dangerous to other society members. It seems like there has to be a better way to address this deadly problem than the current approach by law enforcement.
Don’t bring GOD into this,
If anything, GOD took him from this Earth because It was his decision. The other Gangmembers were his instrument.
If you want to bring religion into this, then as a Catholics, I would be happy for him. Meaning that now he’s sitting next to God, while we are still in Hell.
Or is that still stupid for me to say?
I am amazed at the ignorant responses on this blog. First we have Judy, ignorant of the EVERYDAY cooperation between Federal (FBI) and Municipal police agencies. Second, we have a plethora of Monday morning quarterbacks that sit back and judge how the police handle the gang problem. Let me tell you something folks. The gang problem starts in the gang members home. Most have absent, uninvolved, and uncaring parents. That’s not conjecture…I’ve seen it first hand.
I guess it’s now the responsibility of the police to be social workers and uphold the law. Oh yes, uphold the law… How nice that you sit back in your living rooms and tell everyone how it should be done. Have you ever tried to put handcuffs on a gang member? Have you ever fought for your life while a gang member was trying to wrestle your gun away? Have you ever been in the line of gunfire from a gang member?
Regardless, there are many caring police officer’s that take the time to talk to these kids. Yes, believe it or not, there are some good cops out there. You expect a police officer to whip up a 15 minute fix for something that took a lifetime to destroy (bad parenting).
You people are ungrateful and I’m sorry for my bluntness, ignorant. How about a thank you to SAPD for getting two killers off the streets in less than 24 hours. What a pathetic, backbiting, and pious generation we live in.
If the descriptions of the 13 year old’s criminal and gang history on this blog are correct, I wish the media would confront the parents and point blank ask them what the hell their son of 13 was doing to have a gang and crime history like this, and what the hell were they doing about it? This is not a community problem, it is a parent problem. If they have younger kids in the home they should probably be removed to foster care as these parents are apparently oblivious, incapable, or worse yet – condoning of such activities for their kids. It is “families” like that which breed criminality and violence that threaten us all – again if the information in other posts here is correct. We need to begin to hold parents responsible.
Older than,
I think there are many underlying problems at play, including:
* Single parent households
* Generations of failure and gang problems – which means there are very few positive role models in these communities
* Low paying jobs that compel both parents to work – and sometimes they each hold more than one job
* The absolute failure of the SAUSD School Board and Administration
* Crowded housing with no room for kids to do homework
* A lack of libraries – which means even less places to do homework
* Low expectations across the board
* Lack of opportunities in the trades
* A City Manager, Dave Ream, who is clueless and who has ignored these communities for 20 years.
We can dig out of this mess – but we have to put together a plan to save today’s younger kids before they end up like the shooting victim in this case.
What is important to remember in this situation is not that this kid was obviously involved in some form of gang activity, rather that he was only 13 years old and therefore just a child. Having worked in a group home in Orange, I have worked with many active and non-active gang members from ages 13 to 18 and one thing that I found to be common among them is the fact that they are all just kids lost in a cruel world. I am not saying that gang activity should just be swept under the rug, but if you take away the title of gang member you’ll see that underneath these kids are dying to be safe-literally. Most of the environments that they come from offer no stability, no safety, and no security; thus, many kids turn to gangs because they feel that these voids are being met. Some of the gang members that I have worked with have turned out to be outstanding individuals and, yes, they do have dreams and aspirations. All they need is someone to look at them with objectivity and to believe in them. Of course, we have those gang members who are extremely dangerous and who represent an extreme threat to society; however, as I have experienced, the young teens have the potential to change if they have positive role models in their lives who come along side them and fight the fight with them. All in all, you don’t have to feel sympathy for the gang member, but try to feel sympathy for the child whose life was lost in a relatively pointless matter-a child who obviously had some key factors missing from his life that lead him to become a part of the gang in the first place.
Exactly! Nature abhors a vacuum. These kids have nothing going for them – so the gangs suck them in. Hope is the answer – but they have none. They don’t see a future, so they screw up their present. It is a never-ending cycle of misery.
Their parents are the first line of defense – but too many of them have grown up in similar circumstances or are otherwise unable to do the right thing.
Sadly the City and the School District have no answers. That is a deadly combination of ineptitude.
Marie says: “And I do Have a life, And work for the city. And what I see everyday, makes me the way I am.” Makes you how? Please explain. So if you don’t like what you see, why don’t you move? Can’t afford it?
“Why isn’t my son a Ganster?”
