I dropped by Assemblyman Jose Solorio’s new Democratic “Santa Ana Leadership” office on Saturday as they had their grand opening. Solorio was quite gracious. He introduced me to a few folks and commented that I am running against Councilman Carlos Bustamante – who in Solorio’s estimate is not very popular in Santa Ana right now. Very true!
There were quite a few folks there when I arrived, from the very young to guys my age and beyond. Solorio’s staffers had some nifty red t-shirts on, which I thought was funny as red is supposed to be the Republican Party’s color. And sure enough a couple of Republicans showed up to the party – including SAUSD School Board Trustee Rob Richardson. In fact he is part of the Solorio “Leadership Team” in Santa Ana, which is just plain weird. I mean just a few days ago Rob was riding in the Fiestas Patrias parade in Santa Ana, with Republican congressional candidate Rosie Avila, who is taking on Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. See the picture below for confirmation.
The odd thing about Richardson being included in the “Santa Ana Leadership Team” is that there are a plethora of Democratic candidates running against him. One of them, Valerie Amezcua, was actually endorsed by the Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) – I guess that doesn’t carry much weight with the folks behind the “Leadership Team.” Another candidate, Irene Ibarra, is running a terrific campaign – and she is picking up support all over the city. There are a number of other Democrats running, including Gloria Alvarado, Cecilia Aguinaga, Roman Reyna, Mike Gonzalez and Richardson’s peer on the SAUSD School Board, Jose Hernandez.
It’s not like Richardson has done much since he was elected to replace ousted SAUSD Trustee Nativo Lopez. Since Richardson came onto the SAUSD School Board the district has continued to tank. Low test scores, a huge budget deficit, and an administration that excels at wasting money have been the hallmark of Richardson’s career on the SAUSD School Board. Not to mention firing most of the classified workers then hiring some of them back with less pay and less benefits. And yet he is part of the “Leadership Team.” And other decent Democrats are overlooked while a Republican is embraced. Very odd.
Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido showed up late, and then became the center of attention. You never realize how short he is until you see him standing up with other guys. (see the picture below).
I am told that after I left Solorio took over – and then someone wondered why Councilwoman Claudia Alvarez was not there. Apparently she told the boys she didn’t need the help. I heard however that many of Pulido’s supporters want nothing to do with Alvarez. So she doesn’t get to be part of their club!
And Councilman Carlos Bustamante apparently is also not part of the Santa Ana Leadership team. He never showed up at the grand opening, according to my sources.
The other Republican who showed up for the festivities apparently forgot where he was running. Garden Grove Councilman Steve Jones wandered off the reservation and ended up in Santa Ana. He was appointed to replace Janet Nguyen when she was elected to the O.C. Board of Supervisors. He is allied with notorious Mexican hater Assemblyman Van Tran – and he is pals with Santa Ana Councilman Vince Sarmiento. I am told he is using the same Democratic consultant that Pulido and his team are using this year. Bustamante is also using the same consultant, since his former Repbulican advisers, John Lewis and Paul Glaab, appear to have kicked him to the curb.
Hey Art,
What is the relevance of Pulido’s height? Are you running a political campaign, a smear campaign or a beauty contest. Showing your true colors are you? My father once told be that it is not important how tall you are but how tall you stand. As a man of few inches but many feet (I am short) your comment suggests that his height is relevant to your post and is slightly offensive in my mind. You would do yourself a favor if you focused on his failures as a politician and not his physical features….
Chill out! We like to have fun here at the Orange Juice. The fact is my own dad was pretty short – and he always blamed that on being malnourished while growing up in Mexico. And my two older sons already look like they will be taller than me.
I think that Pulido’s height does weigh on his mind. He rode last year on top of a fire engine in the Fiestas Patrias Parade. This year he was on top of a stagecoach. Then he was whisked away in a black limo, I kid you not.
I have always figured that Pulido suffers from Napoleon syndrome. So I like to bring up his diminutive stature just to tweak him. It is however the least of his problems…
Santa Ana’s Leadership Team is the strategy to counter Michele Martinez.
It is my opinion that Solorio has been brought in to gather in Hispanic support for the Mayor. Sariento’s purpose is silmilar.
Richardson’s reason for being part of the team is to keep the traditional supporters calm and comfortable with the strategy.
The Santa Ana Leadership Team is to deal with the Martinez popularity in the Hispanic community.
The Santa Ana Leadership Team is only and for no other purpose but to gather Hispanic votes for the Mayor.
How insulting this action is to this community. The hispanic community contributes the bulk of the city budget and only gets back in return:
1. One library for a population of over 400,000 residents that is over 85 %Hispanic. Justified by the argument, why more libraries to service a illiterate community?
2. The infrastructure within Hispanic communities that is falling apart
3. Hispanic economic develepmental neglect.
4. Attemts at Hispanic getrification
5. Attempts at displacing Hispanic families from their homes through code violation manipulation.
6. The incumbent does not responsibly address Hispanic gang violence and Hispanic gang homicides.
7. The incumbent supports community parks not being acssesible to Hispanic neighborhood children to play in.
8. There are many other examples.
Considering this comtempt for the City’s Hispanic community it is appalling that this team should seek support of the City’s Hispanic community that the incumbent has manipulated and neglected to such a degree as summurized above .
Shame on this leadership team.
Headline seems to indiate that the Dem’s far outnumber the apparent lone Republican on the Leadership Team. Perhaps the lone Republican was added just to make it a fair fight?