This weekend I will be joining around 2,000 other “grass roots” activists and bloggers from around the country to attend the second annual “Defending the American Dream Summit” being held at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA. The summit is being held on Friday Oct 10th and Sat Oct 11th.

The Summit is sponsored by the “Americans for Prosperity Foundation, a 501C-3 organization that educates and engages citizens on economic policies that support restraining state and federal growth and returning government to its Constitutional limits.”

Confirmed 2008 Summit Speakers:

Dinesh D’Souza, Author and Commentator
George Will, Conservative Commentator
Steve Moore, The Wall Street Journal
John Stossel, ABC’s 20/20
Fred Barnes, Executive Editor, The Weekly Standard
John Fund, The Wall Street Journal
Senator James Inhofe, (OK)
Ed Meese, Scholar and Former Attorney General
Herman Cain, Syndicated Radio Host and Author
Erick Erickson, Executive Editor –
Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform
Congressman Tom Price, (GA)
Bob Ehrlich, Former Maryland Governor and Congressman
Dr. James C. Miller III, Budget Director for President Reagan
Bob McDonnell, Virginia Attorney General
Tim Phillips, President of Americans for Prosperity
Phil Kerpen, Policy Director for Americans for Prosperity
Steve Lonegan, Director of Americans for Prosperity New Jersey

In addition to hearing from this distinguished list of speakers we will also hold a Capitol Hill rally on Friday afternoon followed by a “Tribute to Ronald Reagan Dinner” that evening.
On Sat we will gather in the “general session” in the morning followed by two 90 minute, multi-topic, break out Sessions in the afternoon.

Choices. Sadly we cannot be in two places simultaneously. While I surely will attend breakout Session 2 D on “Energy, Our Biggest Economic Challenge and Opportunity” I also want to sit in on breakout Session 2 G that covers “Old Media vs. New Media” where I am told to expect to see 75 other bloggers in attendance.

AFP Foundation supports:

Cutting taxes and government spending in order to halt the encroachment of government in the economic lives of citizens and pointing out evidence of waste, fraud, and abuse.
Removing unnecessary barriers to entrepreneurship and opportunity
Restoring fairness to our judicial system by stemming the tide toward “over-criminalization” of economic activity spurred by overactive attorneys general.

For more information, or to register, simply call  1-866-0150 or visit their web site

Stay tuned. I may be out of California for a few days but will return a recap of the weekend events.

NOTE: I will surely discuss Mission Viejo’s city council spending $300,000 for a Rose Parade float for 30 seconds of fame while our City Treasurer just expressed concern of “a soft economy” and need to “increase” our reserves.

About Larry Gilbert