Like you said, kids/students “don’t really tell you what they are. All you see is the top layer. You only see what you want to see.” How do you know he is not? From your logic, he is not going to tell you. We are naïve when it comes to our kids. Is he involved in sports? Church? Even so, you never know when our kids decide to make a wrong choice. We all make mistakes, haven’t you??? I don’t know how old your son is but I hope you don’t eliminate him from your life if he ever makes a wrong choice. Plus, have you heard that those that criticize [parenting abilities] find themselves in a similar situation? But I would never wish you any wrong. My son is in honor classes, plays in the church band but I would NEVER criticize other parents and the way they raise their children.
“Everything starts at Home and with the friends your parents let you hang around with.”
You are right, it all starts at home, so please, set an example. To talk about a human life the way you do, is just sad. You must be an unhappy person. Teach your kids the word of God; it’s okay to bring God in this conversation. Teach them to not judge others the way you do. Is your son happy that you choose his friends? I agree with Art Pedroza that they are “potential washed down the drain,” not a waste of time. Instead of erasing them from your life, you should help them. You never know, with your help they could be the next mayor or congressperson, and help you in your time in need. Oh, since you won’t be applying for medicare, you should look for people to look out for you when you are too old to take care of yourself. Also, you must not know how our medicare/medical system works, pregnant women don’t get medicare per se. If you don’t know how it works, don’t talk about it. Are you a member of the minutemen? You want to deport everybody. I feel sorry for your neighbors. If you “don’t need them” somebody else would like to help them like our church. After all, we will gain brownie points with God. Any good person would want to help another human being. I’m saddened you would not.
I agree with Panda that kids at that age have the potential to change. Just remember where your mind was when you were 13 years old…
Santa Ana is especially lacking in programs for boys, having sons myself, I know how hard it can be to find activities for them. Our schools should be open during the summer for “fun” learning; drama, art, music (drum line would be perfect) and sports programs. Obama proposes to create these kinds of programs by offering college tuition in exchange for community service. In the long run our society will benefit, less police and jail costs, more educated and involved young people. Vote Obama!
I am sorry for sounding so unsensitive to subjects like these. But really, I don’t care. I’m just tired of all this gang activity going on in Santa Ana. Yes, I grew up here, by Salvador Park. My cusins were gangsters from FXTroop since I could remember. They were “kids”. Now they are adults. One is doing LIFE and the other as well. “But they were kids”. That didn’t stop them from killing other kids. All they care is “REPRESENTING WHERE THEY ARE FROM”. I bet you know “REAPERS” gangmembers friends are going to try to get revenge. I know how this works. My sister’s boyfriend was from “KPC” he got killed at the age of 15 by a Santa Ana Cop who was tryng to save his life. You guy’s might of heard of that one. Right next to Willard middle school. The 15 year old boy had a gun!!! He was planning to use it and he could have shot an inocent boy, maybe YOUR son!!!. What if your son Got shot by a Gangmember coming out from his church studies??? Will you still feel sympathy for them??? NO WAY!!!
I am married and have two kids. I struggled in life. I lived by Salvador Park closed to FXTROOP gang and I also lived closed to Broadway and Civic Center close to KPC and that didn’t make me a ganster because my dad always talked to us. If he would see us talking to a gangster he would get soo mad. He told us he hated them for what they did to him. One day, he was coming out of the store, when a group of little gangsters stoped him while he was getting into his car and pointed two guns to his head and told him to give them his money and then beat him up…
“But they are just kids right” They could have shot my dad and killed him. A real inocent man….
But I dind’t want to stay here. Santa Ana has they worst reputation with gang violence. That’s why I moved to Downey. It’s expensive, I know. But I know my kids would have a better life there. They are involved in sports, Baseball and T-Ball. I started talking my oldest son to T-Ball when he was 4. I would come home @ 6pm, got some of my friends together and their kids and we would the the boys to the park. They are 13 and 5. I always tell them that ALL Gansters are bad people and that they need to be careful because they like to kill and hurt people.
My kids are scared of Gansters. That’s why I erased my other half of the family. I hate that side of the family. They are bad people, who have no ambition in life. That’s the way they will stay and that’s they way their generation will be.
They put our family in Danger.
I don’t live here by the way, I live in Downy.
By the way, I don’t choose my kids friends. I don’t tell him how to dress, I don’t tell them what to eat, what to watch. I just keep a close eye. You know when a kid is involed in gang activity.
The way they dress says it all. Not only that, they way they talk and the kids they hang around with. My son plays with his dad. They play catch in our back yard. They even play “UFC” soposadly. haha. When his frien’s come over, they are usually playing football outside or basketball.
