Hey Juicers,
Today, October 6, 2008, is the FIRST DAY of early voting in California.
So, if you feel like going out and getting your privileged, American vote on, then please stop by the local Registrar of Voters office at this address: 1300 South Grand Avenue, Building C, Santa Ana, CA 92705.
You can vote early at a number of additional sites, according to the O.C. Voter Registrar, starting on Oct. 19. For a list of those sites click here.
I went to the Registrar of Voters today to become a permanent mail-in voter without knowing it was the first day of early voting. I wasn’t expecting the lady taking my permanent mail-in voter form to ask if I wanted to vote at that time. I said yes and she handed me an envelope with the ballot. Being that this election is the first one I’m eligible to vote in (turned 18 last January) and not knowing exactly what to expect I was caught off guard when I saw I’d be able to vote for city council members and SAUSD governing board members as well. I ended up opting to just take the ballot home when I realized I didn’t know a single thing about these candidates and their stances. After a few google searches I eventually wound up on this site which was a lot of help in providing me with information on most if not all of the candidates. I’ll be returning my ballot tomorrow thanks to this site.
Welcome to the Orange Juice and congratulations on becoming a voter! This is an exciting year to be voting in Santa Ana. We have a lot of great candidates challenging the incumbents on the City Council and the School Board.
I have been writing a series of articles regarding the City Council and School Board candidates, as well as the local College Board candidates. Several of those went up today and I have more ready to go tomorrow.
I am also running for the Santa Ana City Council, in Ward 3, and I hope you will consider supporting my campaign. You can learn more about my plans to make Santa Ana a better city for all of us at http://www.artpedroza.com.
Thank you for participating in our democratic system – and for taking the time to learn about the issues and the candidates. Feel free to email me at apedroza@earthlink.net if you have any questions.
Art Pedroza, Candidate for Ward 3 on the Santa Ana City Council
Mr. Pedroza-
Although my ballot is already sealed in it’s envelope I’ll be looking forward to those articles to reassure me I voted for the right people. I’ll gladly let you know that you did get my vote before the envelope was sealed though (you stance on an open government sealed the deal) along with Lisann Martinez (who got my vote after I saw the Forum video and was put off by Miss Alvarez).
Vote by mail starts Oct 6th, formerly know as the old absentee ballot on paper.
Remember any marks on a paper ballot, other than one single box per race, voids that ballot. If your pen runs out of ink and you scribble in the corner, you need a new ballot. ANY MARKS voids a paper ballot.
There is even a nifty tracking status at the ROV (online) to see if your ballot was counted. KEEP your ballot / envelope code.
Putting it into the US Mail isn’t a guarantee of being counted. Paper ballots received after the election day in the mail can not be counted. The postmark means nothing to the ROV, If you are late with your vote by mail, go to a polling place in your county and drop it into the voting box.
“Early voting” is the term used for voting electronically on the E-Slate voting machines at the shopping malls or city halls, and that early voting runs from Oct. 19 to 28.
From Oct. 29 to Nov. 3, The 6 days between election day and after the cut off for “vote by mail” and “early voting” there is “Green voting“.
Jesus,You’re voting based on information on THIS site? God help us.
Good God!
If you are voting using this blog as your primary source of input, you are not doing a good job. This is a Blog, with opinions and representations, not factual, credible, verifiable sources.
Try something like smartvoter.org or check the candidate individual sites before you vote.
While the information on those sites is only as good as the person who presents it, at least you’re not having your vote swayed by the misrepresentations of a candidate like this blog owner and other authors on this blog, or the anonymous commenters.
Yep. Bad news for Pulido and his cabal. We are enjoying our greatest readership increase in the history of this blog right now. And now the public has access to the truth – no longer do they have to accept at face value the lies that come out of City Hall.
Just for fun try Googling Pulido and his henchmen. You will find that our stories dominate the search results.
I am told that Pulido’s consultant obsesses so much over this blog that he posts our readership data in his office on a daily basis. This week we have had over 9,200 visits to our site and almost 20,000 page views. We are now averaging over 1,300 visits to our site every day and over 2,800 page views daily. I suspect that by Election Day we will be close to 2,000 visits a day.
In the old days opponents to the Pulido regime had no voice in Santa Ana. Technology and the new media have leveled the playing field. Jesus is but one example of the influence we are having.
My suggestion to those of you who don’t like this blog is to start your own. Good luck with that!
Rick –
You come off like an elitist snob. Most folks vote off less information than that provided on this local site.
Jesus –
Every vote counts.
I will vote on election day. I think it is good that they give people the chance to vote early but it is not for me. I like to get my nifty sticker and wear it proudly on election day.
ps..Rick if you do not like the site or do not find it informative why come here?
I’m weird. I get my absentee ballot in the mail and have plenty of time to look at it and fill it out, but then I walk it over to my polling place on Election Day so I can feel like part of the event while still having a paper trail, and get my cool sticker, and see everyone else voting, and shoot the breeze with the poll workers. Of course this would probably be in between doing lots of get-out-the-vote calls or whatever’s needed…
Vern you’re not weird, well maybe you are, but about ten percent of the voters in the precinct I work at brings their vote by mail ballot in on election day.
Rick are you free on one of those Tuesdays to early vote and watch a movie at the picture show for a buck? I bet the Dark Knight (Batman) will be playing then.
For the hardy ban of candidates for change in SA, I would recommend a couple watchers to be stationed at the SAUSD to keep an eye on the transfer of the sealed ballot boxes.