I am not a minute man / woman. I was born here in the US, but raised in Mexico city. I got here when I was 5 years old. I have traditions. I celebrate “Dia de los Muertos” and Pacua, and Navidad, and Los Reyes Magos” and Posadas”…
I just hate illegal Immagrants that take advantage of our system.
I know how midi-cal works. Trust me….
I got pregnant at the age of 21. I dind’t have the best job, only getting payed 2,000 Monthly but had no insurance since I worked for a small company here in Santa Ana doing sales. My husband had insurance, though his dad, so there was no way his dad could have added me. Plus it’s kind of lame.
I went to my first doctors appointment right, all they did was give me a papsmear and check my blood and they did an ultrasound just to check if my baby had a heartbeat. Well, I got my bill 2 weeks later… It was $800 for the ultrasound, $200 for the blood work, and $350 for the papsmear…
I ran to the medi-cal office to see if I could get some help because I was attending CalState Long Beach at that time and school is expensive too.
What did I get when I went to Medi-cal??? A slap in the face…!!! I made 2000 a month there for I don’t qualify! I know, why? I am an American Cityzen right? I pay taxes and Medical taxes aswell.
So why??? I don’t get it…. I storm out, and all I see is a bunch of Dirty ladies, that seemed that they just woke up on sandles and nappy hair with their husbands going to get their free healthcare.
So I think… 1st time Pregnant women who are illegal, should get deported before they start getting free stuff from our government.
They even qualify for Walefare, houseing and Healthy families.
I think if they want to get free care, then they should work for free during the weekends ant a goodwill or something.
I would like you to one day wake up early in the mornign. Around 7:45 am . Go to Flower and Bishop, and just stand there looking at that elementury school. And look at all the ladies there with their 10 dirty children, because they don’t evne look nice when they take them to school. And tell me what you think… Just go one day and see for what you are paying for. You are paying for their food, health and housing….
It’s amazing how low they’ve gotten.
And that’s why White people don’t like us, because they see that!
“I am told that Santa Ana City Manager Dave Ream doesn’t think this shooting was a big deal because the victim appeared to have gang ties.”
You are told? LOL. Well we all know how reliable the people are who tell you things.
You are told. What a joke.
This is the kind of integrity you’ll bring to the Council?
Art & Vern –
Re: Marie’s post.
Unfortunately, stupidity is not against the law. Marie
appears to have it in spades. Que lastima.
Marie –
The U.S. has proven time and again that is doesn’t like immigrants and our history proves that – – – Irish, Japanese, German, Italians. The interment of the Japanense and Germans during WWII and the U.S. policy to return American citizens of Mexican ancenstry to Mexico are the ugly underbelly of this country.
Don’t be too hasty; sometimes you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
Por que lastima?
What do you mean, don’t judge a book by it’s cover???
Miralos!!! Que quieres que yo espere de ellos??? Nadamas ponte a pensar. Tu cres que ellos quieren cambiar? Ayi esta el muchachito que matoron, con toda la bola de pelones, que te aseguro que la mayoria de las familias de estos muchachos son Illegales. Osea, no tienen papeles.
The US doesn’t like immigrants?
No, you have it wrong! It’s illegals that we don’t need. I never said I didn’t like Immigrants. I said illegal. There is a difference.
Reguardless, I think the government should really do something about our borders and giving out free stuff to Illegals. All types, even asians.
You must be an illegal getting free walfare and medi-cal and food staps and housing, that’s why you get offended. Ask anyone that pays taxes. Or that have had their SS# been used by some illegal.
You are sad…
If I go to Mexico right now, being a american citizen, do you think I will get free anything? NO!!! they will laugh in my face.
Then why should the US give Illegals free stuff?
Marie is not who she says she is. She is saying stupid ignorant comments under a alias identifying herself as a Mexican.
She posts identifying herself with all of the stereotypes of Hispanics. Such as, teen pregnancy, welfare, bad education ect.
She/HE does this so to comment idiotic and ignorant opinions while providing the perception she is criticising her own people. Her/Him stating being Mexican is suppossed to give the comments some degree of validity. She/He can not be accused of being racist if she/he is Mexican.
Nice try Marie. You sound like Lupe Moreno Santa Ana’s recently replaced library commissioner.
Again. Marie, you are an IDIOT. More so if you really are Mexican or of Mexican decent.
This person obviously has an agenda. It is illegal immigration. The hole point of her/his writing ends up as illegal immigrants are responsible for gangs.
This person is a Mexican hater that is why he/she is okay with 13 year old Mexican children in gangs being killed.
I’ve said it before to no avail, but will one more time – if there was ever an issue for the CatholicChurch and its area leaders to address, it is this culture of gangs, gang violence and parents having kids they do not have time to parent. How about some religious based moral outrage?
Dr Art, the status quo is responsible for the gangs in Santa Ana and other places with similar circumstances.
When decent housing is planned, like the RSP, some cry “gentrification” we need low income housing for future slums.
As long as the city (peoples) practices “segregation” , only people of Mexican decent can live here, the children born in these slum areas will have little choice.
There are areas of Santa Ana that are moving forward and improving, but those areas don’t have the concentration of low income slums populated by a single ethnicity.
The lost of one so young to death, and so many more to jail and the dead end life style of gang life is tragic.
But as long as this segregation status quo is maintained, there will be few choices for many of the youths in these barrio areas.
“an issue for the Catholic Church and its area leaders to address”
I’ve said this over and over, yet no one listens or cares.
Several years back, the SAPD would have an officer or two stop by Immaculate Heart of Mary after mass and just spend a bit of time outside talking and listening to folks.
The folks would feel safe to tell the officers of drug dealers, gang members, illegal and dangerous activities in the neighborhoods. Top notch intel, win-win for everyone.
Then one day it stopped.
I know, I know…….lack of resources, money, officers.
This needs to be a priority for the city, the church and the residents.
art lomeli,
I am a Mexican Hater???
I am not who I say I am???
I just want to say racist comments???
I am an iganoran idiot???
I am identifying myself with all of the stereotypes of Hispanics???
My family lives in Mexico City, I visit them every year. Yeah, they live in Mexico DF. I was raised in Mexico City, Colonia Tlalpan San Pedro Martir.
I love Mexico. I have Mexican friends. My husband is from Mexican decent. His last name is Gonzalez and so is mine. I am a women that worked my ass off with out my dad’s help. I was raised by my father only, and babysitters.
My dad never asked the government for help. He always told me, ” sea lo que sea, nunca le pidas nada al pinche Govierno, sino vas a ser igual que todas las viejas guevonas que nadamas quieren Walfare y todo gratis. Me dijo que me tenia que superar. No aser como toda la vola de Mexicanos. Que poreso no nos quieren.
I was brought up tuff. My dad got soo mad when I got pregnant at 21, because I wasn’t done with my mayor.
That said, Your family is problably all illegal working with someone else’s ss# and not paying taxes, and I bet they get free stuff from the Government too. That”s why you are calling me a hater.
The kid is dead… El se lo busco, no?
Just don’t blame the government, the counsil, and they system…
Blame the parents…
Everything starts at home.
cops don’t need to raise kids, not even teachers, not even a counsil.
The parents decide to have kids, then lets take care of them the right way. Us as parents have full responsibility of how our kids turn out. Teach them what’s wrong or right.
If there are not extra cuirricular activities after school, then us as parents have to take our kids out, play with them, parents need to start acting, not just wait for the government to do everything.
The Santa Ana Library is always open, do you see any gansters studing in there ??? NO!!! all they did was tagg the fucken books!!!
There was no great loss here!
marie, or lupe moreno,
as i said, you must be unhappy. u are lucky you were born in the usa. if u grew up in mexico, there could have been a chance that you could have been born there no? i was born in mexico but now am a citizen. plus, have you looked into our laws re public assistasnce? illegal women don’t get housing. i used to work for the gov. and NO, they don’t get housing unless they have a ssn. and have you asked the shelters? i tried to get help for an undocumented woman and guess what? they said that they could not help her because she was not a us citizen or resident. and they only get emergency medical assistance which means, they only get medical care for their child. again, u are lucky your parents decided to have you here and should be thankful. i’m lucky because thanks to the immig reform in 86, i became a resident, a citizen, and thanks to that, i received a better education. why not give others the same opportunity? no, i don’t and did not get gov assistance, my mother did not either. my father passed away when i was only three but she refused to get any help even with seven kids. either way, i am not mad that other poor women get help. let them get food stamps and welfare. just be glad you made the decision not to do so. or that you have enough and don’t live in a poor neighborhood. don’t judge, just be thankful for what you have. because all we have has been given to us and it can easily be taken away if you know what i mean. and not all pelones are cholos. my nephew is pelon and he has straight A’s and he is NOT a cholo. oh, and he wears baggy pants. his parents sing in the church choir. they dont’ even have TV at home. he has no friends other than church friends and some school friends. according to your logic, his baggy pants and shaved head make him a cholo. how i wish u could meet him. oh wait, you would not as you already have a bad impression about him. from the way you chat and think, i can already imagine how you look. i’m starting to be like you…judging you by what you write….no, that is not me. good luck in downey. i have cousins there and it’s a must to live in the nice neighborhood, otherwise, there was no point in moving. right? oh, and if u live in downey, why do u bother going to flower in santa ana?
suerte con tus hijos y que Dios los cuide mucho. hubiera querido que escucharas lo k dijo sean hannity hoy sobre el querer a ayudar a un humano. tambien defendio a palin pero te invito a que lo escuches. not that i am a conservative but i like listening to various radio programs.
The problem is exactly as you pose – poverty. Social ills of the type discussed here are a product of poverty.
The solution then is economic developement of those communities.
The sulution is not hoping gang members kill each other off as Marie suggests.
The sulution is not gentrification with developments like the Renaissance Plan.
The solution is not forcing residents out by manipulating code enforcement laws.
The answer is providing the communities the tools for success.
The Greater Santa Ana Business Alliance is doing just that. We have three programs in place.
1. High School Inc. – will provide education in vocational careers that will provide high paying jobs to high school students not interested in college but have an interest in vocational careers.
2. Workforce Housing – thrrogh private partnerships will assist Santa Ana’s workforce affodable means at housing. This willwork to keep it’s work force local and also avoid multiple families living in a residence.
3. English works – provides English to Santa Ana’s communities. This will provide the ability to secure higher paying jobs.
Cook, the problem is lack of interest by our leadership and some in the city with agendas to do what visionaries like the Business Alliance have done.
In my opinion all other approaches to social ills are only addressing the symptoms. Community economic development addresses the disease- poverty.
Economic development that ignores the communities affected by poverty is the wrong answer.
Santa Ana’s past and current leadership is and has pursued the wrong approach to develpment. We are discussing the social results of such an approach.
Dr Lomeli,
Can you help me out with English Works…….Is it possible that I could get about 5 machines/programs for free to use with a mentoring program? Someone down there wants to sell me them full price……..
Thomas –
I’ve suggested a computer donation and salvage operation a few times on the blog, but it’s really not a one-person project. Let’s talk when we meet up on Sunday.
You moron “Marie”, you are SO not hispanic. Or you would know gangbangers are not wetbacks, estupido.
marie says: “I’m glad that 3 birds were shot with one stone. Now we have 3 less GANG MEMBERS, haunting our neighborhoods. ”
tell that to the judge and he is going to think you are insane. i hope this gang violence ends soon. if not, and i hear that a cholo (as u like to call them) was shot and they don’t know who the killer is, we are going to go after you as you could be the one “eliminating them” as you like to call it. to say:
“I’m glad this happened now…” is incomprehensible.
you have some very good points art.
sorry, my previous comment was not too clear. what i should have said is that it’s okay to tell the judge that it’s a good thing the shooters were caught but to include the victim in your comment: “i’m glad 3 birds were shot with one stone…” IS incomprehensible. tell that to the judge. he’ll probably ask u to go get help. to rejoice for the death of a 13 year old, gang member or not, is just disgraceful.
btw, SMS, you said: “…the victim is a martyr…”
i don’t agree with you that the 13 year old was martyr. per the dictionary, martyr means: the suffering of death on account of adherence to a cause and especially to one’s religious faith. and it is usually referring to acts of suicide bombing in terrorism or just dying for a religious faith (in terrorism) when u are in a gang, u know NOT to go into a neighborhood or u will get in trouble. also, why did they kill him and not the rest? also, gang violence is NOT considered terrorism. i took a class at a prestigious university (which is not relevant but…) on terrorism and martyr would not be the correct word to describe the 13 year old’s death.
‘gang violence is NOT considered terrorism…‘
Well, as I said, to take the title of martyr away from him means that instead he died in vain. Nice job, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Perhaps you’ve never heard the term ‘street terrorism.’ Seriously, what do you think gang violence really is? It’s shooting in the streets and innocent people getting caught in the crossfire. Sounds like terrorism to me.
Gangbangers would tell you that their cause is survival, which, yes, is just a way to justify their behavior, but still, if society doesn’t provide better ways for young people to express their anger at their circumstances, then how is this 13-year old child not a martyr?
We as a people can do better if we work together and make our officials responsive to our needs. It’s time for us all to use our outrage for something positive and do our best to keep our kids safe and out of gangs before they’re in for life.